>part 7
Jesus Christ Varg is really triggered by this movie.
Other urls found in this thread:
The movie is fucking shit though
I didn't even watch it and I agree
A Hollywood feature film featuring a sanitized version of the Norwegian black metal scene, told from the perspective of the man he killed? Well no shit he's going to be mad.
>part 7: i never had a threesome
based varg
well they basically lie about how varg was and portray euronymous as the redeemed protagonist and varg as a total creepy asshole when in reality euronymous was the creepy asshole, by all accounts nobody liked him and lots of people really liked varg.
go back to bed, Varg
The movie could've used more of a Thulean perspective
when will this 70 year old medieval incel finally die
varg is the chosen one, he cannot die
In part 6 he even defended Euronymous, he REALLY hates this film.
>Euronymous ships out the contract with an envelope so that Varg can send it back after he dies
>Varg shows up to Euronymous' apartment in the middle of the night after driving for hundreds of miles
>sounds pissed as fuck
>Euronymous flat out states these facts and his confusion
>Euronymous lets him in
Now come on. Even if this movie was 100% factually correct, can we all agree that Euronymous deserved to die for being so retarded?
After he signs it***
why are women so dumb? listen to this bitch ramble
"i personally find this movie inspirational because i i wish i could live this really crazy edgy cult brutal life"
>this really crazy edgy cult brutal life
>movie bastardizes the Norwegian black metal scene with lies and drama to make it spicier for a movie adaptation
>script is only written from Euronymous's family's perspective
>being surprised that Varg has opinions
You have to go back.
Varg is a certified lunatic.
good thing burzum.org isn't around anymore, or varg's sheep followers would be able to find interviews where Varg admits to fucking techno club groupies
stop invading Varg's safe space
he's right. Varg's a megalomaniac as well, but Euronymous was probably worse. at some point in your 20s, obsessing over death and snuff films and causing other people pain and misery stops being an edgy post-teenage phase and starts being "symptoms of a bad person"
>implying using American actors to portray Norwegians isn't bastardizing
That song in the video is a banger tho
At first I thought it was unfortunate that it was a shallow teen drama. But when I realized how much it pissed off Varg, I discovered a love for it.
>implying American is a race
I guess Jackie Chan can't play a Chinese guy anymore because he has American citizenship
How the fuck does varg have 236k subs?
Imagine basing your decisions and taste on trying to spite a person who doesn't know you exist
>confusing race with nationality
Based and Vargpilled
Varg got Snorre Ruch to drive him hundreds of miles overnight in self-defence, because Euronymous was a homosexual communist who was going to torture Varg to death with a stun-gun. Also, Jews sank Atlantis and Varg never actually liked black metal, he was only using the movement to redpill the youth. If you believe any of this, you are either Varg, or a retard.
>tfw youve had one(1) more threesome than varg
are you actually retarded
read my post again
Varg is pure and NOT for sexuals
They're all white nationalists
Reminder that varg lost the only deathlike silence copy of his debut album 'BURZUM' in a jeep race. It sold for 1500 dollars the other day.
Are you an LG poster too? Used to post there religiously from '02 to around' 06
Watching garbage to own the vargs. Why do you hate him? I'm assuming it's some bullshit political thing since the guy is entertaining.
they're top 10 camping tent compilation viewers
hes a genius musician with an interesting story and take on modern day society. he basically a survivalist that thinks society will soon collapse once it runs out of raw materials from all the crap we use it for.
>basically a survivalist
Living off benefits isn't survivalism, sorry bro.
Nah i don't post. Unironically facebook ruined lg. The anonymous comment section used to be ruthless, now its tame comparatively.
you don't think he makes royalty's off his music?
he lived off his wife's and mom's fortunes
does Louis call his wife's children "Cachet"?
He dosen't.
He makes money off books and tabletop games and i think he sells t shirts, but i doubt hes making very much money from it.
he's brainwashing them to be white/european nationalists
I got out before that. I was there when Brandan Schiepatti (am I spelling that right?) used to post there, and get butthurt at the daily C&Ps claiming he'd died in a plane crash. Also, watching Simon Brody's slow decline was pretty lolsome.
whites cant have an identity?
does he use autotune here? or is it a chipmunk voice effect?
and here it is the white nationalists
He does that in a bunch of his videos.
dude is like 40 years old he puts hair dye in his hair to look like a wizard or some stupid shit
Should I see this movie? Just for curious. Pirated of course
read the comments his fans are literal sychopants
Blondes go gray fairly quickly, especially in the beard
I honestly thought Varg was like 60 before finding out he's actually like 46.
i seriously believe varg would grey up his hair to look like the wizard he's the luckiest incel the world t bh
He has like 7 kids
Wizard work is a lot more flattering than his nazi youth look
that's why i said he's lucky
how is he an incel? hes against womanizing but im sure he could get/got mad puss back in the day
Probably by a black guy
Varg's kids are as white and pure as fresh snow
have you seen his kids?
oui ja
I think Hellhammer is almost 50 and yet he looks much better than louis
>that hair
this mutt
>hes a genius musician
That's debatable. He refuses melodies quite a bit.
It's still early in this part of burgerland.
is he brazilian?
Varg isn't blond he has brown hair naturally
full damage control
almost like it's the same song or something...
>Varg drank chocolate milk at any point from 1991 to 1994? FALSE
>it's okay when Papa Varg does it
my man aint drink that
>no one is allowed to rerecord their own songs
they already have mayonnaise and handball
This 100%
Hes good at it unfortunately
hes a charismatic figure and the racial identity pull is a primal and powerful one. he almost makes it seem sexy due to his image and past of being on the margins of society
>act like you don't care about killing somebody for 20+ years
>has the only side of the story we can hear
>movie portrays him as an unsympathetic psycho
not defending Euronymous but c'mon now varg.
100% Norse motherfucker
So is the agenda actually about bringing the guilt down on him? He did the time, to my knowledge. You can't force people how to think.
I'm not quite sure why he does these high-pitched vocals? is it some inside joke I'm not in on? or is there some aesthetic purpose?
that song lit senpai
Wish it were a joke
Vargs music has been going downhill since he left prison
He has no self awareness
And that's a GOOD thing
could he ever top this masterpiece?
a very good thing
>when the dark sax hits
it means he is racist
But I thought Jews werent a race Moshe
>Tay-K - The Race
Now that this crappy movie exists will you cucks finally admit that black metal has dethroned garbage like Trivium as the defacto NPC metal genre?
Pretty sure NPCs still listen to thrash and nuMetal
I've been to metal shows, there were countless mayhem and behemoth shirts everywhere. Every time I hear about people I know forming a new metal band, it's always a black metal band. This was not the case even 5 years ago.
Behemoth isnt black metal. Not since the 90s.
Not even mad. I'd much rather have Mayhem and Burzum be popular than alt metal and melodeath or whatever the fuck. Might as well whine about any other influential band being popular.
>jazzmaster on wall
Heill Odinn
Saell Odinn
neige plays a jazzmaster
and he did the best vocals in bm
i invite you to go look through her channel its a goldmine
Handball is something for Amerimutts, who are not white to begin with.
Varg is a useful idiot. The reason YouTube keeps his channel while banning countless other right wing channels, is because he constantly shit talks Christianity and convinces his viewer to start worshiping trees and other gay pagan shit. As long as it's Anti-Christian, they'll let him stay up.
>that sublime CD
holy fuck lmao
and all the youtube comments are just orbiters enabling her since she's a woman. old youtube would've cast her out for being a poser
weeaboo faggot
NPC aren't that much into thrash. They probably just know a few Metallica songs, and that's it
>varg loves runescape too
Based + redpilled
>banning countless other right wing channels
let me clarify this,"countless" means less than 10?
no, literally hundreds that you've likely never heard of. less than 500 views each video, less than 1k subscribers, etc. they don't get recommended via youtube's algorithm but go down the pedogate rabbit hole and you'll find plenty of them
He always do sports and had a heatlhy diet
>Christians still having a persecution fantasy.
No it isn't because Kvlt bullshit is annoying
>modern technology is bad even though it is literally how i make money
Best worst movie ever. Pirated it and watched it twice. Surprisingly well put together at times, unintentionally funny at other times.
Only bad thing about it is that I'm sure the average thoughtless drone will watch it, think it's 100% factual, and be like OMG VARG IS A MONSTER!!!
No it's not, he makes money by the french government giving it to him
classic retardo louis
that honestly explain why his music resonate more with thirdworldfags
>lives in france
>change his name into a french one
Is he the biggest cuck? What's his major malfunction?
chad wrestler Hellhammer vs beta dungeon master Louis
His major malfunction is being certifiably insane. As well as a pseudo intellectual
>What's his major malfunction?
Are you a sixteen year old rich blonde girl from america
self-obsessed, holier than thou, pseud
But he is
dude looks like rick james
why was he such an edgelord in Until the Light Takes Us documentary
this movie was actual character assassination
i'm surprised varg hasn't sued
they portrayed him as a fucking nazi. praying to a nazi flag in one scene
that's pretty fucked considering varg's not even 1% nazi
at least he can play an instrument
Hes kind of a nazi though
if varg sued then he would be even more of a hypocrite than he is now
>varg's not even 1% nazi
why does he put 14's and 88's in his videos when he gets the chance
>they portrayed him as a fucking nazi.
because he was a fucking neo-nazi sympathizer
Lol that was probably the only accurate part of the movie.
le epic ss helmet for fun
his wife is a multimillonarie acording to varg
he win life
You guys are just jelly desu
>woman is the breadwinner
matriarchy lasted longer and is older
according to this movie varg is against morales and the nation states kek
not by a black guy
his firstborn daughter dates black guys though
Yeah, how dare he get upset that some schlock film inaccurately trivializes his life. Real intellectual titans like myself are indifferent.
not his daughter and its hilarious how this forum jumps to conclusions when a white women is anywhere near a black guy
fuggen lmao at this image
>trivializes his life
it doesn't. It's more realistic that all the parties involved wish to admit.
And it's not a "schlock film".
t. thuleanperspective subscriber
>not his daughter
that literally is his daughter
Not that guy but proof?
Prove it
look up rebekka sivertsen
He got fat
Belus was pretty good.
When he was younger he was pretty obsessed with Naziism.
I wonder if Akerlund realized that Varg would chimp out harder the more he slandered him and would draw more attention to the movie this way.
>Every time I hear about people I know forming a new metal band, it's always a black metal band. This was not the case even 5 years ago.
True, I started one with some guys 8 years ago and then a few projects popped up around town here and there but we're still the only one in a 100 mile radius.
Lets b real they were all assholes
Ya but only one is trying to start a race war
my hate is all inclusive though, not concentrated on particular groups
Three Fiddy before taxes
saw you thread(s) on Yea Forums why are you so obsessed with varg discord tranny?
Because he's selling a brand called "Mayhem"?
That documentary is absolute kino
This post is stunningly retarded
Just watched it. Not a bad watch but considering it pretends to depict real events it feels like a bunch of bullshit slander. No wonder Varg has his panties in a bunch over it. I would too.
so hes her sugar baby then lmao?
he was when he was younger he said so many times
The movie is great. The only people who are mad about it are those who still buy into the mythology. The scene was really just some edgy middle class teenagers who happened to make some good music. Get over it.
>The scene was really just some edgy middle class teenagers who happened to make some good music
Every art scene ever since the stone ages
Literally not his daughter. This rumor was disproven ages ago and it only takes two seconds on Google to see this.
Not an argument
Sheltered, upper middle class kids from one of the safest and richest countries on the planet. The reason this film portrays them as embarrassing social misfits is because that's exactly what they were.
>The movie is great.
It's great in the sense that it's fucking hilarious unintentionally
> The only people who are mad about it are those who still buy into the mythology.
Or Varg who had his character assassinated, even a bad character is worth defending against blatant lies, and understandably, anyone who is an actual fan of that scene and also knows the real story
>The scene was really just some edgy middle class teenagers who happened to make some good music.
None of them made any good music, black metal as a whole sucked
Those are some shit opinions you've got there
>knows the real story
What's the real story? Is it the one where Varg is an autistic social reject who decided to go completely out of his way to murder someone over some shit talking?
Varg deserves that treatment, he is causing division in our society only because he is a hurt child who had to live in iraq because his daddy was an engineer who was hired by saddams regime. If hes so smart he should of jist went to school.
Ah yes the "real" story that varg took the threat to his life seriously so he went to Euronymous's place at night to sign a contract. Went upstairs alone, and had to chase Euronymous out of his own apartment while he was unarmed and kill him in self defense.
>The only people who are mad about it are those who still buy into the mythology
Well Varg is mad about the film and he says the scene was shit and anyone who wasn't involved mythologizes it or was too drunk to remember (Fenriz).
Varg was a murdering autistic twat, but he was not the character in the film. He was more of a moralfag insecure kid, he hated drugs and drink, the kind of nerd obsessed with purity and ancient history and role playing games. He was an autistic nerd regardless, but the movie made him out to be some obnoxious fat kid who somehow abused and banged a bunch of hot chicks? The movie's own narrative doesn't make sense, and it's hilarious for that. But it still isn't true.
I'll let you in on a secret. Black metal was not that big or that popular of a scene, it wasn't Motley Crue, and those were "hot" guys, even ugly American thrash bands admitted they never got laid much because they were ugly fucks, and they were far more popular than Burzum or Mayhem ever was in their heyday.
>I'll let you in on a secret. Black metal was not that big or that popular of a scene
This isn't anything resembling a secret unless you're as entry level as it gets.
they were all fucking terrible people. except necro butcher. he’s a good dude
varg comes across as such a faggot, his entire shtick is basically larping lord of the rings because he autistically imprinted on it as an incel teen
it is still around, there's tonnes of old interviews and none of them mention that stuff
Varg is based
I mean this is the truth, they were all a bunch of hipster faggots when you get down to the basics.
i'll let you in on a secret
EVERYBODY knows this
The biggest problem was how super American the whole movie felt. Like the Americanness was seeping out the edges. Also regardless of how you feel about Varg I mean it portrayed him like absolute shit and a poser. When in reality he in Old Funeral when he met Euronymous and knew Varg before he died. It was 5/10 somewhat entertaining. Rory Culkin was really great as Euronymous, he's a good actor.
*knew Dead before he died
man she's hot
>tfw no tight bod big eyebrow metal gf
well there you go
how do you do fellow sires
Chillin lol just about to sleep
Bumpin for anyone who hasnt yet realized what a lame dork Varg is
Looool tru tru
The worst modern case of "born in le wrong generation" imo
hes grown progressively lamer with age. Sad desu
>varg's not even 1% nazi
Varg would be upset with any depiction of that story that doesn't have Euronymous sucking Mao Zedong's dick while maniacally cackling and plotting to murder him, ending with Varg riding in on Sleipnir and "self-defensing" Euronymous out of history.
Underrated post. I do think all the sex and Sky Ferreira's non-existent character were pretty unnecessary additions by Aeklund though.
they all were well-to-do kids
except for Fenriz
The Norwegians weren't ugly though. Varg could've been a fashion model if he wanted to.
Varg is fucking ugly lmao
He(was) cute.
>lava lamp
Oh man, I have great memories of watching my red lava lamp do its thing when I was 4-5 years old. Those were far more innocent times
lamps kill.
>implying the story of a bunch of LARPing edgelords brooding in a basement deserves a respectful portrayal
>when the trve norse black metal sax kicks in just right
>based negroid
>lol as if the story of a bunch of edgelord nerds in norway deserves respectful treatment
"so why even make a movie about it if it's so inconsequential?"
>no no shut up they had to make the movie this story needs to this story has to be told
Miles Davis would be proud
This movie, no matter how he's depicted in there, is a gift to Varg.
British people play Greeks and Romans, Australians play Americans, and Asian Americans play -insert every Asian ethnicity that isn't their own- all the goddamn time. It's nothing new, get over yourself.
Europeans have one already, dumb white Americans have one too, but they think it's okay to lump all Europeans together into a single group, taking their accomplishments with them. Unless you're a white ethnic minority like an Irish American, Italian American, Polish American, German American, or whatever group that got shat on between the mid 1800's to the mid 1900's, your identity is American, point blank.
Honestly, if white Americans aren't white, then neither are white Australians, white Canadians, white South Africans, or any white person that's not living in some bumfuck village in Europe. This "muh real white" bullshit is the reason why Benjamin Franklin (American) unironically said Germans weren't white.
Watched it last night. Honestly, the only part I really didnt like was how shitty the acting was of the guy who played Varg
>haha dude why doesn't every fucking white male bend over and take the leftist white male bashing
guarantee that you're white beta leftist incels. that's the sad part. Varg is a bad example, but being white is nothing to be ashamed of and the only people who would say otherwise are brainwashed cucks and marxist jews.
The fact that he's so butthurt about a dumb flick NARRATED BY A FUCKING dead guy just proves that he's just as dumb or worse than the movie portrays him. No one over the age of 14 or soccer moms could take it seriously.
btw, the actor who plays him may not look like him but did a damn good job getting his gestures right.
Are you obsessed with America?
get out faggot
it also means he's not an incel
still pretty cute desu
>watch a bunch of varg's vids on youtube after watching this film
>get recommended a video on autism
His wife is a literal high functioning autistic.
autistic people are evolved beings according to varg
i dont have any particular feelings about varg but god damn his fans/commenters/dicksuckers are so fuckin annoying. did they not have dads or osmething
Right now people are tapping Varg Vikernes into Google and will see ThuleanPerspective.
A lot of them are going to watch.
Some of them are going to start to think. ....
Varg Vikernes : Spitting out Red Pills like a well maintained GPMG.
what is sky ferers involvement with this film?
they made a movie cause its an interesting story dipshit. a bunch of edgelord assholes do stupid insane shit for lols. makes an entertaining movie.
I thought they all came off as immature creepy assholes.
They can read minds
where can I watch this shit?
Agree, one of the things that made me enjoy the movie is how butthurt his "fans" would be. They don't show up here that often (Yea Forums is too big for that) but in other (and smaller) IBs they are pure cancer and went pretty silent since the movie came out.
And thats a good thing
the makers of the movie are doing G-d's work
I think Varg is a dick but then again so was Euronymous. He knew damn well nothing good could come out of provoking a depressed suicidal person (Dead)
i always thought that varg killed euronymous because of dead. I didn't know that euronymous wanted varg to sign a contract and that's what made him kill him until i saw the movie.
>reddit spacing