Post good vaporwave
Post good vaporwave
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where is the defining line between vaporwave, synthwave, and chillwave?
Blank banshee sucks and isn’t vaporwave!
Even better when driving through the city late at night.
Technically vaportrap
>tape clicks
I'm glad George Clanton gave these guys more exposure, and I have a feeling they haven't even done their best work yet
Severely underrated album:
chillwave is literally vaporwave before it had that name. the only difference is that some of it wasn't as sample based. synthwave has nothing to do with vaporwave other than that both employ japanese shit in the aesthetic. of course there are some albums that employ both.
>sample based internet music
yes it is
i dont think they'll top deep fantasy. incubo was a disappointment.
What's the story behind this? I can't find anything
you first OP :)
sorry I only post not good vaporwave check it out
god i miss vaporwave
The MEGA tour was fantastic
This is my favorite
Trap flavored vaporwave
Chillwave wasn't vaporwave when it "came out", it was just lo fi synth pop, as an extension of hypnagogic pop; once sampling became more prominent it became tough to separate chillwave from vaporwave.
Blank Banshee is just trap with a vapor aesthetic, its no different musically than other trap.
0 and 1 are leagues better
good shit
Is Haircuts for Men known around the vaporwave community? I don't listen to much vw at all, but this album is fantastic
Haircuts for Men is great.
I’ve had sex to this album on numerous occasions
2047 is also some good HKE