>Yes, of course I believe that Michael Jackson was a pedo. Haven't you seen the documentary? You have to watch it in respect for the victims. Don't be an insensitive piece of shit.
Yes, of course I believe that Michael Jackson was a pedo. Haven't you seen the documentary...
I miss when common sense wasn’t labeled mindless conformity
Thing is
Why care?
Michael Jackson's dead
Who gives a shit what he did? He's just a lifeless husk now
this but without all the alt-right snarkiness
"Common sense" doesn't exist.
post in my funnier cooler thread instead pls
>who gives a shit which narrative the Jews would have you believe?
Dude was a pretty obvious pedo for a long time. Everyone just looked the other way because they loved his music. I never liked his music and always figured he was a pedo. Fuck him.
But that isn't funny
Michae Jackson was a musician
Thats as far as anybody should care about him
idk. When a very rich guy builds a private amusement park and invites twinky little boys to it so he can diddle them that's really not the kind of thing we ought to just ignore. We did ignore it because he was famous and so many loved his music. Still fucked up though.
the FBI report found nothing on him. The trial proved his innocence. They're trying to drag down a dead man that can't defend himself anymore
Yeah, and OJ was innocent as well.
Who cares?
Kids get diddled all the time
Why is it a bigger deal when some famous weirdo does it over that creepy guy down the road?
Why be so apathetic, user? Nowadays is getting pretty common as time passes ruining people's lives/legacy by accusing them without prove. If you can't see how serious and fucked up this is the problem is you.
that literally is common sense, retard
Imagine wasting good quads on such a cringe and bluepilled post
I think MJ might've been a pedo, but I don't care about MJ, so I really don't care.
I also guess I'm left wing because I'm okay with taking from rich people to stop poor people from dying, and to maybe reduce my student loans one day. Also, if you want a guy to fuck you up the ass that's your problem, I don't really care. I also think it's unlikely that Jesus was God.
Because people love operating under the illusion that people who create beloved works are also virtuous. This guy made something I love so he has to be a great man. It's bullshit but people really want to believe it. Then they act all shocked when one of these guys turns out top be a monster, even if a more detached eye would have spotted it pretty easily. I think the reason why this is getting so much attention now is because these kinds of open secrets are generally kept by others around the famous monster. That kind of culture is something the SJWs are trying to put an end to. But that really isn't likely to happen. If your career is based on working for a powerful famous person of course you're going to look the other way when they are behaving badly.
MJ is innocent
doc is trash
>muh jooooos !!!
>I'm not an NPC
pick one and one only
he was a child molester, not a pedo per se. also that documentary is as far away from "respect for the victims" as it can get. Or did respect mean being exploited by the entertainment industry to market a docutainment film all of a sudden?
>I'm okay with taking from rich people... to reduce my student loans
You are the precise reason people hate your generation, you entitled little shit, don't fucking take out loans if you can't afford to pay them back, you and YOU alone are accountable for your debts, faggot.
reminder that people that use the word "nonce" unironically as just as bad as pedophiles
>you and YOU alone are accountable for your debts
This is true, but it is absurd that someone would have to take out tens of thousands of dollars' worth of loans just to get a college degree. Or that getting sick can bankrupt you. Both those things are fucking wrong and ought to be changed.
the hilarious part being that the person you're talking to is likely american, a country founded because of "OMG I DON'T WANNA PAY TAXES" entitlement
That and slave trade.
People shouldn't celebrate a pedophile.
I don't think they should get rid of his music, but he shouldn't be praised as a great person and shit like people do. That's why it matters.
Great work is often done by people who do horrible things. You can celebrate the work he did while acknowledging the guy did awful stuff in his personal life. If you start looking too closely at the personal lives of artists whose work you enjoy you're bound to discover a lot of things you'd rather not know about them.