Is it pronounced moo or mew ?
Is it pronounced moo or mew ?
Also, listen to Christian and the Hedgehog Boys
Mew but moo is funnier.
cant wait to listen to some good ol fashioned moosic today lads
ehm yoo
How do you say music? We have this thread every day
people usually just say the letters of the boards
Is it pronounced meow or nyan?
>How do you say music?
Like how you pronounce the 'mu' in music. myou
>We have this thread every day
Yes but a clear conclusion is never reached, so we still don't know, which necessitates the need for further inquiry into the matter.
mmm-yuh ?
emu ? like the bird ?
do you say PEE-OH-EL too? that sounds fucking disgusting
You say Bee, you don't say Buh, so it's makes sense.
No, in that case I say see-ey-en-see-ee-ar
talking about /pol/ in 2019 lmao
>t. mentally illness
pol has never been so strong nowadays kevin. Maybe that's why you're "hearing" about
it is trash though, and I say that as someone who's spent a lot of time there
It's pronounced like mew, it's actually short for "you fucking losers fell for the music jew"
then you are a racist
leftists are taking over the world these days. Pol is going to be a power. it's undeniable
It's the retarded conspiracy theories I can't stand, pure schizophrenia.
THEY are even going to the fucking mexico
In the same way as they have gone to Europe and America. IN THE SAME WAY. Do not tell me there is no pattern
em you
meow :3
how the fuck is music said you moron
"Mew" is literally the only correct pronunciation and any other variations are either done by contrarians or retards
it's "pretentious assholes"
But by that system you'd have to call pol 'paul' ?!
Some boards you say the letters like Yea Forums, /fa/, Yea Forums, /hr/, /r9k/ and all the single letter boards
Others are like Yea Forums (mew), /sci/ (sigh), /pol/ (pol) and Yea Forums (lit), where you phonetically say the board name
It's mew
>not pronouncing /r9k/ as "rhyak"
If it were 'mew', as in mew-zik, then it would also be 'paul', as in paul-ah-tics, so as you can see, your system is contradictory.
>'paul', as in paul-ah-tics
dude what
But politics is pronounced pol-ah-tics, not paul-ah-tics
I thought /fa/ was pronounced fa
What sort of retard says pole-ah-tics ? because p-o-l is pronounced 'paul', which is clearly wrong because you wouldn't say paul-ah-tics would you ? so if it's 'mew' then it can't be 'pol', going by those same rules.
>you wouldn't say paul-ah-tics would you ?
I mean, you wouldn't say 'pole-ah-tics', is what I meant to say.
people have different accents you know, including you, which is probably why you pronounce it like that
Wait, do you guys pronounce Yea Forums as 'sas' too or am I too autistic?
Yes but he said music = mew & politics = 'pol', but it wouldn't because 'pol' sounds like 'pole', and nobody says 'pole-ah-tics', so the system stated was inconsistent therefore unreliable.
is this a boston thing?
To be honest, if you're pronouncing anything relating to Yea Forums out loud, it means you're talking to people about Yea Forums IRL, which as of and in itself is pure autism.
i say "ses" for no reason at all
pal-ah-tics ?
If there was ever a difference between the pronunciation of "paul" and "pole" you mutts eliminated it, so it doesn't matter. /pol/ is pronounced as pol
>/pol/ is pronounced as pol
Yes but how is 'pol' pronounced, is it paul, pal, or pole ?
would new yorkers say pwal-ah-tecks ?
>erryting is moosical
>bang! crash! pow!
>it means you're talking to people about Yea Forums IRL
Lmao, no, but do you not hear the words in your mind when you read? Anyways, I actually read stuff in english out loud sometimes to exercise the skill, as it's not my mother tongue. There's no creepy reason behind it.
>do you not hear the words in your mind when you read?
I see pictures not sounds, doesn't everyone ?
/pol/ = pool (pool lit tick lee)
Yea Forums = moo (moo sick)
/fa/ = fay (fay shun)
Are you from the Netherlands ?
as yes my favorite board ELL EYE TEE
no why? i also say
Yea Forums = buh (ahh, buh, cuh, duh, ehh, fah, guh, etc.)
How do you guys pronounce Yea Forums? Bi, bee or be?
buh like (buh eens = beans)
bay, as in ayy bay say day
This thread is giving me existential dread.
What if I say i as slash moo slash?
No. It's a synesthesia thing, everyone has some mild form of it. We associate stimuli of one sense with that of another, e.g. hearing a "bang" when you see two things collide, even if you're too far away to actually hear it. I personally can't listen to music without also hallucinating a visual representation of it, and I suspect more than half of Yea Forums is the same, though probably to varying degrees. I only see shapes, and mild colours if I concentrate, other people see vivid colours that have no definitive shape. The lucky ones see it all. Every detail of sound represented as an animated visual "entity" among dozens more, all splashed across their field of view. Their visual and auditory senses mesh together and music becomes a single audiovisual experience, each aspect indistinguishable from the other. It makes me fucking jealous.
I saw moo even though mew would be more accuturate (mew-sic). I have a buddy that browses here and weve both always said moo so it just stuck i guess
gusic for this feel?
It's however you pronounce the first syllable of "music".
If you're american, it's mew. If you're european, it might sound different, like "meur" or some shit, or "moo" if you're like Spanish or latino.
just take lsd lol
in context? none of my friends use Yea Forums (i am the biggest loser of my group). I have to say
>Yea Forums's music board
for them to understand
correct opinions in this reply
it's Yea Forumstant you silly goose