My Dad's favorite bands are Pink Floyd and The Who, and I want to get him a CD of modern psychedelic rock for his birthday. I've been very impressed with Pond lately (recommended to me by Yea Forums because I like Tame Impala). What's the best Pond album that I should get my Dad?
My Dad's favorite bands are Pink Floyd and The Who...
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if you were my son and you tried to give me a shitty album by Pond for my birthday i would disown you on the spot
pond sucks ass, get him an oh sees record
tim heidecker - i am a cuck
if you like pond the best one is Man It Feels Like Space Again, but they're not a good example of modern psych rock man.
Check out King Gizzard & The lizard wizard - polygondawanaland or however you write it
OP here. All constructive criticism is welcome. Why I came to you all in the first place. I love Thee Oh Sees too. Which album do you think is best? Or which modern psychedelic rock album in general?
If you're sticking with Pond, their most straightforward rock album Beard, Wives, Denim. If you want something more similar to the bands that you named, I'd recommend In the Future by Black Mountain
also seconding this user's Black Mountain rec
Completely different styles of psychedelia, also Oh Sees are great but lack any kind of real emotion (maaaaybe The Axis is ok).
I'm torn. You mention Beard Wives Denim as being Pond's most straightforward album, but I wonder if one of their other albums might be a more impressive first impression... the raw energy of the first track off their album Hobo Rocket is incredible
First Temples album instead. Or Jacco Gardner.
I think Pond is not the kind of serious band Pink Floyd fans would enjoy, maybe he'd like 3.000 Thousand Megatons, The Weather, Goodnight P.C.C., Tasmania's self titled song and the KEXP live version of Midnight Mass, but a cmplete albm...? I don't know. Show him those songs tho, he would probably like them.
Are you recommending Sun Structures by Temples because it resembles the 60's / 70's feel of Pink Floyd / The Who? If so, I'll follow your lead. I'll just get my Dad multiple CD's. I'm pretty dead set on a Pond album (haven't decided yet, and any other album by any other artist.
I just said BWD because I felt like Hobo Rocket veers into an almost stoner/doom metal territory on tracks like Aloneaflameaflower and Midnight Mass. I still think it's a great record though.
OP here. Jacco Gardner's Cabinet of Curiosities seems like it might be a good choice.
If you're trying to find a modern psych rock band similar to Pink Floyd I've heard that Porcupine Tree is supposed to be similar.
Any other modern top tier Psych Rock albums similar to Pink Floyd and/or The Who I should get my Dad?
I've chosen Jacco Gardner's Cabinet of Curiosities for certain.
Modern psych sucks ass, "dude let's just put reverb and phaser in everything and sing about getting him high, THATS pyschadelic man!" Fuck off go listen to the Zombies or Love or something
what do you think of melody's echo chamber? i quite liked this album from last year
Yeah and because it's a well composed and accessible record.
Ah nice, it's a great album! If you have the chance to see him live go for it, he's really good.
The black angels maybe? Earthless if you want something very guitar and jam oriented.
>not liking both
The new shit is so fuckin lazy, just rips off the old stuff or plays boring as shit effect laden trash. It's embarrassing!
OP if I get a 5 as last digit you're legally obligated to give him Beards, Wives, Denim
OP Here. I personally love the feel of Melodys Echo Chamber because I have an appreciation for hazier, dreamier music. I liked Beach House and liked Chill Wave when I was in high school. But I don't know how onboard my Dad is with all that. I'll listen to the specific Melodys' album you mention.
I'm going to send my Dad two vinyls. The one I've chosen so far is Jacco Gardner's Cabinet of Curiosities since my Dad likes Syd Barret and lots of people make comparisons between Gardner and his style. I'm stoked to show my Dad I love him.
>CTRl+F Greta Van Fleet
>0 results
shitty son
shitty board
get him a mac demarco record then kill him and fuck your mother
forgot pic
What album are you thinking?
Is "Beard Wives Denim" really THE Pond album I should get my Dad alongside Jacco Gardner's Cabinet of Curiosities?
I'm listening Beard Wives Denim right now and its good, just wonder if anyone on Yea Forums thinks I should get him a different album.
is Corridors of Blissterday a better Pond album to give to a Pink Floyd fan? (he already has all the Pink Floyd albums.. so that's why I'm introducing to him to modern music sounding similar)
I think The Weather and Tasmania are WAY better. Really most people prefer Beard Wives Denim because that was the record they got popular with, and Man It Feels Like Space Again is the one they released while psychedelic rock revival was still relevant. The Weather and Tasmania are more serious, actually talk about relevant stuff and have great songwriting and production, it's just that they're not a fashionable "buzzband" anymore.
OP here.
I settled on getting my Dad:
1. Jacco Gardner's Cabinet of Curiosities on vinyl
2. Pond's Beard Wives and Denim on CD (the vinyl was a bit expensive)
Will give a try to that Jacco Gardner guy
here's a good modern psych record he might enjoy. quite heavy, bordering on metal, but very good.
why don't you just let him listen to his old music instead of giving him gay neo-psych imitations of music he likes?
The Soft Bulletin
It Still Moves
Because sharing things with a parent is a good way to bond with them.
He has all the records produced by Pink Floyd and The Who. And he's listened to all those records hundreds of times. In a way, when a son attempts to find modern albums that resemble the music his father loved when he was his age, this is like the son symbolically showing his artistic appreciation for his father.
I know it sounds cheesy but its this sort of shit that helps parents get through life somewhat happily.
buy him a tie or a box of cigars and let him listen to the division bell in peace
Give your dad a copy of entropicalia by the soundcarriers. It's only 5 years old but it sounds like it was released in '69.
Thanks for this recommendation! I'm keeping this for a future gift for my Dad for sure.
I've begun a modern psychedelic rock playlist on the basis of recommendations from today. I've spent the longest time obsessed with techno after a long hiatus of not listening to psych rock. Thanks for showing me where the quality stuff is today, Yea Forums. You guys rock.
The Black Keys