This is fucking brilliant, and I pity those who can't see it. Some of the most genuinely psychedelic RnB music I've heard in a long time. The sound pallete on this thing is just total ear candy, amazing production of warm, gummy bass lines and plinking keyboards, with strong percussive hits, it mixes the best elements of trap and 70s soul into something wholly original. Furthermore, it extends it's psychedelia into the actual songwriting, utilizing unusual structures and extreme repetition (one of the great traditional psychedelic music elements). It's a masterpiece imo
This is fucking brilliant, and I pity those who can't see it...
Other urls found in this thread:
Too bad she’s a giant racist cunt.
>she’s a giant racist cunt.
I usually seperate the art from the artist. Also, source?? Panda Bear has some production on this album I highly doubt she's racist lmao
naw, that shit sucked lol
>implying panda bear isn;t a wimpering beta who would gladly pay reparations
>asked to sit down at a ticketed by seat show
>aaaaaaarglllllllbargggglllllllllbaaaarzzzzzzz das racisss das whitey spaces reeeeeee
>black person acts obnoxiously out of childish need for attention in public space and complete lack of conscientiousness
>people asks black person to please act like every other adult is acting and respect other people
It's all so tiresome
first off, why did you come into a thread that was very clearly about the music of an album to start a race issue? God, americans are so annoying.
Secondly, these comments make no sense. None of this gives any credence to the claim that she's racist. For fuck sakes the article you linked said she was enjoying herself at a Kraftwerk show, possibly one of the whitest bands in existence. She had an incident that may have been race related, may not have been, who really gives a fuck none of us were there, either way it's a super minor incident and has nothing to do with the music of this album. You're a race obsessed retard who seems incapable of actually discussing music, so maybe /pol/ or even reddit would be more your speed
>we (meaning black africans) built this (referring to Kraftwerk)
Why does the negro have this insatiable need to claim things they had nothing to do with?
When we hate an artist we fuck with the fan base. It’s the Yea Forums way. I don’t make the rules.
cool it with the cringy "WE ARE ANONYMOUS, WE ARE LEGION" shit pal
>babby's first alt-rnb album
This. Go listen to some Erykah Badu.
>None of this gives any credence to the claim that she's racist
Did you read the article? Because she was asked to sit down becasue she was blocking other people's view by dancing while others were sitting at a seated concert, she has a fit about "hostility" in "white space" and has a fucking delusional narcissist, single-tear-drop moment thinking about how blacks africans "built" the German electronic band Kraftwerk because Kraftwerk uses "rhythm" which is apparently the sole invention and property of Africans. She's clearly race obsessed.
Unironically agree. The album is borderline genius. I don't care about the politics, the "YAAAS QUEEN SLAY" fanbase, and so on. The music itself is great and that's what ultimately matters. I don't typically listen to R&B, but this was a huge surprise on first listen. And yes, the elements of Trap/Rap were subtle and tasteful. What I love about the album is how progressive it is yet with each new melodic idea or new section is another hook. And a lot of these hooks are quirky especially given the more ambitious production as its context. Yet it works and its novelty doesn't wear off as the album goes on. I mostly listen to metal, jazz, and classical these days, so I would've never expected one of my favorite releases of this year so far to be an Alternative R&B album from Beyonce's sister. But, good music is good music.
Thank you. I don’t think an article ever made me cringe more than that one.
holy shit reading that hurt my head
*teleports behind you*
Lol that shit sucks dude, don't lie. It has so much filler and the actual songs don't do much
*ounce of weed taped to my back*
I did, she also mentioned something about people saying things potentially nasty?? I don't know if you read that part, but if it was true it's possible there was a racial element. Either way, like I said, we weren't there, so we can't determine either way. She says she has experienced a lot of race related issues in public so maybe she is sensitive to the topic, who knows. Either way, once again, I'll reiterate it was a pretty minor incident, doesn't show any racism, and has nothing to do with the music of the album which this thread is about. Finally, while Kraftwerk did make some significant innovations in music, it is impossible to deny that their music is hugely informed by the rhythmic cadences of funk and RnB. I mean, have you listened to Kraftwerk before? You might want to check out "the Model," one of their most famous songs. It features a bluesy riff reproduces on a synthesizer and a kick-snare-kick-kick-snare drum pattern familiar to the rhythms of funk music... hell, on paper the song is pretty much written exactly as a funk song, the instrumental palette is what gives it it's uniqueness but a rock band could play it and it would be a straight up funk song. Its entire rhythm is borrowed from funk, a genre that originated from black people. So she isn't inherently wrong in saying what she said. There are many Kraftwerk songs that do a similar thing as well, if you pay attention to that sort of thing. Either way though, once again, a minor issue, and once again has nothing to do with the music of the album. So I stand by my statement that you would probably do better on reddit.
Motherfuckers just lay down for anyone and mainline the onions. God I hate you fucks.
"The Model" has as uch to do with fucking polka as blues or rnb. You're delusional. Africans were the first ones to breathe. Literally everyone breathed while doing everything. Therefore Africans literally invented everything. ALL HAIL THE BLACKS.
I did, she also mentioned something about people saying things potentially nasty?? I don't know if you read that part, but if it was true it's possible there was a racial element. Either way, like I said, we weren't there, so we can't determine either way. She says she has experienced a lot of race related issues in public so maybe she is sensitive to the topic, who knows. Either way, once again, I'll reiterate it was a pretty minor incident, doesn't show any racism
>Get's up and annoys people by dancing at a sit down show
>get's pissed about it and blames white people
>somehow isn't racism
These make no sense. Are you guys ok?? You seem unable to speak without spouting rhetoric and buzzwords. You might want to take a break from the internet. Your minds and vocabularies are fucked.
Furthermore, I'm not even British. FURTHERMORE no "the Model" has nothing to do with polka, if you know anything about blues and RnB you would know the song is just a good funk jam played on synths and drum machines, I mean pick up a guitar or bass and play that riff right now if you have one, it's undeniably a blues riff, it's just played on a synthesizer. I've played blues guitar for 14 years I promise you it's a blues riff lol. Nothing to do with polka.
It's not a fucking blues riff holy shit I fucking hate people like you who are completely musically incompetent and convince themselves that they hear things that are not there. Also, blues is white music.
Can you read? She mentioned that she believed they were saying nasty things about her. It says it in the article AND I re-iterated it in my post which you partially copied here, and in that case it WOULD be race motivated against her and she wouldn't just be blaming white people for no reason. Now like I said we weren't there so we can't know for sure. But she was under the conception that she was being targeted for racial reasons... so her reaction against perceived racism isn't racist. furthermore she's worked with white artists plenty of times, Panda Bear lends production to this new record, so ultimately it's highly doubtful that she is racist.
its pretty meh lad
>mfw Yea Forums niggas will call this "bland" and "boring" and go back to playing swans and mac demarco
I'd say nasty shit about her two if I had someone dancing in front of me when I paid money to see karftwerk at a sit down show. You don't piss people off then play the victim and race card while spouting racism.
Because it is.
The main riff in the The Model isn't even in a pentatonic minor scale.
>annoys everyone by acting like a fucking child
>people say "nasty things" about her
>must have been racism
Are you actually retarded?
Just picked up my guitar, it literally is right out of the pentatonic scale, I played it out myself, I believe the third mode of the pentatonic scale but I could be wrong, I haven't done nomenclature for that kind of stuff in a while, but yes it is in the pentatonic scale. So you are incorrect sir. It's very obviously a blues riff. I guarantee that the Model would not exist if James Brown never existed. Furthermore, blues developed out of African spirituals and chants in an area in New Orleans you might be familiar with called the Mississippi Delta. It was originally played by black people. SO you are incorrect on that point as well.
Yes, but what did they say? We don't know. Like I said, we weren't there. maybe she got more clues than we have from the article? Or maybe she was being oversensitive? But going "OMG SHES SO RACIST LOOK AT THIS RACIST IDIOT LOL" is just retard behaviour. You are making assumptions about a minor incident you really have no clue what actually happened at and disregarding an entire album because of it. In what world does that honestly make sense?? You should go to reddit to endlessly jerk off about racial shit but I like to talk about music here moreso. it makes sense that people so much more obsessed with race than music would have so little knowledge about music that they couldn't even recognize a pentatonic blues riff.
do you condemn burzum as well?
You keep saying it was a “minor incident.” Yeah. It would have been if it wasn’t for the fact that the victim complex bitch wrote an essay about “hostility in white spaces” and spewed her stupidity all across the inter webs. Could have been a real minor incident. But I’m fuckin’ Solange Knowles. Nobody tells me to sit down. Do you KNOW WHO I AM? DO YOU?
what? lol, i didn't not like her album because of the incident. I didn't like it because it sucks.
Yes. He’s a GIANT racist cunt. Nice straw man attempt but yes. I do. His Thulean Perspective YT has provided some great laughs.
Then why did you bring it up in a thread about the album? And why don't you like the album beyond "it sucks"?
None of the people were named and she was just giving a comment on what she perceived as a moment when she experienced racism in day to day life. You are blowing it so far out of proportion it's ridiculous. WHy are you so obsessed? Just discuss the music please, or go to reddit.
Model is in A natural minor and the main riff includes the major second so it's not pentatonic.
>Solange Knowles (also exec.) Chassol Dev Hynes John Carroll Kirby John Key Steve Lacy Metro Boomin Panda Bear Pharrell Daniel Julez J Smith II Standing on the Corner Earl Sweatshirt Tyler, the Creator Jamire Williams and probably the dude who clean toilets
Why people can't make their own music no more? I usually avoid this Arianaeske aka Plant industry girls wanna be singers but now they trying to selling it with propaganda and racism.
Because it's full of filler and songs that are forgettable. It didn't do anything for me.
Listen to Gal Costa loser
people have never "made their own music", what does that even mean. recording music is a collaborative process, you can have as many people involved as you want. stop being a boomer
Why the fuck are you whiteknighting her so hard?
She says stupid shit, she stands in front of people at seated concerts, and she's obsessed with racial politics. These are established facts.
>people have never made their own music
Are you actually, chromosomally retarded? Nobody has ever self-produced music. Ever. Nope. Nobody has ever made any music without a crew of 20 techs and producers actually making the music. Not once has this ever happened.
Ahh, you know what, you are right, I see what you are saying. Alright, I'll concede that. However, I do think the swing from A to E and back that the song is based around is a fundamentally bluesy progression - this is open to debate because what is "bluesy" is not well defined by any scientific means, A E transitions are fundamental to a lot of blues music. Furthermore, I want to draw your attention to the drums again - the pattern is the kick, snare, kick kick, snare that was pioneered by funk/rnb music - I maintain that the song is essentially WRITTEN as a funk song and that it would not exist in its present form without James Brown, despite not being a fully pentatonic riff.
is that credits for one song or the whole album?
this whole thread is fucking paragraphs or people going back and forth about some unrelated nonsense. Ill prolly check out the album now though
Every instrument James Brown used was invented by whites. "We wuz kraftwerk n shiet" is a fundamentally stupid position that puts black influence as some holiest of holies, while ignoring that black influence was entirely predicated on white foundations.
I disagree - while it's pretty consistent mood wise, I think it's pretty great and I thoroughly enjoyed my entire listen. I just am really enamoured with the production and really kind of strange hooks throughout the album.
I'm not "whiteknighting" anyone. Some people came in here and started making the thread about race, so I told them they were being off topic idiots, and now here we are.
>stands in front of people at seated concerts
Hardly a reason to hate someone or completely write off their music
>obsessed with racial politics
unproven, also, if she has experienced the racism that she says she has, it kind of makes sense that it would be on her mind.
>says stupid shit
so, evidently, do you.
>unrelated nonsense
Whole thread has been about Solange Knowles, her music and her wonderfully endearing personality. Are you alright? Should we call someone?
Ah yes, normal not racially obsessed people sperg out about the "inherent hostility of white spaces" all the time, right?
If you disagree, that's cool.
>what does that even mean
By develop and transcribing your own ideas.
>recording music is a collaborative process,
"muh nigga Carl can you play the rec bottom? :)"
"sure :)"
> you can have as many people involved as you want
So whats the point on having a slutty wacky singer? To do propaganda and racist marketing.
What about Robert Johnson, Neil Young, The Burzum, Beethoven????
>. Nobody has ever made any music without a crew of 20 techs and producers actually making the music.
Cringe. This is what boomers actually believes!
The whole album.
>Cringe. This is what boomers actually believes!
No, no it isn't. Were you really unable to understand I was being sarcastic? Also, what the fuck is with your India tier English?
>Every instrument James Brown used was invented by whites
While instruments can drive musical innovation, they are not essentially what matters - what matters is the music, not the technology with which it is played. Furthermore, I disagree, as drumming is an ancestral tradition long central to any concept of African music, and drums can be found way way way far back into African history. Furthermore one of the earliest forms of guitar can be found in Ethiopia, called the Krar Harp.
>black influence as some holiest of holies, while ignoring that black influence was entirely predicated on white foundations.
She's celebrating a pride in a tradition that has been historically repressed - you might want to look up subalternism, that's essentially what this is. While white people did design some of the instruments this black music was played on, once again I'm going to bring up that this is merely technology and while technology can drive musical innovation it is ultimately the musical innovation itself that is what matters.
some people don't like the album, get over it and shut the fuck up.
I mean, you are sperging out about some incident that you weren't even present for due to some percieved racial slight, by your metric (where someone is racially obsessed by sperging out of percieved racial slights) doesn't that make YOU racially obsessed as well?
What are you talking about? I understand that. I just don't understand why we can't talk about WHY without you turning it into a racial issue.
>what matters is the music, not the technology with which it's played
Literally every part of his music is built on the western European tradition, from the 12 tone equal temperament system to the instruments to the language the lyrics are in. It is impossible to seperate the music of James Brown, or any African American from the context that enabled it to be produced.
>Drumming is an ancestral African tradition
I don't disagree, and it's true that what black musicians did was add African inspired rhythm sections to the existing framework of European music. But you're then assigning those African musicians near total credit for everything that came after them, which is patently ridiculous.
>a tradition that has been historically repressed
Not in living memory, hardly in the last hundred years. The last significant "repression" of black musicians was the pushback against Jazz, which obviously was won by the African musicians.
>merely technology, innovation itself matters
You imply that without the importation of African rhythms, European music would have been stagnant. That's silly. New genres sprouted and continued to sprout in the absence of the African rhythm section.
>the western European tradition
Well obviously on an extremely fundamental level, of course it has many elements of European music, obviously since it was produced in a Western country. No music exists completely in a vacuum. But many of the musical innovations that his music is built upon were pioneered by blacks, specifically blues, gospel, and like you said, African rhythms (which James Brown incorporated into his music - if you claim EVERY PART of his music is built on the Western European tradition, then how can you further say that he added African rhythm sections to the framework of European frameworks?)
>near total credit for everything that came after them, which is patently ridiculous.
If you go back far enough in history, many of the innovations from music theory pioneered by Europeans no doubt informed his music. But in more recent history it was almost completely black - blues, gospel, funk, and RnB were all advanced predominantly by black musicians, even if they were built on the backs of Western music theory.
>Not in living memory, hardly in the last hundred years
Are you kidding? Many countries in the Global South only achieved freedom from colonialism after WWII. Do you know anything about world music whatsoever?
>You imply
How? All I am saying is that it's the innovation of musical styles that matters, not the technology with which it is recorded or performed. Of course new musicals styles will always sprout up, I never denied that.
This dude is one of the most annoying and autistic faggots I've ever had the displeasure of seeing on here, I'm starting to believe this is a troll or dude has to genuinely be on the spectrum.
Who, based racist or king wuzzles?
for all the whinging niggers do over every little thing you would think they would also
>stop straightening their hair to look like non-african peoples hair
>call out any blacks who dye their hair natural european colours like blonde
>apologize profusely for culturally appropriating classical european instruments to make music inspired by the european classical genre
>campaign hard to get more white, asian, and brown guys in hip hop and the NBA
but of course they are stupid niggers whose philosophy, if you can even call it one, is “whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine and also you rayciss”
Black people cannot be racist, especially women as they are double oppressed. Follow your leader nazi scum
Must be King Wuzzles, because Based Racist is forwarding arguments, not being an autist.
God black Americans are such entitled little brats, you never see Latinos or Asians make complete asses of themselves like this
it's terrible zoomer stuff
thissss. imagine not liking something just because the person who made it has a different color than yours. jesus fucking christ.
I pity those who gave that record even a single listen. (I assume they are burgers ?)