ITT: Post a video game and others reply with the musical equivalent of it

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varg's shitty spoken word ambient albums

The Skyrim Official Soundtrack.

If Skyrim is Nickleback, Fallout 76 is Imagine Dragons.


Ok someone do minecraft

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I wouldn't say Fallout 76 is Imagine Dragons, mostly because people like Imagine Dragons. It's more like Fallout 4 is the Imagine Dragons. Both bland and liked by normies only.

I remember playing Bloodborne while listening to notm. Bloodborne is definitely the video game version of some DG album.

Childish Gambino

Insomnium - Winter's Gate
I... Just... I.... But... What the fuck?

I'd say that's spot on, considering NOTM is a Double album, and the difference in Bloodbourne pre and post the Rahm Fight

this. duh

the ways of yore

Use your words

The Dark Side of the Moon, a pretty good piece of media that normies over-hyped and claim to be the "best of the genre" even though there are plenty of better pieces of media in that genre

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Are you really a bethesdrone in the year of our Lord 2019?

Most normies nowadays don't even know what DSOTM is

This game gave me schizophrenia.

Iglooghost - Clear Tamei

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red hot chili peppers

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I’ve been playing nothing but civ 5 for the past several hours and now I don’t feel alive. Music for this feel?

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Antlers - Hospice

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bedwetter - raging bull


Now that's what I call music 2011 -2018