
give me more albums with skeletons on the cover. try and keep it musically diverse as possible.

Attached: skeletoncore.png (1919x1328, 167K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: R-9857357-1523112282-8602.jpeg.jpg (600x921, 76K)

elende - todbringer
it's a good album too, no memes

Attached: theoriginoffeces.jpg (600x603, 263K)

what i have so far

Attached: topsters2.png (2059x1328, 239K)

idk if this counts

Attached: sung tongs.jpg (474x474, 60K)

The worst album art I've ever seen.

Attached: slipknotvol5.jpg (600x600, 66K)

Attached: E120007E-5A87-4CF6-A89E-7E6BC62720E1.jpg (444x450, 41K)

Attached: a3826576150_16.jpg (700x700, 111K)

Absolutely essential

Attached: 12786.jpg (443x392, 45K)

And this one

Attached: 140CCFCF-C39A-4BC7-A4FD-06C92F5208CF.jpg (500x500, 115K)

Akitsa has a couple.
Skullflower - Fucked on a Pile of Corpses
Tomb Mold - Primordial Malignity
Ved Buens Ende - Written in Waters

Attached: a3517539795_10.jpg (1200x1200, 110K)

Also this

Attached: kreator-pleasure-kill.png (1200x900, 1.46M)

Attached: ellende.jpg (1200x1073, 369K)

speaking of hantasi

Attached: a1034213062_10.jpg (1200x1200, 230K)

Attached: 23123123123.jpg (1417x1417, 391K)

Attached: 81S29hBwizL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 34K)

Attached: Trúbadóirí Ólta An Diabhail.jpg (800x800, 58K)

Attached: 100000x100000-999-1547656934-640x640.jpg (640x640, 96K)

Attached: A1J-zfREDeL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1485, 487K)

Attached: 213213123.jpg (300x300, 34K)

Attached: folder.jpg (897x897, 346K)

not including MTI sorry

Attached: skeletoncore.png (2059x1328, 510K)

surprised i hadn't already seen this here

Attached: misfit.jpg (349x355, 12K)

Not him, but why not? Seems like a good fit and it's lacking in hip hop compared to metal and punk right now

skeleton isnt the main focus of the cover. thats all. i'll put in all screwed up vol 2 and unrendered

here it is

Attached: 220px-SlipknotAllOutLife.jpg (220x220, 12K)

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Attached: a3310876619_16.jpg (700x700, 115K)

everything by begotten

Attached: 21321312.jpg (1000x988, 157K)

This count?

Attached: 8826C4F3-BAF0-40A5-853C-1ECC33F87384.jpg (480x360, 18K)

do u think he offed himself for real

Attached: lik.jpg (1200x1200, 560K)

almost done

Attached: skeletoncore.png (2318x1370, 717K)

Attached: officer.jpg (1024x1024, 295K)

Attached: current 93.jpg (500x500, 21K)

Attached: SuperiorViaduct_FactrixCazazza_CaliforniaBabylon_SV004_72dpi_web.jpg_1024x1024.jpg (600x600, 17K)

Attached: 81l9QUH5aEL._SY355_.jpg (351x355, 21K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Attached: 110432.jpg (600x600, 31K)

Attached: 71Lj7Os--jL._SL1078_.jpg (1078x1078, 155K)

How was this not posted yet

Attached: R-770592-1345199453-5999.jpeg.jpg (600x585, 169K)

Attached: 94cfdb5f36a7f935b6837f5fe8840ed6.jpg (1800x1800, 639K)

This is now a spoop core thread

Attached: x-core albums.png (828x1540, 1.26M)

Attached: 3291.jpg (620x637, 51K)

Attached: Uniform & The Body Mental Wounds Not Healing.jpg (320x320, 21K)

not sure if counts

Attached: R-656770-1174945117.jpeg.jpg (600x600, 72K)

cause i already put it in.
three albums left. ones that were posted that i left out is because i felt they werent "skeleton-ey" enough

shit forgot to post image

Attached: skeletoncore.png (2297x1349, 769K)

i just need one more. not counting the last one cause its not a full skeleton.

Attached: 4443804.jpg (600x600, 229K)

Attached: 2188658.jpg (351x345, 32K)

Attached: 2773_300.png (300x180, 9K)

Attached: 6129019.jpg (1265x1281, 3.23M)


Attached: 1528479136636.jpg (598x600, 37K)


Attached: skeletoncore.png (2339x1435, 857K)


Attached: 1522546094526.gif (297x330, 1.69M)

Bones - Unrendered

skull snaps
power of the picts
faust s/t
andrew bird - the music of hair
napalm death - scum
The dance of death and other plantation favorites
bohren - black earth
flying eyes - done so wrong
grateful dead - sunshine daydream (and many others)