slipknot - iowa
Just because it's old now doesn't make it good. Numetal was and still is garbage
I remember back in middle school ('06) I thought these guys were legit Satanic demons with the spooky masks.
Good album, was the album they had to put out to appeal less to the Korn crowd and more to the Hatebreed/Lamb Of God crowd as trends began to shift, but I'll always prefer the creepy wacked out vibe of the S/T with all the eerie noises and shit, was more "experimental" sounding
Around that time I had already discovered bands with actual "Satanic" or occult themes/gimmicks, so I never quite understood it with Slipknot....felt tacked on to see them use pentagrams and 666 and all that when they were dressed up like mutant convicts/slasher movie killers, and their lyrics were more about being PISST and SYCOOOOO rather than anything mystical or supernatural
How about no? Slipknot had like one decent demo, everything past that was utter garbage.
Iowa and Vol. 3 are both good albums. Everything else ranges from meh to terrible.
>Slipknot had like one decent demo, everything past that was utter garbage.
Lmao. This is such a contrarian try hard opinion if there ever was one. Slipknot's demos were garbage, a jumbled mess that had no idea what it wanted to be. Ross Robinson came in and taught them how to write cohesive song in the first place, if they didn't have him come in and be their coach they would have been forgotten by now as a relic, they'd be "that one Mushroomhead rip off who's music was worse? Oh yeah, I remember them for a second, read about them on some website"
Yeah this. I never listened to them back in the day but I had heard good things about them recently so I decided to check them with fresh ears and it's all just cringy muddy sounding garbage. Maybe they were better than some of their peers but the sound itself is just ass.
>taught them how to write cohesive song
Turns out he didn't teach them well. They fucking suck. No matter how much you barely-over-18 niggers try to change history, nu-metal continues to suck absolute ass. Their demos were nothing spectacular, but they at least weren't utter inane horseshit like all of their LPs.
I'm 30 you little shitstain, I was listening to metal when you were living in your fathers nutsack.
You talk like an underaged try hard to just discovered metal from browsing Yea Forums, and that's who the fuck you are. Kick rocks chumpette.
>i'm 30
Yeah, sure you are mang, sure you are. And I'm Tupak Shakur, the King of Spain. Slipknot fucking suck. Start listening to decent music.
If you're 30 and think Slipknot deserve anything other than ridicule then I feel sorry for you.
Cringe and pick related.
Based and Knotted
The music you like sucks, faggot, and I won't listen to it.
Slipknot is legitimately one of the biggest metal bands in the world, worldwide. I don't have to try hard for metal cred to acknowledge there's a reason for that, but keep living in your alternate internet based reality.
>disliking bad music is cringe
Boy, you idiots really are fucked in the head, huh.
Fuck's sake. And yet you insist it's other people who live in some alternate reality.
>Slipknot is legitimately one of the biggest metal bands in the world
...and they still suck. You must think Justin Bieber is a good artist because he's popular
lol dude 1999 was 20 years ago this guy was a pre-teen when they became mainstream, is it that hard to imagine someone getting into slipknot at 10 years old?
>le Justin Beaver argument
Yes, all black metal hipsters have used this argument since before Justin Beaver existed, they and you are still contrarian idiots who like shitty music and aren't the least bit honest with yourselves. It's why your kind will all grow out of metal by the time you're my age, you only like it to seem "different" in the first place and you don't know jack shit about it, twink.
what's your favorite metal band?
I've been obsessing a bit over Slipknot over a past few days, especially Iowa
I love the manic vocals, to the point simple lyrics, drumming, simple but effective riffs and production
shame they never did anything similar again, also don't play those songs live
Retard, I'm much more into trad, thrash and speed than I am into black. Shut your whore mouth and go listen to your favorite shitty teenagers in rubber masks playing metal equivalents of four power chords. You absolute unironical unequivocal ultra-punchable kike nigger.
>what's your favorite metal band?
The best metal band.
not even the best NWOBHM band
>not even the best NWOBHM band
Not for representing the more general/cliche idea of NWOBHM, no, Iron Maiden ascends their so called genre like all the greats and is great beyond any textbook classification or mere "scene". There is lots of great NWOBHM music, there is only one Iron Maiden, who are the best metal band period.
So you're less of a faggot but still a try hard dipshit, congrats brat.
I'm a try-hard for what exactly? For having taste and not liking Slipknot? OK, lad.
Slipknot isn't even one of my favorite bands, I just recognize they are good at what they do and can't be brushed off as some fad nu-metal band as if they were Crazy Town or some shit like you try hards try and paint the narrative to seem like.
Obviously, Slipknot is not for everybody stylistically and they are a fary cry from anything "traditional" in heavy metal, but they stand as a unique band who's had massive success and it isn't comparable to some lame Justin Beiber scenario, to deny this is retarded. You know what band I can't stand? Opeth, I find it to be mind numbingly boring pretentious drivel, but that's just me, I understand that they are good at what they do and that they deserve their rather large fanbase, even if they're not on my Ipod personally.
>Obviously, Slipknot is not for everybody stylistically...
If anything, they blended enough different genres effectively to appeal to a really broad audience, which takes vision and execution.
Brainlets will argue that anything they don't like has no redeeming qualities, horseshit opinions.