I'm making fucking catcore. ITT this threade, post you're FUCKING albums with cats, cates, cades, kots, nekos, and more on the cover.
Other urls found in this thread:
that's current 93 album
Made this catgaze chart a bit ago, so you can add all of these
Lemon's chair - I hate? I hope?
name of top left?
tokyo shoegazer - crystallize
its a pretty solid shoegaze album, especially the first 3 tracks
thanks mate, will check it out, and added you're chart to the catcore chart
i was just responding, not the user who made the mini chart
you can probably go ahead and add
Starry cat - s/t
Beat Happening - s/t
ratatat - classics
Jawbreaker - Unfun
Ratatat - Classics
Beat Happening - Beat Happening
MGMT - Congratulations
Best Coast - Crazy for You
Smog - Knock Knock
keep em comin lads
(nice dubs)
thanks mates
Two door cinema club - tourist history
Snowing - I could do whatever I wanted if I wanted
Melt-banana - fetch
Marshmallow coast - juniors and seniors
Koen holtkamp - field rituals
Replied to wrong post, ignore that
hard to ignore all that catcore to add. thanks
does merzbeat count
this thread is big
you can't really tell what's on merzbeat, can you... I always thought it was a budgerigar parakeet, but then again, it's really just a blob with an eyeball. I wouldn't count it.
(nice dubs)
thanks mate
Jesus Lizard - Liar
do you have something against dogs
This might be a bit hopeful, but let's see if we can get to 100
good editions lads, keep em coming
no, not really, but this chart is for cats only. If you've got an album cover with both a dog and a cat, I'll count it.
(now I got the dubs)
forgot update
Another update. Feel free to add any cat album you like.
does this count
It's got a cat. I'll count it.
alright. going to bed. will add new gusic in the morning if it is posted. otherwise, is the final chart. thanks for helping. this was fun.
big cat with wings
i'd count it
I'll continue updating the chart since OP is sleeping
honoroary gusic
thred = huuuudże
The new Tyga album
Konatus - Baruch