>that one shy guy who goes to shows alone because music is the only thing that makes him happy
That one shy guy who goes to shows alone because music is the only thing that makes him happy
Nice projection. Yes I’m shy but I have friends and other interests besides music. I go to concerts just to see my favorite bands perform live. If someone wants to socialize with me then whatever it’s fine, but I won’t go out of my way to do it at a concert.
dude you don't realize how many people are subconciously judging you for being alone. dont leave your home unless its for school or work
literally me
>people you've never met and probably never will are subconciously judging you
you seem very insecure
I’ve been to a lot of concerts alone and a lot of concerts with friends. Who really cares? I only go to listen to music so it makes no difference to me.
dude EVERYONE cares. tell yourself they dont all you want, they really do
No one cares, or is with their friends. I've been to plenty of shows alone.
I never go by myself but I really don't give a shit when I see people alone
Good for them. OP is cringe as fuck for judging
No they dont.
No problem with this
so? I'm there to enjoy the concert not make friends or hook up
Based schizotypal poster
fuck off im that guy op
>the guy who goes up to the promoters and artists and asks to play a show or record an album with them
>the guy who does the same thing through email and never been to a show
They don't.
Seriously there's nothing to worry about.
This has to be made up.
>that feel when flying 2,500 miles next week to see Have a Nice Life play sad music for sad boys
>going alone
>Haven't been to a show with people in almost 2 years.
>Can count on my fingers all the shows I've been to with people.
>don't worry, I swear I'm okay
>replying to every post
yeah i'm sure your anger proves op wrong
because this thread is fucking retarded and you're projecting hard to make others feel insecure about themselves.
OP, here's a question for you. What if your favorite band was in town, and no one would go with you? Also let's say you had a free ticket
i noticed there are too many incels in here lately, did something happened to /pol/ ?
why does Yea Forums always bite the shittiest bait? KYS
Kill yourself son of a bitch
Say hi Dan for me please based user, so jelly of your incoming journey
le goofy clown face when strangers think mean thoughts about me and i hear them
just go back to /pol/ you school shooter
>being this mad
did someone struck a nerve? kys incel
the chad op, the virgin independent music listener
Me except my social anxiety prevents me from going to any sort of show at all despite wanting to
I met Dan when they played in washington a few years ago, he's a nice guy.
Did you see his livestream today?
>that loser who is afraid to go to his favorite bands show alone out of fear of being judged and stays home while life passes him by
Even worse tbqhwyf
silently judging this post right now
Yea Forums has always been a sfw /r9k/ in regards to feels and contempt towards women. It's the way it should be.
feels are for faggots and women are fine
everyone on rninek is a retard
y-yeah, ha-ha... w-what a loser... a-amirite?
Here if a person mocks you beyond the tolerable and you end up not caring or giving the bully attention, they go to plan B, violence, I'm talking about adults, I'm not an incel, these memes don't even exist where I sub-live, I'm sad because I'm not a brainless beast like everyone here, they will get me, I'm sad, I never leave my house but I would love to have a freedom to just go to places and not ending with a death threat, you don't know how free you people are...
What about the freaking chain chomps or bob-ombs? LOL :-)
I always found it strange that such a large amount of posters on this board don't actually care about music. It's like a fashion accessory or something.
Cringe and bluepilled. Women should be hung from trees *dabs and flosses*
>flying 2,500 miles
damn, I thought about driving from PA to see them but bailed since I had no one to go with. Hopefully they'll come to Philadelphia again, can't believe I fucking missed them. I'll be with you in spirit though, user.
i envy you. I went to a Sigur Ros show alone and it got pretty boring. It is always more fun with a bunch of bros or some chick
Reminder that if you need other people to appreciate the music you're not even that into the music. I could give less of a shit who else is there if the band is good
Keep coping loner fag.
I’ll accidently be spilling my beer when I spot your sorry ass. Nothing personnel kid ;^)
nigger i'm god your dad gargles my piss
big faggot
lol who fucking cares
the people who go to shows are usually basedboy manlets anyway
i go to live shows alone and inconvenience everyone around me by being loud, obnoxious, and overly flirty with women with boyfriends
it's fucking fun
I do a lot of shit alone but I for whatever reason I always find myself in company when I go to shows. It's just what I'm used to I suppose.
In all honesty when I see someone alone at a show I know for sure they are all about the music and that garners more respect, at least from me.
when I got to shows alone it seems like girls are more into me? anyone else experienced this? like strange girls brushing up against you when they are grooving or dancing and that sort of thing?
>goes to show with friends
>say nothing to each other because its loud as fuck and you look retarded trying to hold a conversation at a show
>drive home with friends
>two talk about hitting a fast food place on the way back
>other one is asleep cuz he got drunk
>go to show by self
literally the same outcomes. also how boring is your own life to give a shit if someone goes to a show by themself?
The only people who give a shit are other lonely people who ironically are also judgmental over their own loneliness, so it's like a loser judging you for being a loser but who cares what losers think?
>go to see one of my favorite metal bands
>they're riffing hard
>band's energy begins to fill the room
>mosh pit forms
>jump in there ready to have some fun
>everyone on the edge of the pit links hands, forming a perfect circle
>band stops playing
>think "please no, not again"
>vocalist screams "go"
>everyone starts spitting on me
>they're chanting LOSER, LOSER, LOSER and laughing
>one girl walks up, kicks me in the nuts and hits me with a blackjack
>wake up covered in piss, everyone is gone
>go home crying
>check facebook the next day, the band filmed everything and it's all over the internet
>video is titled Pathetic Worm Attends Show Alone
>DMs are full of facebook friends asking when I became such a loser
I literally just got back from going to a show alone. I talked to people there between bands, and made a few friends. Its not hard.
so excellent. is this real?