Tfw not being tied up, cuddled, and fucked like a toy

>tfw not being tied up, cuddled, and fucked like a toy
Music for this feel?

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tim heidecker - i am a cuck (but unironically)

trannies really have nothing other than sex, huh? Sad existence

no, there's also pot

also I'm not trans but am a faggot

In your case, the man is a metaphor for the men or women who were cuddlefucking you and the loss of love is an analogy for you not being cuddlefucked

>monogamous sexual relations
I'm not sure you understand that word

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Have you ever listened to the song, you gargantuan faggot? It makes perfect sense why I suggested it for you. Faggot.

No because it's a meme that's only ever posted for it's title

>actually listening to it
hahaha jesus christ we've got a live one folks

That picture is amazing. My sides

>want a gf with a benis
>traps age like sour milk

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all women age like shit because of their less than superior genes (which is the only struggle a femoid has to go thru in life, but by that time she has already been used up that she is ok with it)

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Trannies, niggers and metalheads Yea Forums invasion, it's that time of the day again...


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y'all niggers aren't posting much music

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>ywn have a qt ropebunny gf

Do women even have fetishes?

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Lots of women love being tied up. Very few enjoy doing the tying, especially among traps.

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suicide is not a joke

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