Thoughts on this bitch's music?

Thoughts on this bitch's music?

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10 seconds in, the beat sounds like shit and she cannot sing. Not even pretty to justify this absolute pile of crap.

It's incredibly below average and forgettable. There is absolutely nothing new or original about her aesthetic. This song in particular is so drowsy and lethargic. The steel guitar is kind of nice for little flourishes but there's nothing exciting about the song itself. There's no lushness or rich harmonies, it's just elevator music with a sad girl complaining in her mediocre singing voice.

Better than i had anticipated, but still nothing amazing. Her voice is pretty good but the song feels very derivative. I fail to see how this would interest hip-hop heads in any way.

cant believe you made me listen to this vapid garbage.

All i had to do was read that garbage to never click that link. We already went through the Why? Alopecia era. We don't need this.

well yeah, OP's picture says it's folk for the sort of people who listen to hiphop, you'd think they'd be used to boring, vapid, derivative music with basic instrumentation

>Folk tunes for hip-hop heads
No. No views for you. Fuck off

hoy shit she is white. like so fucking pale. cute though

>she is white. like so fucking pale.
yeah pale girls get my dick hard.

i suppose my expectation from the blurb was like hip-hop-ish folk and was a little curious as to how that would sound (while still expecting it to be shit) and it was just shit through and through.

where's the hip-hop?

more like crap for crap-heads

Put the knifes down, boys. She's a fellow gamer.

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>405 hours
so 3 - 4 RPGs

is this a black foot on top of her head?

btw literally made for bbc

>folk tunes for hip hop heads
music journalism does not have a right to exist
also this bitch can't sing for shit, but low t subhumans will eat it up for le wacky hawaiian aesthetic

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She sounds deaf

>nigger obsessed with white women
can you be any more of a stereotype

you're so easy to bait it's incredible.

weak whiteboi can't handle another loss to the bbc

love her

how tf is this shit folk for hip hop heads??

won't listen

Further proof that nothing good comes from Atlanta

>Lush harmonies
You’re not Anthony fantano you little faggot. The songs not bad it sounds like Neil Young

Why does every new artist have to have this same memey aesthetic

ok retard

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oh so fuckin sorry...i didn't know Rap Christ came from ALT.....pls forgive me

You are forgiven. However, should you make this mistake for a second time, I shall not be so kind.

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