Hey y'all! Scott here

Hey y'all! Scott here

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Imagine the smell

Deos mio, la creatura de las alcantarillas...

You look like a faggot

Were here to talk about Spiderland



>that episode were Scott talked about earbuds for 20 minutes
He's really running out of ideas for content

Shut up, spic.

He looks British though

i aint a spic, nigger

absolutely 100% based. kinda music you like, scott?

With those teeth? No way

Hello, Scott.

Don't listen to this man
He just means to say that you are a handsome male, and that turns him on. Your sexual preferences are completely undisclosed.


hi scott what is your address


Is Onions banned on mu? Only one way to find out.

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he's pretty fun to watch actually, he's definitely more interesting to watch than modern JonTron

user are you... being racist outside of Yea Forums?

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literally who


I really like this guy's channel, it's really cozy to watch. I hope he has a good day.

Imagine thinking this.

Possibly the worst and most annoying intro of all time

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