Friendly reminder Jesus Christ is real, music for this wonderful and joyous feel?
Friendly reminder Jesus Christ is real, music for this wonderful and joyous feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why didn't he just fly the eagles to mordor?
kill your self so you can meet him faster you fucking delusional freak
Based, I’m gonna suggest Sufjan’s collection of outtakes The Greatest Gift. A great celebration of life
Friendly reminder, political b8 threads ought not be replyed to
t. discord tranny
t. replier
posting the obvious
Sufjan Stevens
Byzantine chant of course. Are we all ready for Great Lent?
Not a political bait thread. A real cosmological truth. God is source of all good things, music very much included.
Amen. True beauty found in music is divine, because all beauty is of God.
Sacred Harp singing
Hank Williams, Sr.
Friendly reminder that there is no god and life is only truly meaningful when you realize that the meaning of life is whatever you choose to make of it. Music for this wonderful and joyous feel?
Why do you say there isn't a God?
R*ddit is thataway
Why do you say there is?
god-lovin 4chinner?
I hope you realize you will perish in the darkest depths of hell?
Salvation is real, user
Because a monotheistic worldview accounts for reality better than an atheist worldview and because the atheistic worldview is founded on poor metaphysical presuppositions, abuse of scientific methodology, and epistemological disarray
what are you doing here then?
>Because a monotheistic worldview accounts for reality better than an atheist worldview
What reality?
I don’t understand the question. What does being here have to do with salvation?
All of reality. The world around us and our place within it.
>All of reality
>The world around us
These are sentimental phrases, not scientific or philosophical ideas.
So salvation can exist only outside of the present moment? What kind of existence is that?
Handel's Messiah
What is sentimental about what I said? You asked what reality, and I said all reality. Monotheism better accounts for the totality of existence. Stop being pedantic.
The idea that things exist is sentimental?
Not true at all. Salvation is a lived experience. And it is alive right now.
I’m afraid nothing your saying is making any sense. Salvation is a spiritual transaction, a replacement of a dead soul to a living one. Going from one that will be eternally dead to one that will eternally live. Obviously you don’t go to heaven until the body itself dies. But yes, you are saved on Earth, and your soul is henceforth reserved for righteousness.
Do you really think God wants you to be filling your heart and mind with the things on here user? Have you prayed about it?
Inb4 here to convert. You're not here to convert.
I’m not here to convert at all. I’m here because it’s a music board. I’m a free man, I can make my own bad decisions
You clearly started this thread with the intent of engaging atheist in debate.
What does the idea of things have to do with the necessity of monotheism?
>Stop being pedantic.
This basically means stop being philosophical, stop being scientific. I.e. yield to blackmail of someone's sentiment.
>What is sentimental about what I said
"The world around us" is the world around you, not us. The world around me is a different notion.
Not the person that started the thread.
Their existence raises questions that only finds resolution in Christian monotheism.
This is exactly the way i need jesus
You are not being philosophical or scientific, you're just being stupid. "The world around us" is referring to nothing more or less than the entirety of physical reality. If you're going to continue to stubbornly stay focused on a baseless critique of terminology, I think the rest of this exchange will be pointless.
This is pure religious blackmail, such notions as:
>dead soul
>living soul
>eternally dead
>eternally live
have no right for existence in any intellectually decent conversation if we assume that biological and neurological discoveries of the last century reveal the truth of the human condition, and any religious notions, however philosophically decent they may be, should be disposed of whenever the same facts of humanity are explained clearly and exhaustively via an experiment that can be repeated and yields stable results. I'm not going to dabble in outdated folklore, although I find it charming and even effective in a limited sense of folk psychotherapy (at best) and sectarian manipulation (at worst).
>"The world around us" is referring to nothing more or less than the entirety of physical reality.
Then why do you need an extra-physical notion of God? The entirety of physical reality exists perfectly well without any gods.
>Their existence raises questions
Like what?
The physical world exists, but the atheist worldview assumes that the earliest matter sprung itself into existence, which is logically absurd. The atheist worldview also can't account for consciousness and transcendent realities like math, logic, and morality.
>The entirety of physical reality exists perfectly well without any gods.
The one God is the infinite wellspring from which all of physical reality is given existence.
If you think chocking the idea of a creator God up to “outdated folklore” is “intellectually decent,” then that’s on you. It’s your opinion. In my opinion, the rejection of God on a purely materialistic basis is anti-intellectual. There will always be a world of information that science can’t explain.
>The one God is the infinite wellspring from which all of physical reality is given existence.
ok nut
May God bless your life journey and may you seek the truth when it reveals itself to you.
Radiohead - 2 + 2 = 5
>monotheism better accounts for the totality of existence
We are all going to make bros
Mass in b minor, friend.
>the atheist worldview assumes that the earliest matter sprung itself into existence
Wrong. The atheist “worldview” admits that we don’t know what caused the universe to come into existence. Even if it were true, however, the theist wordview assumes that an infinitely complex being just sprung into existence, which is significantly more logically absurd.
>can’t account for consciousness and transcendent realities like math, logic, and morality
We may not know why consciousness exists right now, but for most of human history we didn’t know what lightning was. Same goes for math and logic - just because we don’t know exactly why the universe works the way it does doesn’t mean we won’t in the future. Morality is nothing more than a feeling within human beings that we developed because it benefitted our survival as a species. There is no such thing as objective morality.
>The one God is the infinite wellspring from which all of physical reality is given existence.
This is pure religious, poetic blackmail.
>the atheist worldview assumes that the earliest matter sprung itself into existence
There are thousands of different great atheist thinkers with their particular accounts of materialism, they seldom agree with each other, exactly like in theology. This "THE worldview of materialism or theism" thing is nonsense.
Yet there are points on which most materialists are agreed - that the possibility of transcendental exercise of thought doesn't account for the existence of any extra-physical beings: the thought remains a physical process bound by the material world at all times, which is 100% testable and shall be tested more and more as neurochemistry and neurobiology progress, and as they come closer to scrutinizing so-called religious experiences.