So if Ariana Grande is pulling a reverse Michael Jackson, is she going to be raped by little boys in the near future...

So if Ariana Grande is pulling a reverse Michael Jackson, is she going to be raped by little boys in the near future? Haha imagine that lol

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solid fucking question. she'll be fine.

Damn, shes really pulling a reverse michael jackson

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how braindead do you have to be to still believe this photoshopped image

its a slight exaggeration of reality
you ariana "stans" probably made it as part of a deep con to distract from the real image

of course not. that's dumb. she's going to rape old ladies

yeah..heh.. just imagine

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Why are conservatives obsessed with skin colour and identity politics?

Based Ari living her best life in the 2010s by being a transracial black woman and no one stopped her.

Because liberals are more so, and started it

She used to be pretty

Nice projection. My liberal mom always complains about places being "too white". I didn't start caring or even thinking consciously about skin color until I noticed how weird that is.

See. Even engaging in whataboutism rather than answering the question.

complete slut, probably fucked up by the media and people in control, no doubt has a shit life and inevitably just loves black cock now.

What medicine is she taking to become black? I want to use it to become cool and get a gf

UV rays

I believe this isn’t photoshopped.

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Those are photoshopped + lighting

nice PR damage control you fucking nigger. Too bad everyone knows she’s a wigress now.

Calm down Mr. Peterson


Love this proud black woman.


>wanting to join the inferior race

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american gyaru

You're confusing her with you, cuck

She should collab a song with MJ just like Drake the Cake did haha
Too made MJ is poisen right now

>searches for a black bull to fuck his imaginary gf

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This is racist.

towards who

It's blackface.

Is this the fabled "conservative humor"? YIKES

Humor? I'm saying that she wears actual blackface and nobody is concerned.

It will be once ((they)) need to get rid of her. Right niw she's still lucrative.

The reptilians from the planet Xuta will never rob us of our precious bodily fluids. I WON'T let them. If they jail me, I'll go on hunger strike.

Michael Jackson did nothing wrong.

Cope harder negro

>Implying some braindead libcuck didnt post this