HAHAHAHA oh oh oh no no no. what happened? was ripping on republicans not a formula for success?
You can't consider pitchfork a valid Music Review site solely based on the fact that they re-reviewed Sun Kil Moon's Universal Themes and gave it a lower score only because Kozelek made misogynic comment hence they dont separate art from artists
Name way too close to $uicideboy$ I want to die in new orleans
That’s the joke
white men BTFO
Lol yeah but every new rapper’s misogyny get’s 7/10
should be lower. fuck white people.
>pitchfork in 2019
Sun Kil Moon stuff is universally super boring. They're spot on here.
>Some guy with nothing to say makes a 90 minute ramble hoping some clueless hipsters will think it's deep and emotional
They gave it 9.2 at first
i remember hearing this back then but i never actually saw any proof of it. universal themes is his best album though
And how a music critic site can be spot on if they change a review and a score based on Artists relationship with other person
I really REALLY hate Pitchfork, but I also hate Sun Kil Moon, so I kinda agree with them here. It's whiney cuck shit, like all indie folk.
i've already accepted that i like late career mark because i never had an uncle
"March second, 2019. I'm walking along the Santiago Strip and thinking about how fat my gut is. I'm old, I like men and I'm still not comfortable enough with myself to admit it. I hope that my dad and who I was when I was younger would have been proud of my, God knows I've tried. But that's for another day - in another place. I'm eating peanuts now as I'm writing this, and I'm putting it into my writing because I'm so meta and deep. I'm also explaining my artistic intent explicitly, because that makes for a challenging and compelling listen. I have to go now, I'm gonna watch boxing." A
love Red House Painters, loved Ghosts of the Great Highway, Among the Leaves and Benji were good, I can't really get into Common as there any point listening to any of his last three albums? Is it more of the same ramble-folk, or is he writing and singing interesting songs?
everything past common as light is basically spoken word + ambient
Ian(or En) Cohen originally reviewed the album and gave it 9.2 on June 2, it was deleted a day after and on June 10 they released a new review by Mark Richardson, you can easily google it if u dont believe me
the jesu one is similar to his other jesu one
the most recent solo ones are maxmimum kozalek
I was saying the I also want to die in new orleans was spot on.
I ignore p4k numbers and read the reviews. Though I only read reviews of albums I already like or things with really low ratings and sometimes if there is a Yea Forums thread about it. Sometimes I agree with what is written and will say it's spot on.
The universal themes review is cringey whiteknighting and is hardly a music review
>It's hard to discuss his music without brining up his social media presence.
>Hurr durr he dissed a p4k "contributer"
Ironic niggering is still niggering. Die
I believe it was an 8.5 not 9.2. Benji received a 9.2
>at first
Benji was not the first Sun Kil Moon album, doofus
>you can easily google it if u dont believe me
I googled it and all I could find was that a review was deleted, but nobody knows the score that was originally given?
Yay bad score Sun Kil Moon is bad Pitchfork sucks tho
Sun Kil Moon at it's best is amazing but the last 2 albums fucking sucked and I happy they got panned.
They're musically boring as hell (worst offense) and now his once endearing stories about his everyday life are him talking about the news on CNN or Facebook or shit that just sounds cringe
there is no score, the 9.2 is for benji.
he just included it in his top 50 of 2015 at #39
this is my dinner had at least a couple of good tracks I think
but the latest one is indeed garbage
"This Is Not Possible" was quite enjoyable, only one I liked though.
You can only go back to the well so many times before it dries up.
ian's taste is the best on that site and even it's mediocre as fuck
I'm gonna listen to this just because he namedrops my city, what am I in for? Another whiny monotone snoozefest?
based mark
It's unironically AOTY.
>not I Also Want to Die in a Panera Bread
>i also want to die in new orleans
Lol I thought that was just some random pic of a cat, I didn’t realize it was the new snozlek album lmao
>Pitchfork fuels Kozelek vs War on Drugs feud
>Continually asks Kozelek for interview despite him declining on numerous occasions
>calls them out for being bitches
Undeniably AOTY
I'm still laughing over p4k's updated "best albums of the 80s" list from last year.
i’ll nigger inside ur mom
X can nearly beat his girlfriend into a coma and do all sorts of sleazey shit while all it takes for Mike to get thrown in the fire zone is to make a few deliberately-inflammatory comments to a journalist.
since when does p4k review podcasts
I'm not defending p4k, I actually love Kozelek's r cent output, but at this point if you seperate his music from him I don't really know why you'd even want to listen to it. At this point it's basically Kozelek audio-blogs about his life that more or less relies on knowing him as a person (or at least what he lets us know through his works).
yes but he didn't insult Laura Snapes neither he was misogynistic in that album so it's not fair to touch upon that in review
this. their opinions on Koz post-2014 hold no value.
Sun Kil Moon lives on and Pitchfork is dying.
Bay of Kotor is good