Swans - Bring The Sun - 34:07

>user, what's the longest song in your playlist? Mine's Bohemian Rhapsody but I barely listen to it because it's sooooooooo long.
>Bring The Sun? Swans? Never heard of them, let me find it real quick.
>Um user are you okay?
So fellow Yea Forumstants, what's the longest song in your playlist?

Attached: swanspepe.jpg (585x501, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


verklarte nacht by Schonenberg

Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper (83 mins)

Autechre - all end - 58:21

The Velvet Underground - Sister Ray (Live) 36:53

Fishmans - long season from otokotachi no wakare 41:31

bring the sun is one of the weakest tracks on TBK

Attached: d4b9a17.png (749x940, 566K)

PCIII rise and fall of bossanova pt4


>playlist (singular)
>doesn't categorize playlists by genres

There's literally no need for a tune to be over 4 minutes

Whirlwind by Transatlantic


just divide the song in multiple parts that flow into each other, >30 minutes is too much
rarely listen to To Be Kind

Attached: ayg1XfV.png (957x636, 47K)

But to contribute to the thread my second one is link related. youtube.com/watch?v=MrzqO7t-Q60

that would be the DJ Kentai DubCore Mix vol.1

Attached: 901645116.jpg (390x612, 31K)

Would be much better without the carpentry/horse section in the middle

Swans - Helpless Child

Mars - May Peace Prevail at 1:24:01
its really just an entire trance album mushed into a single track
is my second longest

It'd be a lot better without the horse galloping noises in the middle

Holy shit I just made a comment about this without seeing yours first
That makes you a top bloke

The Seer

Echoes - Pink Floyd (23:33)

The Gates of Delirium

he looks well-adjusted here..

Attached: spiderman doubles.jpg (800x450, 46K)


I have dopesmoker on CD, does that count?

try a 12 hour excerpt of a 5 year long album

Manuel Göttsching - E2-E4

hes an actor for a reason

Attached: file.png (866x960, 1.19M)

be a lot better without the horse shit in the middle.

william basinski - d|p 1.1 = 63:35