Ywn hear In the Court for the first time again

>ywn hear In the Court for the first time again
What all albums changed your life and got you into music? I never gave a shit and only listened to Beatles and Pink Floyd before this, and now I devote several hours a day to finding new music, just so I can get the feeling this album gave me again.

Attached: king-crimson-in-the-court-of-the-crimson-king.jpg (1468x1468, 401K)

this album made me happy again

Attached: reunion.jpg (500x500, 127K)

I was blown away my first time listening to Bitches Brew.

I heard that song on the radio when I was 15 and it blew my fucking mind.

Schizoid man blew my mind esp the vocals, then going right into I Talk to the Wind is fucking smooth

>Pink Floyd
>King Crimson

Unholy trinity of pretentious 16 yr old cringe

>haha I posted the prog is prentious meme again

First time I heard shine on you crazy diamond (around 2 years ago), before that I only heard radio songs and whatnot, same thing happen to me, now I dedicate hours finding new music and all that.

You are the only cringy pretentious 16 year old in this thread

>Cross, Justice

This shit busted me out of listening to repetitive nu metal into disco, and electronic, then soul, r&b, country, jazz, and pretty much every other genre from there in one way or another.

Panda Bear - Person Pitch

Devo - Gut Feeling

16 yr olds have no idea who king crimson are


The Bends, literally the opening sounds of Planet Telex.

Lmao , had to fire a band member who would not shut the fuck up about Beatles Floyd zeppelin, “ya know, REAL music” the cringiest shit like that YouTube kid with the glasses

Swans gave me the impression that albums can have an overlurking theme to them and made me want to listen to more albums in one sitting rather than through out the day

never got round to listening to it yet, will do one day. Doing most of synergys albums at the moment.

Still haven't gotten into Swans, is there a good starting point?


Pet Sounds, Sgt Pepper, Blood Sugar Sex Magic, Bold as Love

These are probably the albums that influenced me the most when I was younger