People out here really calling others pedophiles for wanting to fuck Billie eilish
People out here really calling others pedophiles for wanting to fuck Billie eilish
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she looks 27
Billie’s pretty cute tobehonest.
Denzel “Donald Trump, Donald Duck” Curry is getting to pound that every night
Fuck me
what is this incoherent autistic nonsense
A lot of people think she’s lying about her age. At 15 she looked identical to how Sky Ferreira looked at 22.
quit viraling your shitty video, someone already did it better and on more artists
also, quit acting like Russ doesn't make good music. it's not like you're a producer from the south anyways who has a right to be offended. you're probably one of those suburban kids wearing jordans and decked out in all nike who unironically says "bruh" and "f am" after rap got popular
fuck out of here
More like gays with poor taste who can't admit they just want to fuck a trap and Billie is the closest thing to that with a vagina
You can’t sing Wuthering Heights in the original key with a mouth full of curry sauce.
She really likes to fuck her brother.
>Russ makes good music
Fuck off.
He is hot I’ll give you that.
>after rap got popular
what are you talking about dude rap's been popular since the 90s
Whites women age horribly.
and who the hell are you?
And you have proof they're fucking?
Black men in their mid 20s with colored dress and face tattoos don’t just become “friends” with teenage white girls.
They're friends and did a song together. What's sexual about that?
The mom is hot as well.
Figures the son got all her looks whereas Billie got ass for features.
her brain ain't 27, and that's the problem, you fucking goblin
Judging from her interviews, she doesn't have much interesting things to say.
To be fair, most teens dress heinously. I remember being Billie's age back in 2006 when emo was the thing, and we all looked terrible with our black sidebangs with neon stripes, converse, plaid skirts, and band Ts.
For people saying she looks over 18 -
She really doesn't
>fakes being deep
>fakes being socially conscious
>fakes being depressed
>fakes being “ghetto”
>fakes being edgy
>lied about how ocean eyes was created four times
>lied about parents’ industry connections
>lied about growing up poor
>lied about how and why she was signed ("I was the opposite of an industry plant")
>lied about her brother writing all her material
>lied about how she clout chased X and Curry for credit among hip hop fans
FDA, please ban this artificial ingredient.
She does if you put enough makeup on her.
I have no idea why I thought it would be a good idea but I tried to watch this and I couldn't do it.
If Shaun Evans wasn't enough of a tool on his own she is miserably lacking in personality.
I watched it all the way through, and couldn't believe how scripted it all seemed.
Filename checks out.
Billie Eilish being dirty for 4 minutes and 24 seconds straight
It's difficult for me to listen to homosexuals talk for more than a couple minutes
All white pussy is fair game for the black man.
Not really. We only had one person that was dressed like a retard in high school. She was dressed like a stereotypical goth, listened to opeth and made a lot of tolkien references when speaking.
Literally every other comment on this video is: "but Billie is OPEN about her bro writing her songs waaaa!"
My God I hate zoomers.
Tits or gtfo
stay in your feelings, cocksucker
>all black men are the same
Fuck off.
Misha is also open about his bro writing his songs.
Yeah but the brother thing isn't the telltale sign Billie is being planted, it's the fact Interscope chose to sign her only for her voice and looks, since it's clear she isn't a talented songwriter nor does she play an instrument.
so she fucks black guys
so what? nothing wrong with that.
Looks 47, like a typical coalburning roastie.
>her brain ain't 27
How can nothing be aged 27?
>so what? nothing wrong with that.
Except beastiality is a crime.
Can someone explain how exactly she's going to fuck up her voice with the way she sings?
it's not bestiality, it's two humans having sex with each other..perfectly legal.
>two humans
That being said, it's not really beastiality either because that would imply that eilish is human when she's more like a shower mould or a really terrible toe infection.
KANGZ rape white women out of revenge for slavery and lynchings.
95% of molesters were molested.
Denzel’s lyrics also prove he doesn’t think much of women.
He also defends known abusers with the “wypipo rayzid” card.
On what basis has he NOT sexually violated her?
Nice racism both of you.
>white women
>a women
I didn't imply it was because he was a nigger.
I simply consider the both of them worse than soap mould.
>He also defends known abusers with the “wypipo rayzid” card.
There's a valid reason for this though. White America sees all black men as animalistic whose crimes can never be forgiven. When a black man does fuck up other black men will come to his defense on the basis that their entire race will pay for his fuck up via white hostility (which includes racial profiling, police violently attacking black men, etc.). You're not just defending an individual, you're defending your entire race.
She’s ugly but she’s white as snow.
Only a filthy hoodrat would prioritize black identity politics over justice for victims. WE WUZ CHANGIN N SHEEEIT
shes a nigger lover. seems exclusively a nigger lover. racist.
Age of consent is 16 in most of the civilized world
Nothing wrong with fucking this industry plant
This. She's perfectly legal in Canada.
The fifth and sixth pic aren't even of her.
Not a vocal coach, but from what I can tell she uses way too much air, and sings through her throat instead of her chest.
why do they play her shitty nine inch nails song on radio all time but not grimes superior nin tribute..
Billie has a fuckton of payola money behind her.
All female brains stop aging at 15.
You think she should be allowed to say the N word?
Me? Yes.
I'm just confused why denzel would tour with an obvious industry plant
From what I know, they're friends.
Men and women aren't friends
This. I wouldn't be surprised if both she and her bro were a few years older than they're letting on, and they're both being disingenuous about it. Especially Billie, whose entire appeal is her age.
Fuck off shill
It could also be the case he knows she's being planted and sees how much the industry is using and abusing her, and is offering to be her moral support.
I'm more confused by how they're going to perform together when he has this big booming voice and she can barely sing above a whisper.
t. Saw him live back in the fall, man is an incredible performer by modern hip hop standards
Meanwhile if you watch Billie's live performances you'll notice she just waddles around like she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing, and she's supposed to be a dancer.
Strawberry tentcake
think of it this way: he'll be eating lunch, dinner, AND desert with all the money he's going to make touring with her.
He should have mentioned her obvious image change and how she lied about that too.
She's irish
That's what drugs will do to you.
You're talking like she's 12 years old.