this is their best album fuck off
This is their best album fuck off
Bottomless Pit >Year of The Snitch
But you're pretty close user
Ok bye
Year of The Snitch is up there, but I keep coming back to Exmilitary. It's definitely their best
no, this one is
Bottomless Pit was way better.
Ok bye
>Not Niggas on the Moon
Sounds washed out idk. The songs are cool but the production choices aren't really my thing. I wish it had Bottomless Pits production quality. Would've been much more enjoyable.
this whole album is about me
no wonder its so gay
Not this again
it's literally their worst. its not bad, just average. didn't stick for me like NOTM or bottomless pit, or even steroids.
niggas on the moon was best lol or gov plates
It is by far their least aggressive, but I honestly think it has some of their best songs and musical moments, including:
>the noisy/ambient outro to Flies
>"eat it like the devil's cunt"
>the stadium-rock opus of Tiny Dick
>The Fear might be the best song since On GP
correct! :)
dont tell anyone but im actually getting tired of death grips in general. Year of the snitch is still a tune tho
it's their least aggressive and death grips is all about aggression. I thought it was just unmemorable. no noteworthy melodies or hooks other than streaky. i was just disappointed, but I can totally see why people like it. it's a fine album, just not what I want from death grips
Worst, you mean. They peaked with notm/jd and haven't made anything good since.
NLDW is there best fuck off
You misspelled Government Plates