This album is ______

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shit normie pleb garbage boring

shit. stop listening to the beatles you stupid tourist. anyone that dares tries to argue against this is a butthurt little child.

>listens to Animal Collective and Death Grips

Revolver by The Beatles

not as good as rubber soul, the best beatles album.

the best album ever


The Beatles are the greatest band of all time, and you Beatles haters know it.


Poopiekaka poopieshit

A 5/10
-Piero Scaruffi

Beach Boys better


you're just butthurt because your butt hurts

Fabulous, and probably my favorite Beatles album (that I've heard. Still haven't listened to them all.)

The Best Beatles Album. Or most the most listenable album from some mediocre 60s band. Take your pick.

The Beatles finally freed themselves from the obsession of emulating others in 1966, with Revolver, an album entirely dedicated to sophisticated songs. The album, extremely polished, seems the lighter version of Rubber Soul. The psychedelic Tomorrow Never Knows (sitar, backward guitar, organ drones), the vaguely oriental Love You To, the classic Eleanor Rigby, the Vaudevillian operetta Good Day Sunshine, the rhythm and blues of Got To Get You Into My Life and Dr. Robert, as well as Rain, recorded in the same sessions (with backward vocals, inspired by the Byrds' Eight Miles High, that had charted just weeks before), are all mitigated by an ever more languid and romantic attitude. The few jolts of rhythm are kept at bay by a tender effusion in I'm Only Sleeping (with a timid solo of backward guitar), There And Everywhere and For No One. With this album the Beatles left behind rock and roll to get closer to pop music, the pop music of the Brill Building, that is, a genre of pop that sees Revolver as its masterpiece. (At the time melodic songs all over the world were inspired by the Brill Building). Of course Revolver was a thousand years late. That same year Dylan had released Blonde On Blonde, a double album with compositions fifteen minutes long, and Frank Zappa had released Freak Out, also a double album, in collage format. Rock music was experimenting with free form jams as in Virgin Forest by the Fugs, Up In Her Room by the Seeds, Going Home by the Rolling Stones. The songs of the Beatles truly belonged to another century.

better than most of this boards users will give it credit for.


probably the consistently best album from probably the world's best band.
Arguably some of their other work is better in parts, but I think as a unified record, Revolver is far and away their best work.
And of course it's also arguable that they're "the GOAT band" but given their influence and undeniable talent, they certainly are top contenders.
And so, since they're one of the top bands of all time and it's probably their top album, it's a solid contender for best album of all time.

Check my math, I think it works out.

only worthwhile response

their best

Whoops. Ruined another trip

Depends on which AnCo. They have some pretty out-there stuff that scares pseuds.

not as good as Sgt. Pepper or Abbey Road, but really good nevertheless.

their best album



Im too young to like it

for high schoolers.

I always have this funny feeling that Revolver was, to a certain extent, like Pet Sounds in that it only came to be fully appreciated and embraced long after its release. This, however, is not borne out by looking at the charts. In America, Revolver held onto the #1 spot in the charts for 6 weeks, and stayed in the Top 200 until February 1968. That latter point is most impressive.


a masterpiece


fuck off tripfag

the fact that

One of the greatest and most important rock albums of all time

fucking shit