>be me
>take shrooms
>play Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven
>begin hallucinating, naked woman on a mosaic cermaic tile. Dark tentacles emerge and begin suffocating her. Can see the look of fear on her face
>Song ends switches to Mozart's Requiem
>New hallucination, literally see god
>spent then next hour listening to classical music and crying because of how beautiful it was
I can't listen to anything other than classical, I need help
Musical experience with Shrooms
Other urls found in this thread:
can't listen to anything other than classic anymore*
Classical music is beautiful.
do you mean mental images instead of hallucinations? hallucinations are what you see before your eyes and i have never hallucinated under the influence of psychedelics.
I find that stuff I think would sound good on shrooms doesn't sound too appealing when I'm actually tripping. One song I always come back to is With Twilight As My Guide by the Mars Volta. Something about the uneasiness of it calms me down. I also get a desert vibe from it which messes well with the post-peak sweats I get.
I listen mostly to rap, and alt rock/grunge normally. That shit sounded absolutely garbage, and I had no emotion from it. As soon as the classical music came out I was literally elevated with emotion. With words I cannot even describe how beautiful it was. Tears, fucking tears of awe and joy.
No I was visually hallucinating it all
How much did you take?
only 2 grams
So you really expect us to believe you had such detailed "hallucinations" why only on 2gs? You don't see shit that's not there.
Not really sure why desu, I do have very vivid dreams and I have hallucinated sober as well
>hallucinating sober
care to elaborate? sounds interesting
I think its possible, I've started to percieve things that aren't there on roughly double that much, which is still not a huge amount. I know what you mean when you say you don't see shit that isn't there, but it gets to a stage where what you are seeing gets warped so much that you take it as something else. Not physically warped but your mental state or sensations affect it. I distinctly remember once feeling a light breeze and it 'rippled' everything around like it would leaves or water normally.
Also to actually contribute to the topic of the thread heres mine, stereotypical as fuck though.
I was a little past the peak of a decent trip and just beginning to come down so my wife and I decided to lay down on a river bank for a while, I'd never listened to music while tripping before so I thought I may as well start with Dark Side of the Moon. Leaned my head way back so I was kind of looking at the sky above the horizon behind me, then put my hat half over my face which gave me a smallish window of sky to cloud watch through. The total loss of spatial awareness made it very easy to 'float' through the clouds, like I was in a helicopter hyperlapse or something, though I could still feel the presence of my wife next to me and it was extremely pleasant. Just after The Great Gig in the Sky the sun came out from behind a cloud and started blasting us (Australian summer), I had to fully cover my face because it was too bright, and even with my eyes closed my vision was just this intense heat and glowing brightness which was the closest I had ever been to 'god' or some form of a concept that people refer to a small part of as 'god'. My whole existence was fully exposed to this pretense and all I had was the knowledge that I was on the right path and doing the right thing with my existence.
Sat up with the end of the album and felt completely sober, the 'trip' had ended while I was listening and most of that had happened regardless. Walked home with my wife and that feeling has still stuck with me any time I see illuminated clouds, it has completely changed my perception of what clouds are and what they represent, its very nice.
Sober if I stare at a pattern it will start moving, I see images on my walls for brief glimpses. Walls pulsating. The shrooms just made a leap to make things appear. Before playing the music I saw a giant tentacle monster like the one from stranger things appear. My overactive imagination just goes hyper drive. I’m also kind of an artist too that can create scenes off imagination
With any pattern at all? This sounds like most people, there are plenty of optical illusions that purposefully exploit flaws in the way our vision works to produce effects like this in anyone.
No literally anything, ceramic tiles, asphalt ground, if I stare at picture long enough I’ll see it coming to life
First time I took shrooms I decided to listen to Exmilitary.
Bad idea.
Got feeing very angry & violent so needed something to cool me off.
Listened to Lighght by Kishi Bashi, was only my second listen, but it went from being alright to becoming one of my most favorite albums (top 5 or so are all close).
Cried pretty much the entire time while listening because it was so beautiful sounding to where I was mentally in the middle of my trip
Sung Tongs on shrooms is a fucking life changing experience
It made me get in touch with my tribal/primal side
My god you are such a fucking faggot. You don't hallucinations like that on 2g of mushrooms. I've slapped down 8 tabs of lsd before and not had anything not there just appear. Visuals are intense, but you would have to take way more than 2g of mushrooms to have hallucinations like the ones you are describing.
That sounds like a problem for you. I've only had to take 200ug of lsd to had pretty vivid closed eye visuals.
>literally see god
what did god look like
OP said here that it was open eye hallucinations. Closed eye is a different story. OP is saying that he actually hallucinated this happening before his eyes.
I got into classical music in a similar fashion.
Don't stop, embrace the obsession. Listen to the complete Bach hänssler collection, except any parts with piano; replace those with their actual instrument (harpsichord/lautenwerck/clavichord etc) versions.
Listen to Vivaldi and Händel too and you're set for baroque music.
>Song ends
Listened to Veedon Fleece for the first time at the end of a trip while on a train. Only had very subtle visuals in the trees left but that was a great listen.
Still want to listen to Bach's mass in b minor on psychedelics once in my lifetime.
Drugs are for redditors. Classical is good though. Raindrop prelude has always been my favourite piece
>drugs are for redditors
look at this fag
holy fuck big agree
try listening to graze off of fall be kind, it got stuck in my head and i hit ego death and was one of the most intense things i can remember
Not anyone in this thread yet, but I think its good to remember that everyone takes psyches differently.
Sometimes the same person will have totally different experiences on the same amounts of the same subtance.
Just because one person doesn't see hallucinations with a certain dosage doesn't mean others won't either
you dont need help i think youre fine
I created this after smoking dmt at the peak of a mushy trip.
It's a bit confused and doesn't really know where it wants to go but it was a trippy experience.
I saw the clouds part, and a sort of "asgardian" landscape appeared. A bright light shined, and then I saw a sort of fibonaci sequence. The entity was built of human arms, that were each holding each other in support. Basically it was an infinite geometric shape then morphed into something I could properly associate. Another way to describe it I would call it a perfectly balanced inward structure that was ever encompassing. I looked at it and just said, "yep thats god".
>be 22
>alone with friend
>hawk mountain PA
>huge forest
>playing four tet’s Morning Side through my Bluetooth speaker
>dying laughing
>friend walks back to get something from his car
>I get lost in the forest
>complete ego death
>can’t find friend
>shitty “friend” tripsitter
>sunrise comes
>incredible views from high altitude
>one on one with nature
>get scared that people will start coming
>still complete ego death
>everywhere I look there are moving insects and snakes
>freak out
>hear a worker truck come
>run into the woods where no trails are to “not get caught”
>after fiddeling with my phone for 5 minutes, I finally figure out how to turn on music
>William Basinski - The Disintegration Loops
>mediatate trying to regain consciousness
>sitting on a rock hallucinating the sight of people
>still freaking out
>the loops grab my meditative attention and brings me into sobriety
I find my friend and give him a hug “I FOUND YOU” then yell at him
Had gay sex on shrooms once might get to that story
i havent taken any psychs before but from what i know you dont get proper open eye hallucinations unless you take a shit tonne right?
Not what happens with mushrooms you LARPer.
The story above was my heaviest trip and I was getting open eye hallucinations. I ate a whole bag full nearing 10 grams.
Bullshit. I've taken 7g before and you still dont hallucinate. At those levels you just go schiz for 3 hours and don't know what the fuck is going on or what is what. At 2g colours are just a bit more vivid.
>I have to take 7 tabs to have OEVs
>think this is something worth being proud of and posting it
Faggot burnouts need to leave
I took 32 grams of shrooms’ rectally and Santa and his reindeer flew out of my arse followed by Satan and Madonna singing Papa Don’t Preach with The New York Philharmonic.
Was quite a shit.
what a bitch
>reading comprehension
I always felt that if something sounds bad on acid/shrooms then it isn’t actually good. Do you feel like your like for those raps songs diminished after hearing how shallow they were while tripping?
This song was often performed whilst shrooming....its pretty fucking amazing:
I think different mental states just demand different music.
Do tell