Are there any advantages to actually buying a DAW rather than just pirating it? Would I be stupid to buy one?
Are there any advantages to actually buying a DAW rather than just pirating it? Would I be stupid to buy one?
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Supporting the developer so they can absorb the lack of revenue from piracey. Tech Support, fixes updates adn patches.
Apparently, some of the pirated copies of DAWs leave "watermarks" on the audio recordings - Where some people that work for the companies can tell whether someone bought one legitimately or not based on the wave recording.
C4r3fu1 1f y0ur3 0n M$ Winblows y0u w111 b3 1n f0r 4 v1rus
“If the watchmen are watching us, who watches teh watchmen?”
I pirate it for now because software is fucking expensive and I dont have that money, but I always tell myself when pirating any software that I'll buy it when I have the money, which I dont believe ill ever have the money but you never know..
The only upsides to buying a DAW instead of pirating is you feel superior to dirt poor people like me.
You're supporting the people who took time out of their lives to create the program.
Not only that but if you make money off it and you don't support the devs you're a jew.
It’s just what’s right to do. Stealing it is making the statement that you, for some reason, deserve to have access to someone else’s work. You, of course, do not have any born right to the software. So you pay for access.
By buying the software you are supporting the jew devs
Don't buy a jew made DAW
but op, the most versatile daw is free.
if you use pirated softwarez then you'll help bitcoin miners access your resources.
either way you'll pay
excep if the DAW is logic pro
No need to support apple
they are the poster boys for planned obsolescence
This always seemed like an urban myth to me. Has there ever been a case where an established producer has been outed using pirated software in this way?
nah but there have been numerous DJs and shit who leaked their screen when playing live and revealed it. they usually get shamed for not paying the little money by the community but nothing usually happens. Unless you use FL...Image-Line does not play with piracy
if you use image line's Edison, and you record there, it leaves a tag in the mp3 (as a comment) that says 'recorded in edison [date]' unless you go and remove it. they can check if your name has a license i guess
I came here to post this.
I just hope nothing bad happens to it.
Lmao imagine believing that shit. Besides, Nobody would even care wether you bought or pirated it.
Just pírate it OP. Shits too expensive and there are no drawbacks except not getting updates you don't need anyways.
Nice Notion in general, but there arent that many important Feature Upgrades coming with new DAW versions anyways. The companies just need to make any product to survive on the market. Ive been using cubase 7 since forever and have been perfectly fine with it.
I pirate daws who tf would buy that shit how fucking rich are you fuck off. Just bought a 6k Yamaha, gear is important, but you pay for a bunch of DAWS? You’re broke. Shit a couple more buys like that and I am broke. If you pay for your DAWS fuck you. Asshole shill
if you're doing live recordings I highly recommend Reaper. You pay for a certain number of update releases, not yearly or anything. I paid $60 3 years ago and I still have 10 or so updates to go.
it looks shit
Pirate the software, theyll make back monry when you buy their midi controllers anyway. Dont feel bad for them they habe a monopoly.
Can confirm, however it's absolutely not true in the sense most people think. I can only speak about FL, but what is true is that certain presets and such are only available in pirated versions while certain presets and such are missing in pirated versions, etc. so that can be a dead giveaway. Also, in versions newer than 10, you'll have no way to hide the name it's registered to (which with a pirated version will be the cracker), so if you record tutorials or whatever, you'll have to edit out the name it's registered to (which logically you should do anyway if you care about your privacy as it's your full legal name, but doing so will trigger their wrath even if you legit paid for it as it's "suspicious") and there's no way to do that while streaming, so you should never stream with a pirated FL or they will nail you down (unless it's FL10 or older, but then they'll come after you just for using an old version because they don't like that). There are also things like metadata that may reveal it since it contains dates and version information, which you should remove in any case especially as Image-Line considers using old versions of FL "suspicious" even if they're legit. On top of that, certain VST's have in-built piracy detection; e.g. Lennar Digital is notorious for this, Sylenth being immediately recognisable as pirated from the skin as well as the name it's registered to, and it'll send your IP and computer username and everything to the company the second you install it regardless of whether it's pirated or not; this won't happen if you have a good antivirus, though. The preset issue is also true of Sylenth, and I'm sure other VST's.
Dunno, I just use Reaper in trial mode. If I ever make money from my music I'll throw em some money. But as an amateur just fucking around as a hobby I see no reason to pay for an expensive DAW (although Reaper isn't expensive)
I've been using pirated Sylenth1 for years and nothing ever happened.
If they have my IP, they're certainly not doing anything with it.
good market position =/= innovation or progress
Where did this notion that DAWs where expensive come from? compared to a good pair of monitors which can be $500+, DAWs are relatively cheap
the ableton CEO said that piracy is basically a good thing.
didn't deadmau5 call out kanye for using pirated software? didn't affect either of their careers...
I can't fucking stand FL and its clique today, but I totally loved FL v.8 and older back in the 00's.
They're expensive compared to the alternative, which is getting them for free through piracy.
Most people aren't able or willing to steal hardware equipment, so the only alternative to get that is to buy it.
Most of the top DAWs are $500+, which is a lot of money to spend on something that you can get for free.
They could've reported you to your local law enforcement, but it probably won't be a priority as the cops and judges and such probably don't even know what a VST is and going after someone only for their digital fingerprints is difficult and likely to fail to lead to a case (but this will likely change in the near future).
he rather said that in present market relations it doesn't affect them that much, and it's a known fact. Microsoft aren't exactly crazy about piracy because they know that it makes their market share bigger and binds the users who "pirate" stuff to closed-source software anyway.
fun fact: reaper and ardour are among the best daws
*mad about piracy
goddamn american english
Kanye was caught having a tab on his browser with a search for Serum torrents or something like that.
Besides, with all the shit Kanye does on the daily, do you really think him pirating a program would cause much scandal?
If there's someone who's immune to having his career ruined by the public opinion, that's him.
And deadmau5 calling people out and causing drama is basically his full time job, so nothing out of the ordinary there either.
Of the top of my head, other people who got caught pirating are Avicii (in his Future Music masterclass), Martin Garrix (also the FM masterclass), Steve Aoki (in a promo for the Linkin Park collaboration), and Carnage (his hilarious Razer masterclass).
None of them had any significant ripercussion on their careers or lives besides producers shittalking/memeing them on forums and social media.
Pirated shit is unstable and sometimes breaks / is broken in some ways. That's the only advantage to buying.
I don't think that makes sense at all.
If both the legit and pirated versions send the user's IP, how would they separate the legit users from the pirates?
They'd need a constantly updated database of the IPs of their customers to crosscheck with, which is retarded ad impossible.
Also, them sending my IP to my local law enforcement would mean nothing because they would actually start an investigation (involving taking all my electronics and seeing if they find any incriminating evience) before actually arresting me (since they can't just toss me in jail or give me a fine because someone told them that someone with my IP connected to their server), and that requires way too much work and resources to do for everyone who is accused of pirating a program.
Plus, i don't know the proper legal terminology in English, but I'm pretty sure that all countries consider this an issue between the two parties, and not a criminal case, so it would be a matter of them having to sue me, and not the police arresting me.
This whole idea is retarded and has zero legs to stand on, which is why the only effective way to catch pirates is if you can see them having a pirated program (either in person, on a video/stream/screenshot/photo, or if they tell you) and you record the evidence to threathen a lawsuit (Waves would do this a lot).
If you jsut use a plugin and tell/show no one, nothing is ever gonna happen from a legal standpoint.
LOL. NO. Do you know how many literally millions of times any major DAW has been pirated? Show me a single case of anyone ever being confronted by law enforcement over a fucking DAW.
$750 is way too much for ableton suite.
Even the massive cases against people running servers for p2p networks were always civil cases. The cops will never come to anyone's door because they pirated a DAW. No cop eve has spent a single minute tracking down file sharing bandits. Your post is absurd.
>(but this will likely change in the near future).
It will result in an absurd amount of labor no courts will be able to perform, and an unrealistic megalomaniacal technical network that will cost billions, what for?
it's just one totally illogical situation among other illogical situations in this illogical society
>unlimited tracks is listed as a feature
Is this not standard?
Most DAWs have price/feature tiers. Most DAWs limit track count on the cheaper tiers.
Software devs are absolute kikes to begin with. I'm not paying thousands for VSTs.
Clearly you live in the free world. Not everyone shares that luxury. In some countries, there is no clear separation between a criminal case and a civil case. But I did say nothing will happen, so you're arguing the same point against the same point... and Lennar Digital for example is not American, they're from the Netherlands which is one of the most anti-piracy countries of the EU, so...
It will happen, though, even if it's retarded.
All software you have to pay for is made by jews.
Free and open source software is better in every way. Only jews believe that 1s and 0s have value.
>free world
Ok, show me a case from outside the US of the cops arresting someone for pirating a DAW.
Guy whoi made this post here.
Ok, assuming you live in a country where civil and criminal cases are one and the same, or even if you live in the same country as the company you pirated from, just remove the third paragraph (the one about civil vs criminal) from my post and all the other points still stand.
It's literally impossible for them to catch any criminal from their IP for so many reasons.
You said:
>t probably won't be a priority as the cops and judges and such probably don't even know what a VST is and going after someone only for their digital fingerprints is difficult and likely to fail to lead to a case
Which is the least influential factor out of all that's wrong with the idea
>(but this will likely change in the near future).
How will things change?
They won't because the problems outlined here won't go away.
>It will happen
it can not technically happen because you can't plant a garden in the North Pole. Well, you can, but it will cost absurd amounts of money you won't be able to get out of thin air. Who will pay, cities? They can't be bothered. The state? It's not exactly the richest entity around.
>people who don't know anything about law enforcement talk about law enforcement
stop please
>In some countries, there is no clear separation between a criminal case and a civil case.
Oh jeez. Where?
>only Jews believe 1s and 0s have value
this is such a dumb generalisation, i can't actually bring myself to believe that someone could be this retarded. may as well just give away all the music you made with that DAW cus only Jews believe wiggly air has value
i do put my music out for free. music should be enjoyed by all regardless of what kind of money they have to spend.
watch a richard stallman talk. he's a martyr for free software. software should be enjoyed by all.
pay for shit once you make money through it. anything else is just stupid
I've heard that people could tell that Kanye doesn't buy his DAWs.
I made money back + some with the DAW I bought from the music I made with it
Fuck, it's really annoying that someone who hates Jews has the same view on this as I do...
Are you a so called beat maker?
Yes, i remember Deadmau5 or someone of the sort stream producing once. Showed some Pirating dudes water marks like "TeamAIRCrack" or something.
i dont hate jews. it was a meme.
>i do put my music out for free.
What do you do to pay the bills?
It's not a "dumb generalization". If you can't see the relationship between Jewish philosophy and valuation of strings of input, you're the ignorant one.
>Are there any advantages to actually buying a DAW rather than just pirating it?
The money helps support the software engineers who made it, indirectly resulting in a better DAW in the future.
Also, things are just overall easier to do if you just pay for the program. There are a lot of workarounds you have to go through if you pirate it.
>a better DAW in the future
Name me one piece of software that wasn't ruined in updates by diversity hires and pointless busywork.
i work a job?
You tell me.
I'm not him though
and you can use it for free though
I don't get why major producers (or anyone with tons of money) would pirate. It's less convenient and less stable. I have a bud who pirates everything and every time I try to use his setup he has to recrack like 4 different things at random or the presets won't show up or some feature will just be broken at random.
hunt down crackas
I'm retired.
based oldboy
Anyone know a good rip of ableton, just found out ableton has a cap of 8 tracks and Im not going to give them any more of my jew gold
Live performances, stream revenue, merchandise and producing for others. Today, selling your music is one of the worst ways of making money as an artist.
*ableton lite
yeah. audioz has a good live 10 rip
This doesn't happen if you know what you're doing.
I've been pirating audio software for almost 7 years and that has only happened once in my first year (with the KORG M1 plugin).
Everything else works perfectly all the time, and in some cases it works much better than the paid versions because those incluse anti-piracy measures, iLock drivers, dongles, and other annoying bullshit, while the cracked stuff has none of that.
You just have to find a trustworthy source (so you avoid ransomware and crypto miners in your torrents), follow the instructions included in the release, and use your firewall to block all inbound and outbound connections to/from the program.
If you do this you'll never have any problem.
Even if what you say was normal, depending on how much money you have, it would still be an acceptable compromise for being able to use many thousands of dollars worth of software for free.
It's a spectrum where on one end you have the dirt poor who aren't going to save money for a year just to buy one VST, and on the other end you have the multimillionaire who can drop $10k on plugins without thinking twice.
This makes income directly proportional to the willingness to pay for your software (in a perfect proportion it would be a linear increase like the red line).
The more the pirated software's instability and other downsides bother you, the more logarithmic the distribution becomes (blue line), and the less it bothers you, the more exponential it becomes (green line).
Personally, I'm competent enough to never have any of the downsides of piracy, and I don't have a lot of money (so I'd much rather spend what I have on things that I can't pirate instead of having subpar hardware AND software because I had to use the money for both things), so my curve is much more exponential than the green one here.