Well post it
Other urls found in this thread:
>shit on the shillman
>all he wants to be is a shillman
this guy isnt me but thanks anyways :^)
bad thread chaps
Well? What is it? I wanna hear it too bro.
It's this:
Finally, some funposting disguised as shillpsoting but actually timeloop posting on Yea Forums
Sweetie thank you !!!!!!!!!!
this guy isnt you but thanks anyways :^(
Guys sharing music on Yea Forums is Haram
This guy was you, but you're welcome anyways.
>4 posters
I saw a movie called “Groundhog Day” once which had a similar theme. Check it out.
based funposters
mean. but you aren't me so that's ok :^)
one of these guys is me (the guy who made the album) can you guess who? :^)
Well it's not the ones with (You)s that's for sure :^)
looks like fun :)
me on the left :)
heh heh
>5 posters
Welcome fren
not bad my friend, not bad :^)
I am the closest I have ever been.
When do you get there?
When was the neat where?
well, post it.
well, post it.
It's this:
When the time comes.
ok, here it is
Success is all about knowing the right people.
It doesn't matter how talented or good you are at your craft, if the right people don't recognize and push it you'll fade away unnoticed.
That's why you kind of want to have some sort of connection to mainstream music because people need something familiar in order to like it.
It's tough. You gotta put all your energy and effort into "marketing" or rather how to reach the right people who'll likely dig your music. But for that to happen you have to ask yourself first: "What kind of person would listen to my music?"
>What kind of person would listen to my music?
People with an affinity for Apu funposting apparently.
This thread is more fun than the mainstream music shilling.
Neat XD
The important question is obviously - timeloop-core - does it exist?
The important question is obviously - timeloop-core - does it exist?
The real question is obviously, timeloop-core WHEN does it exist?
When the time comes.
When do you get there?
When the time comes.
Ok lads, I'm bored. It's been a blast though.
I swear I've seen this before what is going on? (btw this is pretty good and not actually cringe at all)
I see it too, j8st ignnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Pretty meh but thanks for the samples lol
>im gonna sample it
>not producing mehwave
Quick someone slow the OP down with Audacity and make the next big wave