Attached: 1550106281546.jpg (1067x1600, 194K)

Other urls found in this thread: slugman / sharkman / GENERAL/text/sluggo/ generaI/* roastie/ erper/

Attached: 1535184903541.png (1394x623, 1.52M)

even bacon isn't this much of a bitch

Attached: Yeojin10.jpg (1080x1436, 167K)

Attached: 74581be9192c89dc7f5f8dfbed68b389.jpg (1239x1212, 183K)

How long do you think it'll be until feminism ruins kpop?

Attached: theonlykpopgroupthatactuallymattersnowadays.png (1481x872, 1.86M)

don't samefag roastie

there's only one pair of feet i want to tickle

Attached: slug-sole.webm (640x642, 2.91M)


oh look slugroastie and his discord troupe are on

I do all the classic slutpop moves (bending over, shaking my ass, rubbing tits) in the mirror.

any sharkman in
we are also known as sharkman and nakyman

I love Hwang Eunbi

Attached: 1w945SM.jpg (3840x5760, 1.51M)


Attached: 1547507466900.jpg (1350x2400, 662K)

it's only too easy to baconblast

Attached: bacon ice cream.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

I have a request - please post any drawings or paintings of idols that you have, they're usually pretty unique and I want to expand my collection, I'll post a few myself

Attached: 1551769855968.jpg (1876x1200, 2.57M)

why does he suck on ice cream

somebody post cake

mental illness general slugman / sharkman / GENERAL/text/sluggo/ generaI/* roastie/ erper/

will she be in mnh ngg?

Attached: 1544092533638.webm (658x800, 2.86M)

do you feel empowered?

Attached: 1549842565405.jpg (1684x1562, 554K)

Attached: wjkrQim.jpg (375x500, 43K)

I'm pretty sure they specifically said she wouldn't be many months ago

Attached: DxLkwSXUYAAQ0cA.jpg (2400x2400, 186K)

Attached: 1549210148213.jpg (992x1324, 122K)

post irene's ass

Attached: j9x1IDi.png (2162x1624, 3.91M)

ugly tranny

he knows

Attached: bacon and sausage.gif (177x200, 1.33M)

im not posting my wife for you to do lewd things to the pictures

wow they actually managed to make cubuggo look passable

*pom pom*

Attached: Dz6E3u5UwAE4FX8.jpg (789x1200, 197K)

Attached: DnOVbZtXoAIPC0B.jpg (736x736, 85K)

himiko toga..

freaking CUTE mini slug

she is same age as itzy tho

Attached: 1544093975481.webm (1074x800, 2.93M)

the ugliest shits
don't samefag roastie

That's a cute drawing

Attached: 1549210071765.jpg (900x1369, 148K)

im telling you she would get it

Attached: 1551952384290.jpg (1534x2048, 365K)

real yejiman only after this point

Attached: Spit in my mouth mommy 3.webm (1920x1080, 1.67M)

el goblino

who are some legitimately pure idols like seohyun?

love all my sharkbros and slugbros

Attached: D1F4_FUX0AAcw-u.jpg (1080x1080, 113K)

it's just you roastie

hey friend
how are you

we hate you and your ugly roastie

Attached: 50315491_321613738460806_8789472938268807660_n.jpg (480x480, 19K)

Attached: DC1E57B4-9800-490F-8872-EF76CCAFCC28.thumb.jpeg.86c2189acea62faac11e776c7ab74a84.jpg (170x170, 19K)

get her fucking ass

how can one girl be this beautiful...

Attached: 1550226248111.jpg (2000x2000, 525K)

yuna looks 18 tho, she looks 12. In kpop actual age doesn't matter just what age they look like

Attached: SinfulAgonizingAnemoneshrimp.webm (1200x1080, 2.32M)

satan is based and slugpilled

why can i only express my love through a stupid computer screen?

Attached: 1551926566145.jpg (2149x930, 171K)

meant for not that ugly tranny sluggo

based nakybros aka yuqichads

does he know that he has tons of desperate fans willing to do anything for him

Attached: 1552174330615.jpg (235x235, 5K)

cute japanese smile

Attached: 1551033974947.jpg (555x515, 19K)

she had work done on her teeth didn't she?

I don't even like Itzy, but damn if I don't love sharkposters, she is very cute


thats ok it still increases her power

Post pure mijoo

Attached: mj.webm (500x954, 2.59M)

just took this pic of my gf lol what a qt

Attached: D1Rk-igVYAIp7et.jpg (1080x1080, 197K)

mijoo and slug are good friends.

Attached: AXMJr1M.jpg (1800x1200, 483K)

dancer guy.....

>Twicechads when comeback drops

Attached: 1551474772587.jpg (400x400, 22K)

fucking yikes

Attached: 1551824598019.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

ugly apes, both of them

yes, and he probably enjoys knowing it

Attached: bacon lucky one.gif (268x300, 1.99M)

Irene fans have to work so hard retouching her pics. Fighting.

Attached: HbAsapN.jpg (1599x1200, 942K)

>twice having a comeback the same week as avengers

Attached: callmebaby.webm (810x1440, 745K)

*plays arcane intellect*

fucking yikes
glad i dropped her for yeji

Attached: rainbu.png (1024x576, 667K)

hey user, IM GONNA BITE YA!

Attached: 1551402684966.webm (358x640, 2.73M)

fuck where is the ksoo version of that gif

Attached: VTUymcX.jpg (2657x2277, 740K)

trying to decide whose feet i want to tickle more between yeji and seulgi

Bigshit confirmed releasing official announcement soon
Let's gooo

Attached: (720x1280, 164K)

hey my name actually is sam :)

itzy shitters are worse than LOONA and BP shitters combined at this point

miss her so much

shes really cute lol

Attached: Ca1sC87UEAAAdsZ.jpg (1365x2048, 395K)

will this confirm a comeback is in the works or will it also give us a date?

Attached: D1JWB8YV4AENuMd.jpg (2048x1536, 374K)

Attached: MaknaeSplit.webm (810x1440, 1.48M)


post the purest girl. you know the one

talk about plebcore

Attached: CTVc2VZUwAAaPXC.jpg (243x400, 13K)


Attached: 53076648_636916130096211_7688682557277211555_n.jpg (1080x1080, 184K)

kawaii teeth

Attached: kokoro5.webm (1920x1080, 1.08M)

freaking CUTE

anyone have an updated mobame izone link? the old google drive only goes up to feb 28

Attached: D1MfugZU8AEBij2.jpg orig.jpg (1300x1300, 279K)

itzy is a roastie group, and combined with the most annoying toddlers, this is what you get


this woman is 25

Attached: B1bIc8TCcAE5Iov.jpg (430x589, 46K)

Attached: RoundandRound.webm (1920x1080, 2.79M)

Attached: LARGE.jpg (5000x5000, 1.95M)

you ask this a lot have you still not found it

Attached: dedication.gif (177x240, 425K)

hell spawn

her stage name means "thumb" in korean

Attached: 1531192747691.jpg (800x1199, 160K)

meant for

seulgi bro. she's the queen of ticklish feet
thanks fellow chad, i love her more than anything

Attached: Dw4TlMiWsAIwkml.jpg (640x640, 72K)
what a qt

literal succubus

bacon on a leash
that's it that's the post

which twice would have the hardest time finding a boyfriend?

Attached: Everglow Sihyeon butt.webm (554x810, 1.32M)

meant for

i want to taste the rainbow

seulgi it is then

Attached: dont look there.webm (1280x720, 593K)

Are you trying to say he's a dog?

Attached: 1532268356822.jpg (1200x1800, 1.6M)

they'd all get one easily but which one takes the longest microsecond would be cub obviously


tzuyu because she cant talk

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

cubuggo, nayuggo and dubuggo on account of being uglier than sin

Attached: 1551521915391.jpg (1000x562, 55K)

Attached: Harem.jpg (1400x1229, 1.16M)

baekhyun on drugs

i'm looking at her belly button and you can't stop me

Attached: blooming days.webm (1920x1080, 2.53M)

a lot of men like that

>implying she needs to

manface, manface, manface, manface
manface, manface, manface, manface

thinking about tickling Yeji and Seulgi's feet at the same time and comparing who is more ticklish


Attached: 1550780435961.jpg (4797x4800, 1.56M)

Attached: c9a7b7af2dd48e8f91714efa116cc5575e17da8f_00.gif (268x151, 603K)

cub crying because it took her 0.02 seconds to get a rich chad boyfriend

A date obviously

she just got lucky (unlike most j-qt's)

Attached: kokoro7.webm (1920x1080, 366K)

Attached: dutinuum.gif (600x539, 2.58M)

Damn I'm impressed

implying women need to engage in conversation to get a man especially when you look like chewy

give me that manface right now then

Attached: 1552238860244.jpg (736x1177, 124K)

absolute state of Chengycucks

Attached: DtzwqdKV4AAXFby.jpg (700x393, 33K)

literally the cutest shit

that's some extreme luck since most japanese people's teeth rival british people's teeth

>shopped pic

based suga

cutest boy in the universe

Attached: D1S0_dQU0AEYZup.jpg (1000x1500, 158K)

where are my slugbros at ww@

very nice ears


what happens to the winner?

he's like an actual puppy

Attached: ,,.....webm (1600x900, 1.84M)

that's not quite it, no

while all the mentally ill people are arguing about seulgi, the normal people are about to post images of nayeon's obscene bottom!

Why didn't you tell me DTNA jap version was a bop

Attached: 1550801257794.png (1200x800, 2.38M)

Twice is coming back on the the 8th of April
Stray Kids is coming back 25th and 8th of April is exactly 2 weeks later
looks like Twice and IZ*ONE will be head to head

woozi staring down the barrel of a gun because girls dont want to date manlets

Attached: Dtzu3GJVAAALYcL.jpg (700x393, 41K)

is luda going to have weird colored hair next comeback

we're just being chads bro what's up

Attached: DereoD3V4AAUkRF.jpg (800x1200, 202K)

>trusting chink sources

that one post said 22nd though

based. what about the loser?

but we need more webms:

british teeth aren't bad i've never understood that meme

how do you know what girls want

how will the landscape of kpg change when izone and twice go head to head?

Attached: 1546306232043.webm (1920x1080, 2.28M)

They are not coming back after BTS

Joy from Red Velvet

i wonder if they will finally kill luda this time

she's got a really really big mouth too so you can see everything

Attached: kokoro9.webm (1920x1080, 397K)

cub getting arrested for assisted suicide after woozi found with two bullet holes in the back of his head

she is gonna get assaulted

he's actually very gross when he eats, but it's okay because it's him

Attached: 6b4caad1gy1g0vjevpxg2j20go0m7jzs.jpg (600x799, 312K)

>roastie talking to herself

the way he's trying to overcompensate by getting ripped is kinda sad

meant for

Attached: kokoro3.webm (502x800, 2.89M)

what kind of dinosaur is this

Attached: 51969826_318998992088017_7548478902755763001_n.jpg (1080x1350, 88K)

Attached: KBSGayoDaejunIntoTheNewWorld.jpg (4096x2660, 2.23M)

i never thought that he hate in a gross way but those MMMMMMMs make me laugh every time

BTS moved their comeback from late April to mid-April, Twice will not comeback on the same week as BTS, they will move their comeback one week ahead because IZ*ONE are (let's be honest) pretty nugu and easier competitors

our girls

ujungs are fucked in the head

she has omg mimi's smile


new bora

Attached: D1VQDL1X4AABn83.jpg (674x674, 67K)

so just like a puppy then

worship but it still tickles. wonder who would win

Attached: DzBOddXU8AARI-3.jpg (799x1200, 101K)


Attached: add.jpg (500x749, 88K)

an albino one

in terms of visuals
ioi > gfriend > red velvet > twice

the ugliest shits


Attached: bacon flip.webm (640x360, 2.42M)

yes or yes sounds better in the jap version too

everyone should get ripped though

>just one virgin in the whole pic

meant for

post it

yes, his mouth is just attractive no matter what he's doing

Attached: redhead.gif (468x531, 3.2M)

it really puts into perspective how ugly most groups are when you put them next to twice

Attached: 190222 체리블렛 Cherry Bullet 'Q&A' - 유주 FOCUS 지� (796x800, 2.91M)

you're in the pic?

post her feet

Attached: D0xERJQU4AALgNP.jpg (683x1024, 76K)

because thats what rape victims do, they dye their hair weird colors

>tries to act like he didnt just fucking faceplant

Attached: kekshot.webm (1920x850, 2.58M)

baekhyun superhero..

bunny teeth spotted

shut the fuck up

is there anything he's not good at?

Attached: D0x7uKyX0AAFGpt.jpg (1500x991, 212K)

im gonna fap to every girl in this picture, one by one

i would pay him to shoot me in the face

not being an annoying little shit

cb sl*t

Attached: Dzt9xrmV4AAa29X.jpg (2048x1365, 235K)

i really love hwang eunbi and i want to make hwang eunbabies with her

Attached: new4.jpg (500x750, 183K)

Chanyeol would never fuck up like this

Attached: 1551484928440.jpg (1000x1500, 156K)

IZ*ONE is so fucked if the rumors are true and they are coming back on the same day

slug always wins

Attached: 1537644697909.jpg (1200x1920, 508K)

this isn't about you chanyeol

Attached: 1545993337015.jpg (800x1561, 125K)

what rumors

both on 8/4

imagine if izone win the head to head lmao
kpg would implode

Attached: yena (9).jpg (768x1024, 75K)

Twice was undefeated against IOI

IZ*ONE isn't even close to IOI yet

who else is coming back on that day?

Attached: fish.gif (600x338, 3.16M)

based. do you think she's the most tickleable idol of all time?

Attached: DlRT6CrW0AIIBGb.jpg (800x1200, 174K)

at being the ugliest shit lol


Attached: 1532538223556.webm (964x1080, 2.96M)

not like they were going to chart #1 anyway

Attached: D05tofqWwAAn8Lh.jpg (1462x2048, 459K)

izone coming back on the 15th

Attached: D05pGZTV4AAu5dH.jpg (1125x1066, 127K)

without a doubt. who could resist this bright smile and adorable laugh?

Attached: SlugGiggle.webm (470x470, 644K)

be tall

i can hear this gif

Attached: granny.webm (860x870, 606K)

>slugroastie talking to herself
so sad

They have a lag on when they get physicals to JPN stores
it will be the 8-9th

he has good proportions

Attached: D1TNN1nWwAADzSn.jpg (750x1334, 140K)

Attached: D0vWGZ1UcAAgKhI.jpg (960x960, 69K)

bacon could GET it

i just saw a video of a nong eating the head of a dead rat, fur and all.
thank fucking god korea doesn't have nongs

Attached: yena (5).jpg (768x1024, 137K)

Attached: D0TFK8KVYAAfFdX.jpg (944x1024, 131K)

Attached: D1S9_45U8AAZLV3?format=jpg&name=orig.jpg (750x425, 33K)

i know i sure as hell couldn't. id be all over that

Attached: D08feK6U0AAsjXJ.jpg (980x653, 66K)

>yfw Seungri is going to jail

wow, she's beautiful

wtf i just realize yuri looks fucking clapped in this

Attached: yena (28).jpg (648x648, 64K)

that whole pic is kino

There was like a week or two where she had long hair with silver colouring

Attached: twicetagram_190201_06_BtVCo79ArZU.jpg (1080x1080, 63K)

don't samefag roastie

leave my wife alone

Attached: D1Sx_JuU8AA2PF0.jpg_orig.jpg (2424x3394, 1.21M)

thats the first bad pic of yuri ive ever seen

Attached: yena (22).jpg (960x720, 67K)

the next exo solo

thank you for complimenting my girlfriendwife

Attached: DsWxK5VVYAAmE_6.jpg (800x1200, 90K)

Attached: 0q9tkttd6ih11.jpg (1280x1920, 267K)

word that too

>white women

no even once

Attached: just say no.jpg (1920x1080, 988K)


don't samefag roastie

Attached: 1492480666494.jpg (561x808, 40K)

lmao @ momoland for cancelling their teasers an hour before release

Attached: yena (36).jpg (648x648, 39K)

post luda's cute butt

slug looks like UMU from react to the K

freaking CUTE!

wony and yuna threesome

t. sam

yep, gonna need the hairbrush for these


Attached: 3ljMaYs.jpg (3487x5230, 2.02M)

where the fuck is fromis

Attached: Dk4bMYYU4AEF7IT.jpg orig.jpg (1080x1080, 135K)

my wife was always pretty
even before debut

Attached: DhGdLmIWAAA2Dzx.jpg (920x1200, 146K)

ugliest tranny

they will come back in May and get stomped by Red Velvet

First time hearing After School. Track is purty good.


>reddit velvet
dead and flop group

whats the title of their comeback song? beem?

Attached: 1542586139894.jpg (1333x1999, 216K)

slugroastie and her uggo bf

Attached: mavahim_by_gothictsukasasess_d531xgv-pre.jpg (774x1032, 175K)

and yet IZONE will get no wins during April
REd Velvet are still more relevant than almost every other group

i doubt rv could stomp fromis
they won literally 0 shows with rbb
they couldnt even farm a win on The Show

delusional roastieluvs everyone

literally the most beautiful angel

Attached: DoAf5dUX0AEFYpw.jpg (800x1200, 90K)

i'm going through all their stuff and liking most of it

tell me how that's delusional

Attached: DzqL8VjUcAEEBow.jpg (1281x1920, 399K)


choi yena... choi yena's brother...

>most beautiful angel
>posts the ugliest shit
what did she mean by that


I hope they get a public network win this time
they couldn't get shit outside of cable network wins

Attached: D1Uz_unVsAAudhs?format=jpg&name=orig.jpg (750x500, 65K)

fucking perfect

because they failed to get a win during rbb
that would never happen to izone

I get it now

we are in nuareu

meant to quote not that ugly tranny seulgi, sorry guys

Based and redpilled

slugchads have the best taste

Attached: 1486454455384.jpg (1200x1166, 176K)

screenshotted your post when izone doesn't win shit when twice & BTS sweep all awards

at school

Attached: D09xRzBWkAU08iI.jpg (1078x1054, 123K)

it's just you roastie and we all know you have the worst taste

Slugroastie literally can’t stop getting BTFO lol

way to early to make that claim for izone who only have one korean release so far

Imagine the smell of their feet

when the FUCK is yena gonna do a solo vlive

Attached: yena (27).jpg (960x960, 181K)

flop velvet can't stomp anyone


Attached: DowQLzhU4AINb-m.jpg orig.jpg (1334x2000, 392K)

slugroastie BTFO for the millionth time

how can you look at slug's legs and feet and not get wood? you have to be actually gay dbh

wtf do they need school for

Attached: DpFN_ysU0AAr-4S.jpg orig.jpg (1333x2000, 364K)

flop velvet never stomped in their entire careers
we aren’t roasties like you

what a woman

>falling for the most obvious bait
some of you are hopeless

Attached: 1545602314635.jpg (265x260, 10K)



Attached: 1546063141310.webm (1080x1920, 1.62M)

i know right? i don't understand fags.

>roastie desperately samefagging this much

jiheon needs to learn how to ____