Hell bent for leather edition
Hell bent for leather edition
Other urls found in this thread:
it's alright. keep going, Mornkath.
My arms are as skin as hers.
melodeath sucks
if they cut out the fluff and stayed within the runtime of one CD, this album would fucking rule
>he named his band momkath
>melodeath is ba...
>bolt thrower
pick one faggot
>band can’t change style over time
Listen to the first track at least, if you don’t recognize it’s melodeath, then listen to more metal
Mandatory Finnish Black Metal
Black metal sucks and defies the true spirit of heavy metal.
>Black metal
It’s more punk than metal though
Black metal made its own spirit.
why didnt you guys tell me earlier that reddit metal subs are far better than this place?
this album fucking slams
>why didnt you guys tell me earlier that reddit metal subs are far better than this place?
It's a good album, but I'm real tired of that generic black metal sound and look. How difficult can it be to come up with music that doesn't simply copy/paste ideas from Gorgoroth and Darkthrone?
Are you even looking?
She's not even on Encyclopedia Metallum. Too hair metal for them?
A lot of stuff that was teetering between 80s hard rock and heavy metal is absent from there. Mr. Big and Praying Mantis are two examples.
EM is run by a bunch of idiots who still have old grudges left from the 9th grade they can't let go.
>using metal-archives for anything
Are you 15 and just got into metal? Otherwise, yeeesh. That site is dogshit.
Tony is the most based man in all metal, so i don’t care
Their definition of what metalcore is metal and isn't, and in contrast with their treatment of nu-metal, is all you need to know about how retarded they are.
It comes down to no actual logic or knowledge of sub genres, in actuality it comes down to bias and which bands they just hate, usually probably because of the fanbase of said band.
Also, lol @ Poison, Whitesnake, and KISS being lumped together into the same genre, "glam rock" no less, which not a single one of them play. Now, there IS a standard for what can be considered technically "metal" or not, but they are not musically inclined enough to really know what that is in a fair unbiased way.
Also how's Japanese rock disqualified?
The EM admins hate weebs.
Japanese ROCK. Not Japanese bands period, note, Loudness is on there.
Loudness is about as glam metal and as "heavy metal" as many bands that are disqualified from the site because they are more famed as "hair bands", or I guess what they'd call "glam rock" because they're idiots. Just another example of the idiocy and hypocrisy or that website's management.
Early Kiss were considered glam rock, user. They were close cousins of the New York Dolls (also constantly referred to as glam rock, but usually called proto-punk these days).
I wish MA was a bit more open minded when it comes to certain genres and styles, they don't have to like those bands in any way, but for the completion of the index of bands that is Metal-Archives they should allow more.
This is why i prefer discogs over ma any day of the week, none of the personal preference is present.
Metal-Archives has always been shit and hypocritical.
>Early Kiss were considered glam rock, user.
KISS tried to ape the glam image before figuring out their "white face super hero" personas and was influenced by it musically, but their own music was much more straight ahead hard rock than those bands. I'd quicker put your standard classic KISS music on a playlist alongside Ted Nugent and AC/DC than I would Slade or The Sweet.
what makes nu-metal not metal? how is A7X less metal and more core besides their earliest albums? how is Tool "modern alt/hard rock" and not prog metal? why is all djent excluded when bands like Meshuggah are clearly metal unlike the jazzy faggot shit like TesseracT?
Maybe, but they have opened up some over the years, grincore used to be a big no-no but now they allow some of them.
KISS's hair metal phase spanned the period from 1984 to 90.
Oh well, that was karma for her sitting and laughing as her bandmate was raped in front of her.
>Dir En Grey disqualified despite being a metal band for about a decade
Yes. Glam metal, though, not glam rock. There is a distinction between the two.
And oh, guess who IS on the site! A band who most definitely was within that scene, but has forever been a darling band and "exception to the rule" because....well, status quo man. No Whitesnake or KISS, but Skid Row is cool....and no hard rock like AC/DC, but we'll call Skid Row hard rock on their page anyway.
M/A is a retarded site with no actual reasoning or understanding of genres or music other than image and personal bias and what was considered cool when the site was made way back fucking when.
Nice black metal riff, brah
>M/A is a retarded site with no actual reasoning or understanding of genres or music other than image and personal bias and what was considered cool when the site was made way back fucking when.
So just like Christgau then.
WAAAAAHHHHH. Metal Archives won't acknowledge my shitty taste in music by including bands I like on their free website based on their own arbitrary definitions of what constitutes metal not matching my own arbitrary definitions of what constitutes metal. WAAAAHHHH
MA admin detected.
>based on their own arbitrary definitions of what constitutes metal not matching my own arbitrary definitions of what constitutes metal.
And you just acknowledged why the site is shit and nobody should take it seriously as a reference for metal. Good job, jackass.
>being this butthurt because mall metal for 12 year olds (Slipknot, A7X, etc) isn't allowed on MA
[spoiler]Avenged Sevenfold have unironically been quite good since City of Evil[/spoiler]
hello norges
How would you OBJECTIVELY define what is and isn't metal, user? That's right, you can't. That's why all definitions are arbitrary, retard.
enlighten us please?
black metal room discord.gg
social rockstar wimps fuck offf
whatchu nigs blastin?
fuck off discuck
What do you use then?
Very easily. The greater point, however, is that MA doesn't even play by their own rules, excluding bands who sound just like other ones that are including because of bias and fashion/trend related reasons.
Metal-Archives is and always has been shit, and if you don't acknowledge that, you're a poseur who probably unironically uses that site for your "knowledge", hence your butthurt regarding the objective shittiness of the website.
MA has it's uses but I got banned on the forum there by a cuck years ago
Just name the shit bands you're so buttblasted at having excluded so we can point and laugh at you.
Exactly and he also never quite lives up to his own rules either.
Every one of them. It's hilarious to meet poseurs like you and 90 percent of this general who got into metal through the internet, probably never even spent time at a local record store.
Nice troll, satan.
Admit it most of us probably listened to slipknot alot when we were kids.
So why pretend to not like it just because it's trendy to be a pretentious snob?
No I realized nu-metal was trash even when I was 12. Slipknot sucks, fuck off and die
good, burn those fucking guitars
don't wanna hear your shit
>tfw accidentally deleted my music folder and lost ancient /metal/ memes and charts dating back to this general's inception
Metal for this feel?
Scorpions - no one like you is such a good fucking song
>he was 12 when Slipknot came out
Wow, no wonder you're such a poseur faggot. Literally a NEW METALHEAD, kill yourself 90s skid.
Shreddit is unironically celebrating international women's day lmao
Get off the internet grandpa. Do you seriously think most people on this site are 30+?
where u from
why don't you recover it? how the hell do you delete something in one click
Is there actually metalheads who unironically hate Scorpions?
I was doing some organizing of my folders and deleting stuff and I cleared my recycle bin thinking I got rid of everything I didn't need without realizing I moved the whole music folder.
I lost ages of /meal/ OC, shitposts and memes by being a retarded nigger
black/death metal cucks mainly i.e. people who frequent /r/metal and MA forum users
good time to move on
does anyone know the name of that good id3 tag editor for windows? i used it long ago but cant remember the name of it
she deserved it tbqh, her and joan jett are ur-thots
Ok why the fuck is linkin park not on MA? What a bunch of faggots
Yeah and they laughed when Jackie Fox was being raped in front of them.
Have you tried using recuva?
Suddenly Trashed takes on a whole new meaning.
You can still recover things using recovery software like Recuva. When you delete a file, the data still resides on the harddisk. Only the filename and physical location of the data are actually erased. And the data will remain on the hard drive until it is physically overwritten. If you really want to delete something, you need to use software like bleachbit to purposefully override all unused hd space.
All of that loli you thought you got rid of, still there.
Oh and also, if you don't keep backups, you're a retard and you deserve what you get.
But Ian Gillan wrote that song anyway, not Iommi (Ian loves his driving/car themes)
At least Joan Jett has some talent, Lita couldn't do anything but generic cheesy 80s metal shredding so wearing skimpy clothes was the only way she could sell any records.
i don't say this lightly: kill yourself
I was thinking about facebook live to do it
new deafheaven when
don't do that
they'll harvest your data
would it be a good thing if all metal """"""""journalists"""""""" just dropped off the face of the planet/
Nothing of value would be lost.
Why do you faggots continue to look at this ho's Twitter? I fucking don't get it
I don't get it too. "human" garbage like it doesn't deserve a attention
Can someone to a cringe edit with individual thought patterns and the sound of perseverance?
There's no good faces on either and The Sound of Perseverance is already a peak söypost
but The Sound of Cringe sounds bretty good tbqh
Make it yourself, user
12 year olds were still in their dad's nutsack when both Iowa and City of Evil came out ya pinhead
You still haven't explained why 30 year old mall metal like Motley Crüe or Alice in Chains is inherently more metal than mall metal from the last 20 years.
What are your favorite women in metal /meal/? You aren't sexist right?
hey guys check this cool metal
put one of the best albums of the 2010s, then broke up and now play in shitty bands. fucking shame
2000 hours in photoshop
I guess the 80s was probably the time when metal had the biggest cross-gender following. Can't imagine women being into or playing stuff like Meshuggah.
>Maggot Heart
she can't sing. there's a reason why johanna sung on the oath. she's older, yet has a more youthful voice than linnea.
I asked this like a month ago but didn't get any recs. Anyone got some good 1st/2nd wave BM for a guy who's mostly into dissoshit? Bathory is the exception. Generally the more orthodox it is the more boring it is to me, but I'm open to anything you have to offer.
I'm too drunk to care famalam
Is Dagon really a kiddylover or is it another episode of metalsucks being shit?
His riffs are still cool though.
>metalsucks being shit
there's your answer
>Lita couldn't do anything but generic cheesy 80s metal shredding so wearing skimpy clothes was the only way she could sell any records
She's a bit better singer than Joan, otherwise yeah, her attempts at songwriting were pretty bad and cringy as fuck.
If you don't like this album you are not allowed in /meal/
why fucking not
>King soimond
>I never played black metal nor did I even really like metal
Why does Varg retcon his history in metal?
usually when people just make up what established memes mean, they are underage. so: you need to be 18 to post here.
nice reddit spacing
you mean formatting it in a readible way?
you have to go back
you have to kys
Varg seems to be pretty up-to-date on his memes. Do you think he browses 4chin?
how would you know what "reddit spacing" is?
he probably gets them from the people commenting on his videos
newfag spotted
I like Away's art style.
you are a fucking asshole
He liked the golden one until he started dancing in gay pride parades, saying that christianity is good for europe, and hanging out with the Gays of Vinland
who hurt you?
i'd lick those armpits
r/metal is participating in international women's day. Why is /metal/ not doing so?
ya seethe?
go back there then
so you want dissonant black metal basically?
>lesser known hits from popular bands mixed in with some obscurer stuff
Proud of you for stepping your game up, sepulchral riffsposter
this one is good
>tfw no Lori Bravo deathgrind gf
read the thread, stupid
>when you set the character creator to "random" for your whole party
what's this?
floofy gal
It’s pretty good. It’s trashy and pretty catchy. Definitely different than they’re last 3 or 4 albums. Still sounds like cob but at least they did something different
Absu is one of my top 5 bands of all time and I've never been able to find other black/thrash bands that have the same style
Any reccs?
Took a listen to this. It's pretty simplistic like early burzum, but it's good for what it is. Looking forward to hearing more developed material.
What's the consensus on War Metal?
Thank you. Here have some of mine
For years, Nuclear War Now!’s forum has been the haven for life dropout D&D neckbeards searching for some form of friendship and community. But according to website tracking metrics, the site has seen a massive decline in it’s traffic over the past 6 months. While viewership of metal sites can rise and fall unpredictably on metal sites, the above statistic should frighten anyone who cares about keeping their site relevant. Sites with active forums should be doing much better than your the average blog-style metal site, so the numbers above show an unforgivable descent into irrelevancy.
But given that the site is predominantly frequented by war metal fans that have no regard for actual music, the crash in interest also proves something far bigger: war metal, as a sub genre, is in its last days.
This is a welcomed revelation as war metal was the nu metal of black/death metal and was ultimately worthless. With virtually no innovation, creativity, or direction for over 20 years, war metal became the lowest IQ form of extreme metal. The fact that Beherit was more interesting, creative, and musically varied than every single band to follow it throughout the decades to follow is an absolute disgrace to every band that’s followed in their footsteps.
its ok but the pasta is kinda funny
It all sounds the same but I still enjoy it.
While the surface-level viewer might see war metal as “the most underground/kvlt/extreme/unlistenable of all genres,” the truth is that it was only marketed as such and done so very effectively as the bank account and new production facility of Cali basedboy Yosuke Kanishi will clearly indicate. By offering a product that appears “totally not mainstream haha!” Kanishi was able to efficiently trick kvlt status seeking basement dwellers into mass consumerism using the same marketing tactics as thrift shops. Essentially this created a record label and forum that was ultimately the thrift shop of metal– reissues (refurbished releases) of random bands from 20 years past that could be marketed as super underground when really they were just empty of creativity and technique. By assumingly being “not trendy” war metal became one of the trendiest metal genres of our time and the go to for the metal derivatives of the modern hipster.
“Bu… But war metal is evil!” Really, then why does Nuclear War Now! have an Instagram account?
Musically war metal is a hilarious deception because if you alternate the grooves of their atonal power chord riffs, you’ll get nu metal riffs. Most bands even match the nu metal guitar tuning of A! But war metal fans have no idea they’re listening to nu metal with different drums and vocals because they only care abut the aesthetics. In all reality most of Black Witchery’s riffs were originally on Korn’s Life is Peachy which subconsciously tickles the nostalgia of their fans without them realizing how or why.
caveman alpha genre
In an age where Von is taking big money for rock star tours, where Blasphemy albums are marketed as vintage thrift shop essentials, and where black metal shows feature 90% war metal bands, any prestige or credibility war metal and it’s original bands once had is gone. War metal fans are the modern equivalent to the JNCO jeans wearing clowns of the 90s. They are the permavirgin autistis of metal that grew from infants that would have been left in the woods to be eaten by wolves in the Pagan times.
Celebrate the death of war metal, repent if you ever liked this garbage, and enjoy some classic war metal riffs below:
New Video get it while it's hot
I suspect the guy who keeps posting it is genuinely upset about war metal existing though
Can someone post the caveman list again?
begone tourist
What's some brutally fast metal.
does it have to be good?
I love the "weedley weedley weeee"
Always cracks me up
>Really, then why does Nuclear War Now! Have an Instagram account?
I know it's pasta. But that's a good point.
Isn't the guy who runs it a vegan jap
It doesn't matter. They have an Instagram account. It's automatically gay.
is it accurate to say Metal and Punk are just estranged siblings?
Thoughts on this?
I always love seeing baphomet titties on album covers
Punk is the retarded sibling
Nah, Punk didn't go anywhere musically, unless you wanna count Pop Punk.
I'm starting to like My Dying Bride. What subreddit do you guys recommend?
I know it must be a meme by now....but still it makes my stonecold heart beat to its rhythm
Well, it influenced a lot of stuff and if it weren't for it we wouldn't have thrash. But by itself it sucks.
recommend an album from them, I need more good doom metal
also this
pic related
>if it weren't for it we wouldn't have thrash
Not really, metal would've been fine if not better without punk.
I only listened to The Dreadful Hours and A Map of Our Failures.
I really like The Dreadful Hours. It's very melodic though, so you might not like it.
I have a soft spot for blackened punk now so I think you're wrong
>Not really
Really? Wasn't thrash heavily influenced by punk? Legit question.
lmao, the state of Windows users
Yes it was
>If I close my thighs forever
>Will it all remain the same
that's why thrash sucks
A lot of underground labels have instagrams. Letting people know you have shit is gay as fuck I know, but it works.
this album in particular was very influential.
d-beat fucking sucks, so does hardcore
all hardcore sounds the same
Nah, it was mainly Venom, Diamond Head and other NWOBHM bands, in regards to the Big 4. As for other, lesser known bands i have no clue.
So yeah if you wanna thank someone for the creation of thrash, thank Cronos.
Press F to pay respects.
I know for fact that people who don't like Discharge listen to tourist garbage.
s o y
recommend me some more hardcore punk
there's this punk girl I'm trying to impress, help a brother out
Thrash metal as well as almost all early underground metal like Slayer, Bathory, Hellhammer, Sepultura, etc wouldn't be nearly the same without hardcore. It was essential.
wew you have to actually try to impress a punk girl? They are the sleaziest easiest people on the planet. Just hold a guitar and her legs will fly open dude.
Status: Sóy
>, it was mainly Venom, Diamond Head and other NWOBHM bands, in regards to the Big 4
Are you serious?
just recommend me one cunt
Alright here ya go you stupid lazy niggeryoutube.com
Well the point I made is its run by a vegan jap so making an instagram doesn't make it more gay than it already was.
well it depends because if you choose something more underground and "trve" you might come across as pretentious, whereas if you choose something more accessible like Judiciary you might come across as a wimp or pleb
Their best album in a long time, pleasantly surprised
Just play her this and stop being a pussy
Post bands with great names
holy shit that has some funk in it I like it
reminds me of stoner rock
I'm going to Watain's concert in may. What am I in for?
>deletes Rise and Fall
ah, perfect
Try hard poseurs shrieking at you for an hour
Why even make death thrash when this exists to eternally shame whatever you put out
make sure to stand close to the front of the stage, and when he brings out the big chalice, close your eyes and open your mouth wide
[Spoiler]don't actually do this[/Spoiler]
Demolition Hammer is overrated.
pussy doesn't even know what good deathrash is lmao
First time listening and that guy is right. Stop being a hipster faggot
>first time listening to demo hammer
spotted the poseur deluxe
holy shit is this band a meme
kys poseur
It's too focused on being brutal instead of interesting. Like the mentality of slam to a lesser extent.
>doesn't find aggressive ripping death thrash interesting
you're a weakling. go listen to dream theater poseur
Listen to the new Mystifier album
Impressive how Repulsion and Sarcofago are the only good albums on here
will buhzum ever make metal again?
A very smelly band.
>aggressive ripping death thrash
Aggressive? s o y boi faggots having a hissy fit in an attempt to impress ad&d neckbeardos
Truly the strong race.
it doesn't exist anymore
Varg lost that 4x4 race and ended it
please answer
Nah, I'll go listen to some good death thrash like early Sepultura or Poison.
Imagine having this shit taste
enjoy your 400 different versions of hail odin sire
>death thrash
>can't into Demolition Hammer
fucking dumpster fire of an album
I wish he would make more techno. I'd listen to that big time
electronic != techno you ultra-retard
here ya go you fucking idiot nigger
that sounds fucking awful
Post albums you don't see the hate for
kristian (LOL!) "23 stab wounds in self defense" niggernes
Opinions on this
I'm about to see that movie
Can someone explain Iron Maiden to me, and especially their success?
The first two albums were alright NWOBHM on par with the first Angelwitch or Wirchfinder General but after Bruce joined they really took a nosedive, I can't stand most of the songs off Number of the Beast for example even though it's somehow regarded as one of the best heavy metal album by some.
Once you look at the song structure you realize they basically lifted Stained Class by Judas Priest and just declined it in a thousand versions, then from the Blaze era they started to thing they were prog virtuoso with those fucking 10 minutes long songs that are just plain bad with he chorus being repeated for half the runtime of the song and some mediocre solos backed by the Stained Class bass line.
I just don't get that band and I think it's the only one, I can even find redeeming factor to the Black Album but nothing by Maiden seems even remotely good to me past their second record.
a modern classic
>will buhzum ever make metal again?
let's...... find-out
they were always influenced by prog (snore) and they hated punk which in my opinion makes them faggots
Albums I love that get flamed on here
I'd like to watch it to upset Varg
But their first two albums have clear punk influences and they obviously don't have the talent to write good prog pieces.
are there any good turkish metal bands?
hail odin sire
it's just the way they were produced
What the fuck is up with the garbage quality of this album's lyrics
>I was nice to a homeless man so I got into heaven
>My son died and I'm sad
>Hallowed Be Thy Name 0.5x Speed
How can you listen to shit like "CAN'T YOU SEE THE DEVIL IN ME" when 20 minutes ago you were singing about giving a homeless dude soup
All men are sinners, the lyrical content is all over the place because some of the songs were written during the Epicus sessions but it's like complaining that Reverend Bizarre has a love song like Anywhere Out of this World and a song about Caesar saying fuck Jesus on the same record.
The lyrics of The Samaritan are great though.
what's some good viking metal that isn't the main ones (bathory, falkenbach, moonsorrow, etc)
agreed. really good
who the fuck cares, he's the best metal vocalist I've ever heard so I just sit back and listen
They're Swedish, don't overthink it. Most likely they just wrote down shit that sounded cool.
breaking news: metal song has cheesy lyrics
when does Tyr get hate?
kara booga
haven't heard, but wow that cover is hideous
it's ok
varg doesn't care about what one random person watches
varg is a random person you care too much about
You're all right, as evidenced by the dubs, near quads, and outright quads.
This album fucking rips. I have no idea how I got hung up by lyrics first listen around.
why is it considered numale core?
>when the blasphemophagher riff hits
Having an opera singer and being considered NWOBHM gives them legend status. It's really funny to me how Kill Em All is only a year older than NOTB and yet Metallica considers Maiden to be an influence more than a peer
I've never heard a single song were Bruce sang in a way that could qualify as operatic and they didn't really bring anything new to the table in a post Priest world.
As I said I just don't get it.
Is this achievable natty?
I'd argue Steve Harris is influential as fuck but otherwise I'm in the same boat
Hey look, another death thrash band way better than Demolition Hammer.
that's because deathrash is highly varied and while DH is GOAT, not every deathrash band has to be exactly like them
Nobody did that kind of that kind of lyrical, melodic dual guitar stuff with those tempos and that level of energy before Maiden. Certainly not Judas Priest (who had a couple dual harmonies here and there in Sin After Sin, but very rudimentary ones).
There was Thin Lizzy and Wishbone Ash, but Maiden expanded on their guitar approach and injected it into a totally new subgenre.
>muh they got bad after le edgy first singer
get your ears checked. Number of the Beast has songwriting on par with the previous 2 albums, and some of Clive Burr's best performances. After that album they got more progressive and more conceptual, but they never really overdid it or lost that "heavy metal" spirit until the late 80s (and even their late 80s stuff is classic in its own way)
>The first two albums were alright NWOBHM on par with the first Angelwitch or Wirchfinder General
>I can even find redeeming factor to the Black Album
I don't like Iron Maiden past the first two albums but you're just stupid.
>let my hair grow out for a while
>try to headbang for real
>gives me a really bad headache
I'm not cut out for this shit am I?
>Number of the Beast has songwriting on par with the previous 2 albums
not without invocation
you make that pics rigght
OK thanks for the input
Everyone can headbang, but you need at least three years of growth to make windmills
too early faggot
you're one of the most autistic regulars here
I don't care about varg, and he's not a random person
he is a low iq narcissist
how is that relevant at all to what I said? Why are you saying random things?
he is a random glitch in the matrix
That guitar on her looks like a strap-on.
Explain how he's low IQ. I want to hear it from a big brained, peer reviewed scholar like yourself.
No response of course.