What does Yea Forums think of my vinyl collection?
What does Yea Forums think of my vinyl collection?
Do you play any of them?
r8 me
looks like the urban outfitters vinyl selection lmao. get some taste
>Implying CDs are any better
>taylor swift
jesus fucking christ
>audio technica
not even going for the fluance oof
oh no no he got a MBDTF pressing
good thing he just puts em on the wall
are you serious?
faggot, that was my idea, to have a turntable and all this vinyl on the wall instead of like a painting, so visitors to my place had this kinda interactive art thing
Even the music is nearly literally mine. Cunt
I think that it's making people like me sad, reminding them that folks like you have real passion and feel really motivated and happy when they finish they vinyl collection. All is so meaningless and hallow now, i wish i would feel so glad about something i have done so much that i take picture of it and show it to people but i know it wont change a thing
>not even going for the fluance oof
implying that the audio technica with an better cart is any worse than almost any fluance model
few things, get better taste in music,get a better keyboard, get a better gutair and get a better turntable
>mostly hip-hop
>Davis and Coltrane as the only jazz
>stacking records horizontally
>owning vinyl
fake and gay. keep to lurking
are you retarded? where does it imply that I listen to CDs??
Bought a new table, what do guys think?
some tryhard shite up there
Who the fuck has a No Doubt album up on display wtf "lol so randum >__
hm. looks nice.
Your a girl. Please marry me.
generic surface level taste but good nonetheless
wow i nearly thouight you had taste for a minute but...
>2Pac All Eyez On Me
>lana del rey
yep this one is B A S E D
Since we're posting collections here's my small one
They're not stacked I'm just too retarded to take pictures
based comfy room
collection is ok
Pretty cool collection. What's the yellow one?
Sorry, didn't see the name on side side, the colours confused me
9/10 collection
-1 for worst Gabriel Genesis album and Eagles
not appalling.
appealing, even, in a way.
>not liking The Eagles
(be)rate my taste
we got the greatest hip hop album of all time, the greatest white album of all time, the greatest jazz album of all time, the greatest metal album of all time, thegreatest lofi album of all time, and the greatest rap album of all time. and eminem
davis, coltrane, the list goes on
are you 12?
Paint your wall a darker blue.
Not really big on vinyl collections.
I thought you flipped them on purpose so others could see what you got easier. Whatever.
What's the grey thing on top of your turntable? I don't collect vinyl.
I'd honestly feel weird in that room.
> @Cool, MAster of Puppets, let me put it on@
>gets a ladder
>removes a Tribe Calle dQuest and Coltrane records
>acquires MoP
>Puts back ATCQ and Coltrane
>puts on record after removing shit thats on the record player
> gts back on ladder
>removes ATCQ and Coltrane
>replaces Puppets
>replaces ATCQ and Coltrane
t..thanks OP for inviting me over to listen to records. But I have to go home now...
>he fell for the memes
meet real people fag
It’s a record weight, it’s used to help flatten some warped records and help keep it “stuck” to the platter.
Yeah, but do any of you losers have the uncensored version of The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking
rate me.
They're gonna say it's shit no matter what OP. You enjoy your hobby regardless of what they say
I’ve got a shit ton more but this is the “permanent collection” display
A Love Supreme, Kind of Blue, the Low End Theory, To Pimp a Butterfly, the list goes on...
Let me flex real quick
>putting a dick on display
u gay???
Good Nature tho, what a great record
I love that record man, total feels trip. My Ex-Girlfriend got me the deluxe Photobook version for Christmas and it’s the tightest shit ever. It’s like 45 pages of like pictures and lyrics. I feel it really adds to the album. If you’re a fan definitely check that version out.
am i on reddit?
Did you buy Tommy new lmfao. I constantly see it going for a buck at thrift stores and shit. Garbage fucking album. Unlistenable
You fucking retard your speakers are flipped.
no this is from reddit
Fake Yea Forums taste.
Original Exmilitary?
Yes sir, black smudge cover with only one LP. It’s got a small seam split on the spine but I plan on keeping it so no big deal imo
>solid air
shit taste except mbdtf and it's not even on the wall
good taste the other anons are gay
Cringe. No taste.
have the good metallica stuff so based in my book
You should upgrade to a Crosley.
And justice for all is better than all 3 of those albums
Very nice display and turntable, but you have some iffy tastes if I’m being quite honest.
I refuse to believe this isnt bait
i don't get, what are you "flexing" about? that you have some guy's dick on display?
>worst gabriel genesis
you can bait better than that my friend
Are you a woman?
What's going on there, big guy?
reddit tier diversity walls
absolute shit taste, all of the albums are picked and displayed by album art alone
Probably got his off reddit or tumblr, but patrician taste, not because I like most of those albums, but because you're confident in displaying a taste that you'd know would likely get vilified on here. Honest taste is patrician taste.
Nobody ever talks about Turnover post-PV and it's a damn shame. They took a turn in a different direction but it's such a soothing album.
how much did you spend on it?
Looks like you went on an urban outfitters shopping spree
+ swans and lcw
nice grips collection but the dick is kinda gay
These are the nice records I own
cunt captcha made me mis 8640000000000
>Dexter's Laboratory: The Hip-Hop Experiment
Normie wanderer tourist
Fuck yeah, that acrylic platter is supposed to make it sound amazing from what I heard
Thank you
>most Yea Forums threads: generally knowledgeable posters, obscure recs, criticised harshly for touristy shit
>Yea Forums vinyl threads: kids showing off they're urban outfitters-tier albums and reissues of Yea Forums-core
the lack of backlash from you guys is also surprising. it's really as if this is the designated reddit thread. i can't tell if it's comfy or not
Are those stacked ? oh boy
Based Jesus lizard
>Age between 5 and 45 years
Honestly, it’s hard for me to say but some days I think Good Nature is a better album than PV. I love Good Nature and can’t wait to hear what’s next.
$175, which I can’t complain about seeing the trend they’re going on now.
Maybe, I don’t really notice a sound difference but i definitely notice records sticking to it less since the platter doesn’t build up static.
it's a GOAT westcoast hip hop album you pleb
Hold up, are they stacked now or not?
Fucking kys tier
My small collection
Holy fuck. Great Allman Brothers show. Where did you get that vinyl?
you can rate this part of my collection if you want
the polish jazz is cool
wow no inxy in this thread.
You lucky fuck
Are you going to get Steroids on Record Store day?
These niggas out here clearing out Urban Outfitters' vinyls lmao
someone's got to do it
>needing a ladder to listen to music
absolutely retard pilled
r8 my latest vinyl pickup. And yes that is a sealed original Spirit of Eden that I got for $12. Not sure if I should open it
these records all fuck. *especially* script of the bridge
Recent listens
>Jesus lizard and hot rats
some pretty good goth records in there