Where the fuck did she come from? This time 6 months ago I didn't hear a thing about her now she's sub headlining big festivals
Where the fuck did she come from...
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she's so cute
industry plant. that's why.
>Industry plant from an LA entertainment family approaching legal age
She's like the assembly line version of modern pop music.
She keep making that damn downy face tho
You've never fucked a downy chick?
See that's my initial thought and I'm more inclined to agree with it. I think her super ""artistic"" videos really show that. You can have the worst fucking song in the world but if your video has a strong message or really deep then suddenly the song is great.
True. Maybe stopping it once in a while would help as she's had it very well.
Her brother is her songwriter and a TV washout. He comes up with all the visual stuff.
industry plants really suck the life out of music
this bitch has the audacity to bring up brockhamptoin in her interview?
brockhampton released 3 albums in one year and this bitch somehow bigger than them without ONE ALBUM yet? and people still claim she did it on her own.
just so yall know, you can't do it on your own and get that big. daddy is definitely paying for her studio time
>oh shit my careers going nowhere. I need a backup.
>Hey sis you have no personality and have no ambitions. Want to sing some edgy songs which mean absolutely nothing and daddy will pay for all your marketing and studio time?
How DARE you compare her to BROCKHAMPTON
Literally this
god her mouth is so fuckable
quality thread
Reminder that industry plants only matter if you listen to garbage music to begin with
industry plant
I know Yea Forums can have shit tastes at times but even I don't believe that people here listen to her.
looks like a dog's asshole pushing out a shit.
You can't sing Wuthering Heights in the original key with a mouth full of curry sauce.
never seen this thread before...
Fuck off shill
Daily reminder.
based out of touch boomer
She's 17 you SICK FUCK!!!
Ewww m8.
Industry plants can exist in any genre no matter how small
>signed to a major label at 14 after one song her brother wrote and gave to her to sing went viral
>parents and brother are all in the industry and have close connections
>entire discography was written and produced by her brother
>music payola's non-stop on Spotify and Youtube
>did a complete image change from an alternative pop princess to SoundCloud rapper
>got a feature with Khalid (another obvious industry plant)
>got interviews on all the major music publications despite not having released an album
>went on two world tours despite not having released an album
You make the call.
peak age. I'd slide my cock down that hot young throat of hers
Why can't she sing correctly?
Stop it with this meme.
Best sex I ever had was with a 16 year old (legal here)
Her body was perfect, no scars, wrinkles or blemishes
She was still pure enough to have joy in her eyes, not dead inside like your mid 20s western woman
And her pussy was the best feeling pussy I have EVER experienced
I think the best part was her purity, though
She genuinely enjoyed sex, it was exciting and new to her, thus making it more fun for me
She would look at me with loving, young eyes after each time we fucked
God, I wish I could go back
quit viraling your shitty video, someone already did it better and on more artists youtube.com
also, quit acting like Russ doesn't make good music. it's not like you're a producer from the south anyways who has a right to be offended. you're probably one of those suburban kids wearing jordans and decked out in all nike who unironically says "bruh" and "f am" after rap got popular
fuck out of here
Shut up. It's a good video.
fuck you
Curry is a professional raper he would never sexually take advantage of a white girl!!!
fuck off shill.
>obvious shill is obvious
I’m more triggered by how people keep comparing her to Kate.
She’s legal in Canada.
I still haven't heard a second of her music
you can't push this shit on me, interscope
Good. Let’s keep it that way.
I want to cum on her face
t. SoundClown
fucking lol
I like the kind of kids who say nigga when their black friends aren't around, but generally the only ones who bother to say it are the spic kids who need to look tougher than their other milquetoast counterparts who like to wear the expensive urban wear brands and exuberant shoes.
she looks like she fucks african american men
oh wait.
Who are these very gentlemen?
Top Right is J.I.D
Isn’t he like 30?
Woah woah. The middle and middle right pictures. Are those legit? That's fucked
do you really think this bitch got a career just by simply existing?
She fucked X and Curry for clout.
Her parents’ industry ties got her signed.