What do you use Yea Forums?
What do you use Yea Forums?
in-ear buds never fit in my ears, they always slide out immediately, i think my earholes are just too tight, they're such a pain in the ass
Speakers, like an adult.
Earbud because im not an autist
Adults respect the privacy of others, so unless you live in your own house by yourself, speakers are childish. And also prohibit you from being encapsulated in the sound
I sit in my living room with tower speakers when I listen to music.
I have ATH-M50s, but would love a pair of Audeze EL8 Titaniums. I still use airpods on the go, and when I'm working out.
I've had the QC3 for like 8 years and I still love them
what this user said, but over ear for moments I'm not using speakers and in-ear for on the go
>And also prohibit you from being encapsulated in the sound
>implying speakers can't
>And also prohibit you from being encapsulated in the sound
You're kidding right? Headphone soundstage is like listening to fuckin ants play music inside of your head or just outside of it. A good speaker system, encapsulates your entire body in sound.
Once you hear a good speaker rig, you can't help but look at headphones with complete disdain. Just telling the truth.
>Using anything over than Ear buds with a cord, outside of your house
Ultimate cringe
It’s rude to do that if you have an apartment tho
>10+ year old mdr-v6 99% of the time
>sonus faber grand pianos sitting in the living room, never used
both plugged into a denon avr-3805, my cat likes to bask in the insane amount of heat it produces
They're extremely convenient when working out. Definitely worth it.
Ok how would this work though? I cant just marathon my favorite albums back to back without pissing everyone else off. If you live in a mansion you can do it but I fucking don’t.
how do they not fall out
air pods
What’re the best over the ear head phones I can get for under $100?
idk suck it up and just use headphones and never bother with speakers or listen to your speakers at lower volume, not that complicated
Philips SHP9500 are good
anything else is uncomfortable
I have kind of big ears
this depends completely on the mastering process
>Ok how would this work though?
Nearfield shouldn't bother anyone in other rooms unless the walls are extremely thin.
>I like to listen to my music LOUD.
It's not a good idea to go above 75db on headphones for any extended period of time, since they're just basically shooting the soundwaves into your ears. Soundwave from a speaker is diffused by your body before entering the ear.
>Soundwave from a speaker is diffused by your body before entering the ear.
lmao you are dumber than I even thought possible
>this depends completely on the mastering process
There's no mastering process that will give headphones a comparable sized soundstage and imaging accuracy vs. speakers. Even binaural fuckin' sucks, since the dummy/person who made the recording is going to have a different HRTF than you, resulting in very unstable imaging.
Sure, there's 3d mastering processes like Q sound, but where something like Q sound puts the sounds a foot outside your head in headphones, on speakers, it can put the sounds outside of the room, perceptibly speaking (Roger Waters' Amused to Death. Dogs, Crickets, etc sound like they're outside).
circumaural because it has the word "cum" in it
>In loudspeaker reproduction, sounds must travel several feet before reaching the listener's ears. By the time they arrive, a portion of the high frequencies have been absorbed by the air. Low frequencies are not absorbed as much, but they are more felt through bone conduction than actually heard. With headphones, the ears hear all frequencies without any attenuation, because the transducers are literally pressed against them. Thus, when listening to headphones at the same effective volume level as loudspeakers, headphones may still transmit louder high frequencies that are more likely to cause hearing damage.
Sean Olive at Harman confirmed this somewhat when he surprisingly found that test listeners (not bass heads) turned down their bass on headphones, when beforehand he theorized they would turn up the bass on headphones to compensate for the lack of full body bone conduction you get with speaker bass. It's estimated that 30% of the "enjoyment" of bass on speakers comes from the tactility of it. This means bass doesn't need to be as high in volume at the ear to be experienced. Whereas in headphones, the only bone conduction you're really getting is that skull rattling sensation, which requires higher at ear volumes to create. This translates into a bass head needing more overall DB to get satisfying, physical (skull rattling) bass compared to speakers. So our bass head might listen to the same song 5db louder on phones vs. speakers (5db is perceived as about 1.5x as loud).
Sennheiser HD600 as over-ear
Shure SE215 as IEM
Heir Audio 4.ai as CIEM
earbuds and in-ear monitor have higher chances of giving you tinnitus, so anything other than that if fine to me, and of course at a low- moderate volume and never using them to drown down the external sources of sound
yamaha HS8s for monitors
audiotecnica ath-m40x over-ear headphones
u could probably guess my occupation just off of that
>Speakers, like an adult
Been using these same AKGs that came with my Galaxy. Anyone got recommendations for similar upgrades?
if earbuds are your main way of listening to music i feel really bad for you
go be a nigger somewhere else
You gotta change the plastic thing. I got a whole tray full of hundreds of different sizes, you just gotta find the one which fits you.
>he carries speakers around with him wherever he goes
based AND speakerpilled
A combination, I have a pair of over-ears, on-ears and in-ears. They all have their own benefits
Aiwa Exos 9
JBL 305's