One of the worst Pink Floyd albums. Truly brings Waters' pompousness and self importance into the limelight

One of the worst Pink Floyd albums. Truly brings Waters' pompousness and self importance into the limelight.

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If is bad then why is made out of the good noises?

Woke album.

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Agreed. Don't really care for anything after Wish You Were Here honestly.


>NE PLUS ULTRA TIER (Gods among men)
-Saucerful of Secrets

-Atom Heart Mother
-Masters of Rock Vol. 1

>ÜBERMENSCH TIER (A cut above the rest)
-Wish You Were Here
-BBC Archives 1970-1971

>TOURIST TIER (stop kidding yourself and just listen to a different band)
-Dark Side of the Moon
-The Piper at the Gates of Dawn

>UNTERMENSCH TIER (kill yourself)
- The Division Bell
- Obscured by Clouds
- More
- Momentary Lapse of Reason
- Animals
- The Wall

>ROGER WATERS IS A HACK TIER (kill Roger and then kill yourself)
-The Final Cut

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why is this image in reverse?

The Wall is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. Tracks vary from pretty good to laughably inane.

How is Piper tourist tier? Piper redefined psychedelic music and is one of rock's masterpieces.

Pink Floyd made nothing that good after Saucerful besides Wish You Were Here.

Sorry, when I say "that good" I just mean "pretty good" not "as good as Piper." Nothing in their discography even touches Piper.

The guitar solos on dogs are so fucking good tho.

Piper is just poor man's psychedelic pop. You'd have a better time listening to pretty much any other psych-pop band if you claim Piper as your #1. Being super novel (read: gimmicky) at the time of release doesn't give it longevity. Kaleidoscope, Strawberry Alarm Clock, Top Shelf, Zombies, the list literally goes on. You'd have a better time dropping the pretense and just listening to a late 60's garage psych singles comp.

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>Truly brings Waters' pompousness and self importance into the limelight

you mean Final Cut?

>How is Piper tourist tier? Piper redefined psychedelic music and is one of rock's masterpieces.

sure kiddo. enjoy listening to Bike for the umpteenth time

Good list, except is agree with about Piper.

"Astronomy Domine" and "Interstellar Overdrive" are psychedelic pop? "Interstellar Overdrive" is one of the most metaphysical, abstract jams of psychedelic rock. Lots of rock at the time was gimmicky, but this album had substance to its gimmicks.

Astronomy Domine was done better on Ummagumma and Interstellar Overdrive is one good riff and one good drumroll with a whole lot of wank and gimmickry in between.
>dude it's like sonar pulses
I thought that was cool until I was 17.

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based and REDpilled

>take meme made by pol
>put on red hat
this is the power of leftist intellectuals

It’s really not, this album can get pretty boring.

Songs longer than should be legally allowed. Gilmour plays some of his best guitar solos ever. Waters divvys up the human race into Pigs, Dogs and Sheep with a concept album loosely based on Orwell’s Animal Farm. All perfectly bookended by Pigs On The Wing I & II. The coldest trip ever put to music.

One of the few I’d give a 10/10 to.

OP eat a bag of dicks.

They are mentally ill, what do you expect

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Commies and /ptg/ redditors fuck off back to your containment board.

Not really. The vast majority is dedicated to the music and not the lyricism. The lyrics themselves are fairly general and applicable and deviate from the heavy-handedness of Orwell's allegory.

All their music is shite. Not one good song

Here is the attention you ordered.

>Saucerful of Secrets
>gods among men
Aside from Jugband Blues, the best stuff on Saucerful is done way better on Ummagumma.

>being this big of a faggot

>Jugband Blues
Found the Sydfag
See Saw is a 100x better song

Fuck off

>Kaleidoscope, Strawberry Alarm Clock, Top Shelf, Zombies

the 3 bottom ones are the best. In the reverse order