>completely normal interview
>artist suddenly brings up Israel for no reason
Completely normal interview
Who could be behind this?
Eddie bravo sounded like a Yea Forums shitposter in the last interview
>completely normal interview
>interviewer brings up DMT for no reason
he totally is. I cracked up when he said "I can see how some people think you're a zionist shill" to alex jones
Israel adesanya
>Narco Journalist: So yeah the cartel took her oldest son and she's never seen him alive since. Pain and misery rains constantly in Mexico.
Fuck this fucking retard
Watch his previous interview with that other brit Johann Hari. It actually makes a lot of sense and has been experimentally proven effective you fucking retard.
Stfu israel is based
anyone can be reductive and use caps locks
Can I ask what the trend in question was?
You don't know what you're talking about. The drugs themselves aren't causing the violence, it's the cartel and the black market surrounding drugs. Legalize/decriminalize drugs and you reduce or end the black markets from which gangs/cartels profit from.
>experimentally proven
Imagine being this retarded.
War on drugs keeps the narcos and black ops healthy.
>post-prohibition USA
The list can go on
>Legalize black market
>Tens of thousands of people legally overdose
>Hundreds of thousands become addicts trying something they have no idea about because they're young or impulsive
Addicts aren't normal people, they're totally obsessed with their drug of choice and will die before stopping through either severe withdrawal symptoms, violent crime, or cutting it too close and overdosing. Not every market is the same desu, especially with such addictive products.
Full legalization will bring nothing but chaos. The cartels won't lose their power they will just have it legitimized, the only way to get rid of them is to have the state (something already corrupted by said cartels) totally nationalize an entire black market - something which legalization will never achieve. It takes an entire million man army of dedicated ideologues to achieve this, something which corrupt / war torn countries in Latin and South America don't have. There will never be a a way to rid ourselves of this current ignorant drug culture beyond total fascistic genocide of anyone who crosses the line into drug use. There is no simple fix for this issue and there never will be
probably interracial and inces porn
>post-prohibition USA
Oh because our Opioid epidemic just isn't happening is it? It's not like they're totally legalized and yet still abused en masse - oh wait they are.
being so intellectually cuckolded that you want the state to regulate what you can and can't put in your body
Imagine being so cucked that you don't let the police shoot meth dealers in the head publicly like they ought to be
imagine being so cucked that you don't think i also think drug dealers are degenerates, hence why i think drugs should be legalized so these fags have to get a real job or kill themselves
By your logic we should outlaw alcohol as that causes thousands of deaths annually despite the fact that the 18th amendment caused an increase of consumption. Also realize the fact that drug legalization would lead to safer drugs that aren't laced and safer injections, see supervised injection sites.
>The cartels won't lose their power they will just have it legitimized
Literally how