You guys ever have those periods where you burn out on music for a few months and get less pleasure from it...

you guys ever have those periods where you burn out on music for a few months and get less pleasure from it? well i've been through at least 19 of these phases over the past 10 years since i really got into music. the truth is, with time, the periods between these phases shorten and the phases themselves lengthen until you've reached what I call the zone of no return (ZoNR). i believe this zone to be the highest tier of patriciandom one reaches on their journey as a music connoisseur. i am eagerly awaiting the day i no longer get pleasure from music so i can join the elite ranks of the ZoNR's (zone of no returners). apparently you'll know when you reach this state because a high-ranking ZoNR official will approach you on the street with a letter jacket and a ring that symbolizes your newfound status as a PoNR. i heard the ring has a sapphire emblem with the letters ZoNR carved into it. i wonder what kind of material the jacket is made out of. anyway, how do you guys cope with the loss of interest in music? i know there are a lot of newfags that will probably suggest we expand our horizons and try new genres not realizing that this thread is about people who've been doing that for years and still lose interest. i know it seems like a wild concept to your 16 year old avant rym teen mind but trust me it will happen to you too with time

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when you hit your 20s you realise this board is dreadful. 17 year olds calling 18 year olds boomers and zoomers is about the height of rhetoric here. I can't remember someone I saw a decent argument in favour or against a piece of music. yes its fun throwing chilidish insults around for a time but it gets dreary.

I’ve been burnt out on music numerous times, but i just don’t really listen to anything for a few days and then it comes back. Try watching movies for a week or something

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go pepe! go pepe! its ya birthday!

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This thread is giving me an headache.
Neat btw

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what if i watch more movies than music and i'm twice as burnt out on movies than music? should i just stop being a NEET?

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you already posted this one

Make your own music and escape the Jewish tricks

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heh heh

>you already posted this one
it returns :^) (also i dont have more songs than that. well except this:

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I see it too, just ignore it.

i ain't reading your boring life story, faggot

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you already posted this one

>arguing about a subjective art form

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have to go now guys, feel free to continue this meme, the other pictures are in this thread: :^)

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ok thanks for your contributions to this thread user

this guy isnt me but thanks anyways :^)

thoughts on the chinese race?

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whats your favorite album from the 2010s?

It's this

Your problem is that you are a fucking artist and looking for some Jordan Peterson uses cool hardened logic to DESTROY stupid ween shill music is not a fucking debate you moron, the good threads are people with sharing music with others that have similar taste, as soon as there is a point in contention delete the thread stupid fucking 27 year old boomer

It's sometimes not even about the music anymore.


I find music to be garbage but i have developed a taste for horrible so i find pleasure in listening to it.

nope never

hi inxy. was thinking about you while i took a shit today. how are you?

my nigga

well I'm drinking a mnt dew slushy and posting on Yea

I'll return the favor, next shit should arrive in approximately 2 hrs

what the fuck is Yea Forums?

>Yea Forums
nigga what kind of obscure shithole that is?