Is CHVRCHES new single w/ Marshmello "Here with me" really about Honeybee? Pay attention to the lyrics.
Is CHVRCHES new single w/ Marshmello "Here with me" really about Honeybee? Pay attention to the lyrics
Not the shit again
not paying attention to the lyrics because im not going to listen to it
fuck marshmello he can suck my graham cracker cock
>viral marketing
>w/ Marshmello
Sounds delicious
No, just some faggot
Would they have been happy?
Why so negative user?
Grow the fuck up and talk about the music for once.
bb :3
you grow the fuck up you dumbass shit poster, everyone know the music is good, but memes are more entertaining.
The song is clearly about Brandon from Virginia. Have a nice day, by the way.
t. Mr. Winter Wonderland
Why the hate tho? Seriously, having a grudge against someone you don't know is pathetic. Grow up.
Chvrches is the most JUST band right now.
How so? I think they're doing great. The track is such a bop.
bb! >:(
because they sold out and are making generic top 40 trash like this and Love Is Dead
Go be bored and needy somewhere else
If you are going to be negative, please fuck off. Lavren voice is pretty as always.
Brandon fucked up, and montie's a faggot
retard contest
Brandon did nothing wrong. He's a nice dude and easy to rip on. Montie just like to spread líes and thanks to him, Brandon can't use his tripcode anymore.
Fuck Montie, he needs to grow up.
Fuck off brandon
When Brandon's drunk his facebook makes me laugh. That dude's a total goober.
I'm not brandon you paranoid dumbass.
He just needs time to get his shit together.
>just needs to fuck off and go get a job
You should follow him, job or not, he talks about some funny shit
Grow the fuck up asshole.
what the fuck is marshmello and honeybee?
any screencap of one of his funny posts?
Fuck off, he's not your clown, cunt.
>tfw you'll never be as close to her as he was, you'll never have her attention, you'll never have her read your posts and DM's, you'll never have her give you a pet name, you'll never her get frustrated at you, you will NEVER have this
Brandon’s too much of a chad for us now
Oh come on, Brandon's not a chad and he'd even admit it.
Those legs are to die for.
and montie is the virgin one lmao
>they were two different people at one time, it was just a short thing that passed. user, it's not 2014 anymore. Things and people change. Lauren's more successful than she has ever been and focusing on her career while Brandon is still trying to get better and improve his life. It's something of the past that is gone.
I legit feel bad for Brandon getting all this irrational hate. It's sickening. People will never know how cool of a dude he is.
Seriously, it's been 5 years, 1/2 of a decade and you expect her to be the same as she was then? and what can we say brandon? He's the same, the same self defeating failure that will amount to nothing. It's done.
fuck off and die fatfuck
He's not bad at all irl, even if you're being sarcastic. His failures and lack of ambition define him. When you think about it, you can't blame people for leaving him behind.
omg it's just a meme. he did not have a chance with her..ever
Who is Brandon and why is this trip such a celebrity among you autismos? Is he an actual band member or something
He's known here for this meme, and you're just fishing for an attempt to slander him and his character when you don't even fucking know him.
Yeah he’s a roadie for CHVRCHES
Or just a fan that knew about Lauren when she was in her old band "Blue Sky Archives"
What if this is really Lavren?
That makes this discussion a lot sadder.
No man i'm not being ironic or sarcastic, i'm pretty sure he's nice irl. He seems like a nice guy you can have some beers to
He harassed Lauren via Twitter, he sent her dick pics and that one shirtless pic of himself. Lauren even put a restriction order against him. That was years ago. Brandon is sorry about it though.
Grow the fuck up