I just cleaned my ears and my god

i just cleaned my ears and my god
i can hear every noise in my home now

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Do those things work? I've tried them a handful of times and never feel any better. The amount of ear wax I produce is ungodly.

I know its great right?
>tfw I cleaned my ears too much and was told by my doctor I have completely removed all the hairs from my inner ear.
Have fun sleeping at night, hearing all the white noise.

Did you get it done professionally?

no i used the ear drops

>there are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW with dirty ears who think they're qualified to discuss music

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I just cleaned my ears and my god

Is there a better way to clean your ears? I just use a q tip after I shower while my inner ears are moist

You could get a professional cleaning or do it yourself with different methods. Q tips usually push the wax instead of clean it.

who else uses a q tip with peroxide?

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I’m afraid to do this because I’m pretty sure I have tinnitus

Those ear candles pull so much shit out of your ear its insane.

Are these safe?

Audiologist here. Those candles are complete bullshit. They don't even work a little bit. It's completely made up, it isn't even plausible following the simple laws of physics and thermodynamics. The reason people feel like they work is because you're sitting there for 30mins with a candle blocking your ears and getting all warm and sweaty, and then when they pull it out whew what a relief! Amazing! Nup, complete quackery.

Ear drops are really the only decent way to clean your ear canals yourself. The thing with drops is they soften wax and help it to migrate out, but if you have impacted wax (which is what Q-tips often cause) softening isn't enough. You'll need to have a doctor suction, pull, or syringe it out.

You can get water bulbs that allow you to try and irrigate your ears yourself but it's no terribly easy and it's very uncomfortable.

forgot pic apparently

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the candle works bros

This is what I used but a different brand


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Who do I believe? The seasoned vet or the nuanced user?

user, don't give your money to anyone who laughs at how stupid you are the second you leave. the candles are a scam.

>drop a bunch of burnt shit down your ear hole
>wow my ears are so clean now!

Retard alert

pour a teaspoon of hydrogen peroide into ur ear and let it rest for like 5-10 minutes with ur head on ur side, do it on both sides
then get a bulb syringe and fill it with hot water and blast em
id recommend doing it in the shower cuz it can get messy

1. peroxide works but it can cause irritation for some people so be mindful of that
2. use room temperature or warm water, not hot water
3. you can actually sometimes accomplish this by angling your head in the shower and getting the water up your canals

Does ear cleaning help with tinnitus or does it worsen it?

you're fucked if you got tinnitus, bro. sorry.

During the summer of 2017, my right ear got completely plugged up. If I hiccuped hard enough it would displace the wax temporarily but it would always come back. I eventually went to a doctor and she used a water pik to blast warm water in there. The sensation of the wax being drained and getting my hearing back was the most satisfying feeling. I try to never take clear hearing for granted.

generally no effect, but it's complicated. some people get relief from tinnitus from random things like ear cleaning and maintaining neutral middle ear pressure, other people can get their tinnitus aggravated by messing around with their ears. it'll only be temporary though, won't have any permanent effect. for the most part though it shouldn't aggravate it at all, as tinnitus is an issue with the middle ear (cochlea) or auditory nerve and things like wax or middle ear pressure don't have any bearing.

crazy stuff. getting the water to stream into your ears in the shower on a daily or semi-daily basis should prevent it from getting impacted like that again. good that you got it taken care of!