>actually have Asperger's
music for this feel
Actually have Asperger's
idk some fag aspergers music lmao
Gary Numan and Buckethead
ash ra tempel
Remain In Light
unironically prog and krautrock desu
NFS carbon had GOD TIER soundtrack
the residents
>impeccable dress sense
>bowtie with sweater
this ain't it chief
>aspbergs is my aesthetic
you know how I know you are an actual incel?
King Crimson and Talking Heads
you forgot "sits at home on Microsoft Paint to prove to people how much sex he has"
you can tell this pic was drawn by an aspie because of how detailed the suit is
top kek
Some shit by John Cage.
very neurotypical response
very "aspebergers is my aesthetic" response
you dont understand irony lol
t. incel
Henry cow
My nigga
>flatter someone
>they fall for it hook, line, and sinker and begin to obsessively gush over themselves autistically
This is the ultimate "fucked in the head" test. If you flatter someone and they fall for it completely and begin to talk about themselves like no one's fed them a compliment in 100 years, it's because they're fucked in the head, and you should stop talking to them in the future.
Word of advice for you autists. If someone flatters you and you use this as an opportunity to talk about your "unique" tastes and your "quirky" personality, you're super uncool and actually ridiculously faggy, without having any modicum of self-awareness.
If you can just play it off and roll with the banter, you're cool, and people want to hang out with you again. This is the ultimate test, and I've yet to see an autist or a sperg pass it.
t. NPC
>tfw barely a sperg but just enough to fuck up my social skills