Is there a video game with a better original soundtrack than Niet Automata?
Is there a video game with a better original soundtrack than Niet Automata?
Yea Forums is that way friend
imagine thinking video game soundtracks are any good
I bet you like daft punk and gorrilas too, redditor
I bet all the kids want to sit at your table during lunch!
>muh vidya
No, because unlike you, I'm not underaged.
lol look how triggered Yea Forums gets at video game music
>answering seriously to a facetious question
>chinese video games
lmao hows 8 grade?
>video game music is ba-
>backpedaling this hard
Kingdom Hearts
pic related has GOAT vidya music
incel cope
W-wait. You thought I was serious about the lunch thing?
imagine being so triggered seeing a video game music thread, you clicked on it to make fun of op because you're too insecure with yourself to admit you like things that aren't refined
based r/pcgamer is ass blasted
Oh look. Another social outcast who thinks being called a redditor is an actual insult
Yawn! Next!
god damn it I want to breed constantly with 2B
These are the 10 Greatest Video Game Soundtracks Ever, as voted by over 10,000 Japanese gamers from Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka and Nagoya
>1. Final Fantasy X
>2. Final Fantasy VIII
>3. Chrono Trigger
>4. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
>5. Okami
>6. 999
>7. Dragon Quest III
>8. Dragon Quest VIII
>9. Chrono Cross
>10. Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
Why would she choose to wear that? that must be so uncomfortable
999 ost is godlike
It's pretty funny whenever someone has a differing opinion to you, you automatically default to calling them an NPC. It's almost like you're the NPC!
The factory music from the demo is why I bought that game. ALSO ASS LMAO.
>n-no u
she fuckin dies lol
>pretending all opinions are equal
Hotline Miami, Ruiner, and every single Megaman.
the first Nier
Yes! I love Daft Punk and Gorillas. I feel sorry for you seeing that you cant get into vidya soundtracks. I personally love them. :)
Imagine being so retarded that you think video game soundtracks aren't good
original Nier ost is at least 20 times better
you're a fucking retarded drone if you think a video game can't have a great ost
Ace Combat 2