dsbm edition
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For how much worse the world has gotten the past few years, I feel like there are no great DSBM records from this decade that reflect that. The three from the OMM doc, Xasthur, Leviathan, and Striborg have gone on to make terrible music while Trist and Gris have stopped making music entirely.
Fuck Burzum and fuck Varg
The official Loudwire black metal top 10 list goes like this:
10. Watain
9. Marduk
8. Burzum
7. Mayhem
6. Dissection
5. Immortal
4. Bathory
3. Enslaved
2. Darkthrone
1. Emperor
[Source: youtube.com
Do you agree?
Watain is such an oddity on there. Even if they wanted to put a modern band on the list, there are hundreds of better options. The rest of the list is very safe and could have been unquestionable regardless of what order. Though I don't think I'll ever really understand the critical acclaim for Emperor. Other than their early extremely raw EP and demos, I found their albums very boring.
emperor is numale garbage
What are some good Norwegian bands from the past 10-20 years? While they obviously influenced and dominated the genre early on, it seems like all good black metal is being made elsewhere now.
I'm not particularly into Watain's music, but they've got relevant albums to the genre out in my opinion, at least enough so to grant them a spot in the top 10. Which band would you put in their place though?
dude get a load of deafhaven these days:
norway has moved on to death metal, like obliteration and reptilian
they've been falsely accused of being black metal so many times that now they're wearing it as a halloween costume
I think Summoning got snubbed hard. But to replace Watain, I think Nokturnal Mortum, Graveland, or Leviathan could have been notable choices. Or even Mgla if they wanted a more modern band. Idk, Watain isn't bad and has been recognized for a while, but when I think of "top 10 bm bands" I don't think they'd ever cross my mind.
"The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide"'s insert touts its music as "Dark Art for the Satanic Elite", a sentiment metalheads would accept as truth and be thoroughly pleased with as an opportunity to hear something vile and putrid, but under the facade of evil lies grease paint and bald-faced teenage arrogance. Billed by the "cutting edge" (read: hipster) Aquarius Records as "pure misanthropic musical mayhem", this band simultaneously fails to meet these proclamations and, worse yet, insult black metal as a genre.
The album lurches forward with some ambient sounds and then Wrest mutters some "nihilistic" phrases, condemning the listener to an hour of audial hell. By that I do not mean "audial hell" in the Abruptum sense of the word (that would be good), but rather from the painful realization that you're going to bear a tedious, meandering album. The music generally drags on and on but always seems like it might go somewhere interesting, like a grubby man that has put you into his rusty van with the promise of candy once you get to his house. You know it's a horrible lie, yet you just can't resist those Swedish fish!
All of the instruments are clear and audible. You can hear the bass plunking away in the background, the drums are clear and not one piece of the kit is too loud, and the guitars are distinct. All would seem well, but no thanks to the obscene amount of delay, reverb, and distortion, the vocals just run into each other, becoming a formless, grating, indistinct whirring that refuses to go away.
The production itself is "dark", murky and hollow, but not in the sense of "Pure Fucking Armageddon" where the raw sound caused by budget constraints inadvertently imbued the music with pulsating evil. No, this is simply some San Francisco hipster's idea of what "old school" black metal production should sound like. The insert's boasting of the 4-track which recorded the album underscores the depths of Wrest's arrogance and exposes his disingenuous attitude towards black metal. A 4-track, you say? How kvlt of you, Jeff! The murkiness hinders the instrumentation and causes it to resemble an esteemless, scrawny, weak janitor.
The riffs themselves are mostly tremolo picked lines, some minor thirds to achieve a depressing sound and power chords for a more traditional sound, all mashed together without any sense of logic, going from one mood to another with no proper transition. It seems as though he scrounged together a few good riffs, threw some filler into the mix, and then rolled a 20 sided die to figure out what order to place them in. I must admit, the opening riff to "Mine Molten Armor" is neat. The bass doesn't always follow the guitars, but you really have to pay attention to hear it. Sometimes it sounds fine, but on a few tracks it has a very "Korn" like feel. You know what I mean, that plunky, too much high end, almost slap bass sound (see Sardoniscorn). The piano adds nothing significant to the atmosphere, and the ambient portions sound like a bunch of half-assed reverberated sounds, with some being played backwards and others just droning on ad infinitum. Songs seem to go someplace, but stop short and lumber about like a drunken bitch struggling to decide which lucky football player to suck off.
This is actually a concept album, a fact that has escapes all too many people. There are ten songs (the ten sub levels of suicide) detailing torment, suicide, depression, and far too many fragmented thoughts. The lyrics read like a morbid fourteen year old girl's LiveJournal who is trying to persuade herself to commit suicide, yet doesn't want to do it because her mind is made of mush (she is a woman, after all). They're often quite childish and come off as disingenuous, as well is incomprehensible at times. Here is an excerpt:
"come with us
you belong to us
kill yourself
you deserve this"
Long ago, I read an interview with Wrest and he said that some kid came into the tattoo parlor where he worked and gave him a copy of Filosofem. He must've listened to that fifty times, along with Mutiilation's Vampires of Black Imperial Blood and decided that if he took each album to an extreme that he would create the ultimate black metal album. He recognizes the aesthetics of the genre and nothing else. Wrest needs to pick up the latest Stephenie Meyer book, a new vibrator, and leave heavy metal alone.
/tourist/ general
i dont know sometimes I find somewhat decent stuff on bandcamp
It's still better than the threads on Varg and Euronymous or the thread on the film about Varg and Euronymous.
Will be contributing what I've got and keeping thread on topic
Dodsferd is insane. Cursing Your Will to Live is a great album as well.
>everything i don't like is onions
One of the problems I have with black metal is that since it was meant to be an anti-trends music against what was popular in the metal genre back when it started it's almost impossible for me to enjoy bands which aren't strictly the originators of the style since all others are, ironically enough, perpetuating their style and turning it into a trend. It's hard to explain but easy to get, and you'll easily realize what I'm saying when basically every post 1994 black metal band's sound can be traced back to either one of the original bands in the style.
Best BM discographies? I want to sit down and listen to 5 albums worth of great stuff.
Lunar Aurora
Nokturnal Mortum
They can be really fucking raw and I love it. Picked up a newer album of theirs and the vocals were basically all crying, so that was kinda tough to get into. I'll check out that album though.
Agreed. Even after they went less froggy with the vocals, it still sounds great.
You could get hung up on the philosophy of certain BM bands - which from what I understand, came from the 2nd wave, ironically - or you could just get over it and like it for the sound of the music. A thought: it seems likethere's a lot of BM musicians out there that give more of a shit about how the music feels, hence the absence of lyrics being released in a lot of cases.
Picked up a repress of this album recently. Devastating stuff.
Any albums that sound similar to this?
Not technically DSBM, but it fits the mood. Leviathan side project.
forgot to post album image
Anyone here fuck with MGLA?
first for Lords of Chaos
>V: Halmstad
Literally the best DSBM ever released and anyone who disagrees is gay
The best dsbm album was already posted
I really fucking love rap and hip hop its so much better than crap metal
>I'm gay
>bad news
>I'm a top
On a separate note, channel hosting that video is depressive black metal archive. Gold mine found.
His growl singing sounds like the dog at the end of this video
Nice melodies but doesn't quite have that despondency I look for in DSBM
>tfw nbbmn is 8 months away
>have to get through the horrors of summer first
Black metal is for numales who want to feel edgy. You guys dont even like the music, just the artwork and themes.
Hi friendo
I hope that is not Freddy Mercury.
I'm not homosexual, you dont see the pretty girl I post? It's because I like her ok. Therefore, that is quite heterosexual desu
she is binnie btw
My Burzum tshirt gets me so many arthoes.
One of the coolest charts I found on here. Bunch of Bulgarian albums.
thats Mike Haggar
I think the biggest mistake with Deafheaven detractors is that they think that these kind of bands are trying to make "metal", when that's not really the case, they are just trying to make their own music and they are just really taking a lot of influence from metal bands
I honestly can't get enough of Striborg. The atmosphere on his run of albums from 2004-2008 is exactly what I love in black metal. It's a shame he's just about completely abandoned the genre. Favorite Striborg album?
> buncha NSBM albums
Excuse me, we want to kill ourselves, not commit genocide
>wanting to kill yourself
The difference between NSBM and DSBM.
Underrated Darkthrone.
Is this black metal?
Trv kvlt Cascadian stvff.
Have you tried any other LLN bands?
Nokturnal Mortum
Yeah. Black Murder and Mutiilation stood out the most. The production is very evil sounding.
Kaevum- Natur is a good record imo
Speed of Darkness > Rest of Leviathans discography
Echoes of Battle is the prettiest record I've ever seen.
I've seen that album around better never bothered listening to it before but I really enjoyed it. Thanks!
I ordered this on vinyl from moribund recently and then found out how wrest will get nothing from it because he was retarded and signed a shitty contract or some such drama and now I feel bad
Most Vetala
There seems to have been a couple of fiascos recently with black metal labels. I know some Judas Iscariot represses were also sketchy. Very unkvlt.
It's a incredible record though.
binniebro are u into bm?
ww I'm starting
That was Blake of Nactmystium claiming he had the rights, but that is Blake and nobody should ever true Blake ever.
it's Mgła, learn to fucking spell it correctly americucks
black metal and binnie at the same time, weird
Apart from Marduk and Mayhem it's ok. Not my favorites, but still a solid list of decent popular bm
do you think binnie would understand bm?
I'm slavic and have no idea how that ł is pronounced, in most slavic languages it would be just "mgla"
she would get depression
I'm not taking instructions from a literal basedboy.
watain sucks
wat? ain't
watain sucks dude
I know winters over but what's your favorite Paysage d'Hiver tape?
probably Die Festung
Excitllent choice. Eishalle has a colder feel to it than any of his black metal stuff.
Someone already mentioned Kaevum, I'd say they are by far the best. Other bands worth mentioning are Nordvrede and Knokkelklang.
black metal is for black people.
No, they don't consider themselves a black metal band either. They make some great music though.
Despite not getting a lot of love, I'm a pretty big fan of BM Xasthur. Subliminal Genocide was there with me in some darker times in my life, and in my youth.
wat ayy
>Despite not getting a lot of love
Xasthur is finally getting the love he deserves.
he looked really bad when he was bald
>the virgin Xasthur
>makes cringe soiboy atmoshit and DSBM
>literally an incel during most of his life
>fanbase consists of genre tourists
>doesn't even know what a riff is
>posts on fucking instagram
>the chad Wagner Antichrist
>frontman of one of the most influential black metal bands
>writes about fucking women, nuklear drums and thrashing falsies
>is a riffmaster
>fanbase consists of actual metal fans
>actually Chad and pussy magnet
>nowadays a renouned professor in a prestigious Brazilian university
Yeah i'm thinking he's based
he is a self proclaimed recovering porn addict
did he say that
self proclaimed means he said it
did he say that means show where
show you a moment in the past?
step aside kids
>master boatsman
>master bass man
>possesses the mighty operatic voice
>able to sing demonic bass and angelic tenor parts
>admirer of Kosmische Musik
>taller than Peter Steele
>married Norway's greatest comic artist
>recorded with Norway's legendary underground acts
>made money in Norway's biggest commercial bm act
>in the end, decided to make prog for fun
perhaps the biggest chad of Norway
Yup show where exactly he said that. this means "show where"
he doesn't do social media. i talked to him on IRC
what did you ask him?
He was downloading some hentai in a warez channel. He said he doesn't like to use torrents because the government puts code in them that makes you impotent.
Darkthrone's discography of course. Its vast and varied, and they literally have no bad albums.
>because the government puts code in them that makes you impotent.
lol wut
and how does this work
>no bad albums
were you in a coma in the 2000s?
first 2 albums and EP: unforgettably weird black autism punk
last 2 albums: vicious epic pagan BM, like later Nokturnal Mortum or Temnozor or something without the keyboards and cheese and with more hate
I think you'll start getting past this attitude if you realize x modern band can be traced back to Darkthrone, Darkthrone can be traced back to Celtic Frost, Celtic Frost can be traced back to Venom, etc. None of the "originators" existed in a vacuum. Continuing an artistic lineage doesn't automatically mean you're "being trendy."
1994 is a bit of an unfair cutoff point too. Blazebirth Hall guys were doing some original stuff after that, Grand Belial's Key had a sound that can barely be traced back to anyone, etc.
Anything like Ildjarn?
tough choice, probably Winterkälte or Das Tor, but none of them are too far behind.
did he say he has a "porn addiction"?
>Anything like Ildjarn?
Forest Poetry is about as noisy an album as I've ever come across so I can't match it. However, Destruction Ritual and The Black House by Krieg are in a similar vein and both very good. And you'll probably like the Sort Vokter album, which Ildjarn is a key part of. One track from each band below.
>Even fucking Malefic gets laid
Incels btfo
>Even fucking Malefic gets laid
He is somewhat famous.
Any fans of the punkier stuff from Akitsa? Stuff like: youtube.com
What similar stuff do you listen to?
Nordvrede is pretty based. A different sound from Kaevum but still pretty great. More groovy and rock-oriented.
thoughts on this?
>how do you pronounce mgla?
I hate lists like this. It is so clear that the person making them isn't actually expressing his personality and opinion, this is just "Top 10 black metal bands that are usually considered the top 10".
I wish I had one percent of this guys creativity..
>Playing structureless music on the microtonal scale
It's so weird seeing Thy Dying Light on here as often as I do
far away from structurele, but is conventional structure even necessary?
also why the fuck can't people appriciate experimentation
I appreciate experimentation - when it's well done.
Not metal.
so when it's typical bm with SPOOKY SOUNDS
Haat - recidivus in obscurum