Has there ever been a more evil musician?
Has there ever been a more evil musician?
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Michael Jackson.
>Michael Jackson.
Michael jackson and mac milar
Moral relativism. Let's not go branding any of these guys "evil" - it's just relative to our current social sensitivities
uh the guy raped an actual infant. take your moral relativism back to your intro philosophy course
violating babbies is not good, mmmkay?
I hit this guy with a water bottle back during warped tour and sometimes I wonder if I was the one who sent him over the edge.
you raped that baby user
yes you are the one who made him bang kids.
wot dis mufafucker do wrong??
its dubious whether he actually did. fucking sjws killed brand new and i will never forgive them for that
I've been thinking. How does this even happen? Was asking the baby's mother what she thinks of baby fuck his normal way of breaking the ice?
He was a rockstar. Women would let you rape them if you were a rockstar. Women have no morals or sense of right.
Fuck off apologist.
OP, if most people knew how bad Hollywood and the Music industry was most record labels and film studios would little more than smoking craters with bones protruding from the ashes by now.
Trust me, Lost Prophets wanker wasn't even the tip of the iceberg.
>Was asking the baby's mother what she thinks of baby fuck his normal way of breaking the ice?
it always works
Not only is he a pedo, but his crimes involved BABIES
Pretty hard to top that level of evil and depravity
To be fair, it was only attempted rape/conspiracy to rape a baby. He was never convicted of ACTUALLY raping a baby. He sure was a degenerate, and his sexual perversion was definitely fueled by heavy drug use.
Still, I'd argue that killing your two friends in cold blood like YNW Melly did is much more evil than hooking up with teenage groopies or CONSPIRING to rape a baby on Skype.
Its sad how people like you really do mental gymnastics to feel important
> Lost Prophets wanker wasn't even the tip of the iceberg
show proof or stop talking nonsense, schizo
The most prolific serial killer of are time
>killed no one
Still pretty evil tho
you know what? this actually looks pretty interesting. Normally I would dismiss this stuff, but I'm going to get off Yea Forums and watch it
Charlie Manson I guess.
What did he do?
nah brah I think he actually went at it with a baby
It was clearly a joke, user
who is this?
a notorious criminal Louis Cachet previously known as "Varg"
is this actually mac demaeco? he looks like he's 40 years old
no it's fac defarco
a cia agent
"Varg"? that sounds like an orc name lamo
he really does have that 'baby rapist' look.
Relax guys, it's just an artistic statement
burned churches and stabbed a dude to death, escaped the feds and got arrested and then was charged for hate speech/crime I can’t remember
literally didnt kill anyone or do anything wrong though
he didnt do shit
Why did he apologize for it then.
Because apologizing is the easiest way out.
there are no "feds" in norway, or in france for that matter.
I don't think we even have police in France.
he just recorded a guy masturbating not knowing there were 2 minors at the place, that's not actually evil
Not gonna lie, Rooftops is still a boss song
>23 stab wounds
>self defence
Weren't they promoting their record at the time as their last album even before allegations showed up though
I always wonder how Jared the Subway Guy and the dude who ran his charity figured out they both had CP and liked to diddle. Like, did they originally meet as part of a pedo ring or did that just casually come up one day?
>operatives at British intelligence agency GCHQ cracked the password on the laptop of "determined paedophile" Ian Watkins
>investigators tasked with gaining access to Watkins' laptop, discovered that Watkins had "Ifuckkids" set as his password
gets me every time
The worst thing GG did was get into fights with people who were moshing at the front of the crowd. He was pretty depraved when it came to sex and drugs, but it's a free country and I'm not one to judge what other people do with their bodies.
>The most prolific serial killer of are time
>Literally killed no one with his own hands but claims he did so people don't believe he was too much of a fucking bitch to actually kill someone
Funny how psychopaths always laugh like pic related
I'm not sure if Varg is straight up evil. It seems to me that he's just completely insane and autistic.
...and his band were heavily lifting from lotr
>what other people do with their bodies
And their shit.
He killed that one guy with a sword actually but that's it
It may not surprise you to know that people who lean towards the antisocial personality disorder spectrum (IE, narcissists, sociopaths, and people who share qualities with them) are disproportionately attracted to politics and corporate business. I would be completely unsurprised if Shkreli was on that spectrum, seeing as the defining traits include a lack of empathy, enormous ego, and an indifference towards how your actions affect others. I was very disturbed that even though he'd committed fraud in addittion so some other shady, illegal activities, people were still buying into this quirky online persona he'd cultivated. I remember one of my friends repeatedly saying that he wasn't such a bad guy because he seemed so chipper and earnest in his livestreams. The dude's whole livelihood consisted of lying to people and taking advantage of their trust to steal their money. He clearly didn't care that he was hurting people and had no qualms about manipulating the public into sympathizing with him during his trial. I just know that if you were with him in a lifeboat, he'd shove you into the water without second thought so he could keep the rations to himself.
And they caught his wife with automatic weapons
only in dreams
based /=/ evil
The Welsh are nice people.
fuck off you pseudointellectual fuck
You just say this because i makes you feel good about having a micro penis too.
making shitty corporate emo pop does not make you a musician
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like