You don't listen to these monsters' music, do you?

You don't listen to these monsters' music, do you?

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>monsters of rock

it’s okay tho because all of John Lennon’s wives remember him very fondly

it's okay tho because all of Michael Jackson's kids were fondled

what did john lennon do?

Lennon sucks MJ rocks
what’s there to dispute?

Be a white man

I like The Beatles
John Lennon has a few great songs, but overall I'm underwhelmed by his solo stuff and I strongly prefer George Harrison and Paul McCartney.

MJ's never been my thing.

Lennon was a straight man who fucked women. Michael Jackson was a black sissy lisping faggot.

>John Lennon has a few great songs
What the fuck? 90% of the Beatles best songs were written by him

1. Lennon
2. Harrison
3. McCartney
4. Start
I like Harrison's work better but his volume of work is too small to be as good as Lennon and McCartney just made pop fluff.

He was a wife beating child neglecting maniac. But he made awesome music. So just focus on the latter part of his life.


I'm talking specifically about Lennon's solo stuff. I know he did a lot of great stuff for the Beatles, notably the good part of A Day in the Life. But I've found his solo stuff frustrating.

>oh john lennon beat wife and rejected child im not listening to his music anymore!!!! >:(
>oh no Michael Jackson abused children im not listening to his music anymore!!!! ;((((
Imagine being this retarded

Wife beating was the norm back in the good days

Produced mainly by Martin and Harrison on guitar and sitar. Harrison was a better musician.

>Harrison was a better musician
Yes, no doubt. John was the better songwriter though.

So was child neglecting and im sure kid fiddling was a-okay in MJs days

>mfw the two greatest pop artists of all time were horrible human beings

and Paul played better than both of them and even played lead on Taxman because George Harrison doesn't have the chops. even george's wife left him for clapton because he didn't have chops

No, I only listen to Charles Manson.

Literally the worst solo on The End was made by him.

If a white person found out a black man fucked their son back in the good old days the negro and his entire family would be lynched

Aaaannnnd reported.

>equating hitting your spouse in a drunken argument with years of systematically raping underage boys

Assblasted libtard detected

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>Husband of the Year, John Lennon

Look, any chick he hit had it coming to her. Chicks often got out of line in the 60s.

Announcing a report is against the rules fyi

Lennon was just a troubled man. MJ is fucking evil.

what if a white person found out a white man fucked their son back in the good old days?

>not troubled
Not to say he wasn't also evil but just look at him.

>lol guys beating a woman it's ok lol because there are worse things :)
This is your brain on watching too much TV

They lynched the man and then the son for having caught the big gay.

Can't tell if b8 or retarded

i dont listen to either. not because of their personnel lives, but because their music is shit

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Beating a woman isn't bad at all. It keeps them in their place.

Can't tell if b8 or retarded.


If you had a father like that you wouldn't be saying that.

That's the mindset of a John Lennon fan. I'll literally turn on the PC right now because I cant believe there are such evil human beings that sympathize with this monster. I really hope for all of you that support him to fucking pay for your fucking crimes, retards. Good fucking bye

John Lennon and Michael Jackson are shit? Well, what is your favorite artist sir?

turn off*
God I hate all of you.

MJ is so fucking overrated.

I recommend Reddit I'm pretty sure you'll gonna love it.

bashed and redpilled

only kids in middle school have a favorite artist

Kids deserve to be raped these days, they're assholes. Women deserve to be beaten these days, they're bitches.

Assblasted. So salty I can't even tell if it's real.

And you did?

Another episode of The Greatest Pop Songwriter of All Time Triggers Retarded Redditor.

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>Implying pop ever had good lyrics.


Attached: didnothinwrong.png (807x573, 595K)

He wasn't even the best songwriter in his band

>songwriting is only writing lyrics
Not really. The only one who comes close to his skills is Brian wilson.

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>this is your average Paulfag

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Paul is objectively better

>fraud McCartney is better than John Lennon
Kek. I mean, yea if you're 70years old.

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And also gay.


Funny how John is eternally shat on for supposedly beating his wife, even though he only slapped her once when they were teenagers.
Meanwhile Ringo drunkenly beats his wife to near death several times and is let off the hook.

I still listen to Lennon because there hasn’t been a documentary made about him

Not really.

pauls solo is the best though

No, but only because they suck, lmao

>Thinks John Lennon sucks
t. Cuck

The beatles were okay, but his solo stuff was fucking boring

t. Sean Lennon

Better than your solo stuff, cuck. You prefer solo black cocks entering your ass.

He already has ”im gon get caught” written all over

Fuck off roastie

Announcing report is a rule.



Terrible people can make good music and great people can make garbage music. Criticize the music, not the person behind it.

>I can't keep women in their place without resorting to the most primitive means possible

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>Being primitive is bad
t. Gets cucked by niggers

t. mindset of a nigger


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unironically no
never got into MJ or JL's solo stuff so I am absolved of all their collective sins

t. Cant keep his emotions in check
What are you a woman?

Paul was superior.

Paul would buy you a drink. Lennon is the guy that would judge you for not being vegan.

But Paul was the vegan one, what the fuck?

>this entire post
You have to go back.

actually btfoed

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Yeah but he probably wouldn't judge

pic related

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Nice reddit spacing, r*dditor. Now go back to r/Beatles.

>Reddit spacing