post and rate foobar layouts, finished mine a few nights ago, pretty happy with it, what do you think?
Post and rate foobar layouts, finished mine a few nights ago, pretty happy with it, what do you think?
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this is horrible :(
yeah this fukken sux, cover art smack-dab in the middle, wide tracklist at the bottom, all over the fucking place
yours is worse
how do I get it so I can have a list of artists on the left like that and then their albums on the right? I just have it basically default.
album cover in the center like that is shit tho.
you don't fool me OP
not foobar but critique my swinsian boys
yea that was me, yours is bad. like where is the artist listings
a bit confusing desu
did you intentionally make it look like itunes or is that just how it always looks?
do you have columns UI? you just have to edit the layout from there.
the album cover is the most important visual part of an album? why wouldn't it be the most prevalent? it follows selection so as you click on things it changes like your browsing a collection, thats why I have two album covers, the top part is whats now playing.
The only thing kind of similar to itunes is the album art grid which I like, and yes I did customize it like that
looks clunky and ugly, but it works like a charm
How'd you get the window to be black?
windows 7 classic mode
i can get behind that. is the browse by album cover a component?
Pretty standard, but I like it.
Not my screenshot, but the exact same skin.
reee album art too big and close to center 0/10
skins are cheating
the superior shoegaze album
shit layout and even worse music, eat shit idiot
didn't know blind people could use computers
unironic npc
why would you go out of your way to make something white?
also stop tripping please
it can be simple without being fucking ugly
haha, excellent troll my good sir! an updoot for you!
I set mine up on my laptop last night, the whole color scheme changes according to the album art, and artist/album info + lyrics in 'now playing' tab
Got a link to the skin?
I don't know exactly how to share, but I exported the theme and fcl component here:
Pic of my components being used, Foobar version is 1.3.15
Many thanks
It didn't work or I don't know how to do that, thanks anyway