Outside of hip hop, what scenes are currently flourishing?
Outside of hip hop, what scenes are currently flourishing?
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w/e we call the 'pop meets a variety of electronic music genres' thing that guys like Sophie, OPN, Amnesia Scanner, Arca, etc. are doing
Current interpretations of Jazz are getting pretty big thanks to Jacob Collier
>guys like SOPHIE
His butthole must be flourishing in prison
Hip-hop is on its way out
What's going to replace it?
Art pop
What artists in particular>?
I feel like we're in a huge lull right now with all forms of popular music. Rap has never been less polished and less energetic simultaneously. Electronic music is in a million pieces. Rock is dead. Nothing exciting or authentic is happening in pop music. I think something big will percolate soon, but I feel as if nothing is happening right now.
This. A whole lot of nothing going on.
banda but its technically rap
Country, it's pretty popular with normies. It's not really country though, it's like pop country. The guys who play real country have followings but not hiphop tier.
I heard a Spanish pop song being played on my local pop station which kinda caught me off guard because the whole song was in Spanish with no English speaking featured artist
folk metal
pop country is dead though? there's been no artistic development in the genre in decades, in fact if anything, it's going to the route of generic as fuck hip hop beats being injected into its dead corpse in an attempt to cross market to more popular genres
sophie is a woman
the washed out retro sound of vaporwave/synthwave/hypnagogic pop/new wave revival
waves dont die. tides dont stop.
oh its terrible but its alive and well down south
I can confirm as a Louisianian. Its alive and its awful. If I hear
>if its meant to be, meant to be
One more time idk what I'll do
It's going to be goth
no one apart from biggest pop acts is flourishing because it requires flows of money and a sane working industry
Blame plebs for refusing to pay for music. Yo u cant have innovative music when high IQ would be musicians cant make any money unless they become an industry plant.
people have been saying this since the 90s
>guys like SOPHIE
This is their goal for America. They want us to become a third world country like Brazil.
ton of people pay for spotify. its about companies like spotify paying out artists
Doom metal
If Sophie wants to be a woman he should try a bit harder
>third world country like Brazil.
hip hop 2
transphobic much
>implies flourishment
>hip hop
Modern rock and Punk has been on the rise for awhile now. Bands like Parquet Courts and Car Seat Headrest (both fairly basic examples) have been getting more attention lately.
Considering how fucked up you guys are even with the worlds biggest economy, if it were to collapse, America would be Africa tier or worse
>guys like Sophie, OPN, Amnesia Scanner, Arca
sophie is a woman and arca is nonbinary
Kill yourself
I mean is hip hop really "flourishing" anymore.
All those soundcloud guys died or went to prison in like 6 months of their career blowing up.
this is what im feeling too.
Things seem really slow and boring right now. Everyone is just waiting for something, anything, new.
I think soundcloud rap will be dead by the end of 2019. Its already been around for like 4 years already and a new decade is starting
sophies is an autistic faggot and arca is a faggot
you are a bigot
you are mind-washed retard
Kill yourself
trap rap inspired alt r&b is already replacing hip hop
>someone on a music site disagrees with me on trannies so he should kill himself
Wow, autism is a terrible mental disease
Kill yourself
goth genres like black metal, drone, neo folk, and noise are hugely popular right now. It's pretty obnoxious actually.
tourist grown babies who think they still look good dressed up as 19 year olds.
>calls black metal goth
>calls other people tourists
found the blackie
Sadly the best example I can think of is the mashup scene now thanks to memes and soundcloud.
Go suck some tranny cock you mentally ill faggot. I bet your parents are very proud of you.
Seconding that other user.
I'd tell you to kill yourself tranny, but you probably have that handled.
Kill yourself
Whatever, somebody streaming music on Spotify has no equivalency to purchasing music. The big artists who do make big chunks of change from Spotify are basically getting new revenue, and anyone with under 5000 listeners or streams a month should just be grateful their music is being made available to any audience at all.
There are tons of artists on Spotify that I like that I stream music from that I would basically never spend my money on.
You might as well turn into the games industry and try to ban used music sales, because the last thirty music purchases I've made were used vinyl records, and the artists sure didn't see a penny of that.
Metal is really flourishing.
>goth genres like black metal, drone, neo folk, and noise are hugely popular right now
It is a third world country
goth/emo/alternative/metalheads who actual fucking cares. You sound just like the type too, word-police angsty faggot.
sophie is a woman
nope, it's not so. quit spewing nonsense.
do you seriously believe that or are you just trolling
Might as well throw Rap, Hardcore, triphop, noise, and indie in there
I was born there and I've visited 4 times, even the """nice""" parts in the south. It's a nigger infested shithole and the funk music is disgusting
>hip hop currently flourishing
I think hip hop is at a good moment, but not for the reasons you apparently think it is
>Outside of hip hop
lol what? Is it 1995?