Are you keepin 'em empty?

are you keepin 'em empty?

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With my hand ;-;

Stupid munchkin cocklover

>tfw go to a KKB show and want to ask Sarah for an autograph after but when I walk up to her shes french kissing with the crusher and his penis is rubbing against her thigh

i will to lick sarah's feet

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Would you lick them after crusher nuts on them

I would think there would be new material coming out of this guy. Most of the screens I see are old. Maybe hes on to you guys.

He probably is but his twitter is still active just not with Sarah.

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What did he mean by this?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-10 at 4.48.09 PM.png (1178x918, 1.21M)

He must have a wonderful personality. Good for her. I'd love to clean her up after Mr. Crusher finishes in her pussy.

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>mfw my perfectly sincere thread discussing what kind of music a doomer listens to gets taken down but this shit stays up

Fuck you janny

Attached: gm0ADUu.jpg (900x900, 66K)

lmao thats fucking disgusting

Attached: street nigga.jpg (450x828, 75K)

everyone wants to get cucked by crusher

I find it hilarious that she is seemingly okay with him posting stuff like this

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chads can get away with anything, it's not a meme. i remember seeing a pic where a guy made 2 fake accounts on tinder, one with an attractive male and another with average looks. both sent the same messages to girls, stuff like "yo bitch let's fuck". girls responded positively to chad and admired his confidence, while they blocked the second guy and threatened to report his account

Have you seen his dick? Not saying all women are like that but all women are like that. If you can fuck they'll let you do anything

>implying the CRUSHER can maintain his form while on tour
>implying he'd go on tour or even hang out at the show for his gf's gay band

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more Sarah's feet pls

How many dicks do you have to eat

Before you make your mouth turn pink

Suck too much and you'll get sick

Dicks are pretty big

I don't think a mongol can be a chad...

Is this dude 13? Lmao

Attached: crush em.jpg (495x414, 32K)

Oh hey, a picture I made.

Jesus Christ

Attached: 1394647112397.png (564x676, 13K)

They match, both ugly and small

fucking lmao



Haha she had sex! Isn't that funny guys! She had sex! Something every normal person does and something that nobody who makes these posts will ever do! Haha she had sex!!!!

Is it spring break?

fucking brilliant


Hopefully this will make you guys stop buying her music.
That's what would happen if a Japanese idol done such thing.

I'm not saying she's pure, retard; I'm saying the opposite. It's unreasonable to think anyone other than ascetics refrains from sex and doubly so to think they won't go for the people they find attractive. I don't understand how you find an obsession with a girl getting dicked down by chad to be funny.

shut the fuck up. how dare you be condensing in a crusher thread?

like if a 10 did the same shit versus some fat bitch you wouldn't do the same


it's not spring break until the church reairs the jesus death arc

In some places it is

holy fucking shit dude



I would lick the cum off them

Literally this? Why do people act like this is something that only girls do? Obviously you’re going to react favorably to an attractive person and unfavorably to an unattractive one...

Yeah no. Every single dating study done has shown that men approach women at massively higher rates than women approach men.

If an average female texted a man "yo let's fuck" the vast majority of guys would instantly be up for it.

Fucking retard

That’s because the “average” attractiveness for females is way higher than the “average” attractiveness for males, you complete Neanderthals. “Average”-looking females still take care of their skin, care about their clothes, shave their bodies, wear makeup, and just generally take much better care of their appearances than men do. They are much better-looking than “average” males.

Source for any of this??

Observing any of the outside world, you retarded faggot. If you don’t think that women take more care of their physical appearances then men do you are just a complete fucking idiot.

>no facts or sources; literally just making shit up
I accept your concession.

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whores r funny bro

by what metric? Also women age like trash, so your argument falls apart after 30ish

best thing i've seen all week. thanks for the keks user.

fukken saved

He doesn't have an argument at any age rage, period.

There is no proof that women value soft/feminine skin the same way that men do.

There is no proof that women care about their clothes any more than men do.

There is no proof that women care about what men wear as much or more than men do.

There is no proof that women prefer shaved bodies on men.

There is no proof that women want men to start using makeup.

He's a retarded cocksucking faggot

whats some good music to work out to Yea Forums?

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he must be stretching her pussy out every single night

Attached: Screenshot_20190226-221608_LiveMe~2.jpg (676x676, 49K)

vegetas lower half

>this is my pussu
is this dude retarded or what?

at least she sticks to her own race

>roiding for this

You may be retarded user, get checked please.

This is Yea Forums they are being autistic about it, you are right, average men take less care of themselves, than average women.

With an ugly overcompensating caveman, speaks a lot about her, trashy bitch

Chinese and Japanese don't get along bro. She's probably rebelling because she's Hafu and isn't respected anyway.

lmao, maybe 50 years ago, but the bar gets lower for women everyday, some women literally created a movement about obesity being beautiful and healthy instead of just changing some habits to get to a healthy weight, all of this by reaching flat earther levels of science denial

Don’t worry, Crusher does it every night so you don’t have to.


Attached: Crusher.jpg (1024x1024, 173K)

How often does that girl look at that dude's unit?

imagine loving yourself this much

I wish i did then maybe i would have the confidence to ask a girl out like crusher :(


I'm mirin

Has a single discovery ever completely ruined a band's reputation over night like this did?

And westerners wonder why idol bands aren't like bfs in Asia.

idk whenever i tried to bring it up to my friend irl he just ignored me. also czech casting 'em

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The crusher meme is some of the funniest shit.

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holy shit....this is real....what the fuck

I’m working on it. Been working out for barely over a month and I’m already looking and feeling much better.

good for you bro its good to improve on yourself

It’s more hilarious that her soiboy neet fans have to witness it

Anything hotter than finding out a woman is a cockslut?
Me thinks not.

Gettin there

Stop posting this please God

Honest question, is he legally retarded?

I hate leg dick, I usually tuck it up

Attached: Crushers dick .gif (480x360, 295K)

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yes. 13 inches

he's a niggerchink, probably has a 4" dick at best and is seriously over compensating for it, the roids won't be helping either. don't be too jealous bois

so mad

>he's a niggerchink
Go be racist somewhere else, waifufag
>probably has a 4" dick at best
That thing already looks at least 5" FLACCID, stimulating it slightly to make it photogenic might be an argument but he's not even pitching a tent yet
>and is seriously over compensating for it
>the roids won't be helping either. don't be too jealous bois
You don't know a lot about steroids, do you? This rationalization is sad, he's crushing your waifu and you have to deal with it


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>You don't know a lot about steroids, do you?
They drain your sack
>keeping the balls empty
And the belly full

LOL at this

Why do tranny's love this band so much? I enjoy them but whenever they come on i just get annoyed that freaks like them too


what do you mean?

>ywn crush sarah
give me a reason to live

there's none we're crushed...

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very good high quality post user

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/CRUSHER/ is the only good meme Yea Forums made in these last 6 years

>its a manlet thinks he has a big dick episode

lmao this is pathetic
thank god i never felt for this band meme shit songs

unironically decided to listen to this album for the first time just now as i started my workout

what the fuck Yea Forums

I'm so glad this shit is still posted, when it first happened it was one of the funniest things on Yea Forums ever

It is but its kinda getting stale since nothing new has been developed out of it. It was funny reading the replies of KKB fans/waifu fags that had no clue about Crusher. But I think at this point everyone on this board knows about Crusher.

her having a visible boyfriend was such a rookie mistake, you'd think that she'd know not to risk it

my cock is only somewhat above average and i'll also have an imprint like that if i wore pants as tight as he does

lol she looks so retarded and happy

based janny. fuck wojak and frog posters

>kero kero bonito


every time this guy is posted I cannot stop laughing

Firstly at this dude making his dick as visible as possible
Secondly at the Sarah fanboys who find out about him for the first time

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based fuck doomerfaggots

he's bullying you!!!!

some things need to be kept alive because they are so gd epic

i'm fine with crusher, i just think she could have played her cards better. she had to have known what kind of fanbase that she'd have

>just third eye thoughts


thats the next episode. crusher dumps her and releases the tapes.

if theres one thing i'm sure about in this world is they have filmed themselves fucking 110% absolutely certain of it

she's too hot for you geeky

absolutely. When they break up he's gonna post a video fucking her doggy style pov, grunting like an absolute animal and then pulling out and cumming on her back

This is why crusherposting should never have died.

it never died you nerds are obsessed with sarah and dream about her every night

Gotta keep the belly full somehow

even if you're falling...that's okay! there's a trampoline waiting for you! it's so easy! you just have to believe! CHING CHONG BHING BONG

>There is no proof that women value soft/feminine skin the same way that men do.
Woman value soft skin because the they like feeling soft

>There is no proof that women care about their clothes any more than men do.
tell that to the next autist you see with a fedora and an anime tshirt

>There is no proof that women care about what men wear as much or more than men do.
tell that to the next autists mom

>There is no proof that women prefer shaved bodies on men.
got me

>There is no proof that women want men to start using makeup.
other than testimonials from women saying "men have such nice skin, it's a waste"
foundation is different from lipstick, idiot

>ruined reputation
Only on this board maybe.

concrete jungle desu ne

Attached: concrete jungle.jpg (1500x997, 378K)


you are obsessed with dick


what does any of this mean
t. Just started listening to KBB in the past few months

This is photoshopped right?

I'm not a Sarah fanboy but just finding out this, based off their music, I'm very surprised.

let's do this

Attached: WKSOFve.jpg (600x450, 463K)



Grrr... I'm heated now... can't fucking take it anymore. God... stress hnng..... mmm sarah is for ME only...

By the way, why do my parents get mad at me for having poor hygiene?

Do you keep 'em empty?

as I'VE told YOU one MILLION times IT IS NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>he keeps em full

STOP IT11111111

nunez a cute