ITT: your album cover waifu
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I wish I could dry her tears.
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one from this year! Also one of the good albums so far
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>inb4 blind faith and virgin killer
>tfw no suspenders-wearing gf to defend each other from rabid leftists
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always had an affinity for pic related
i think you meant to post shinsekai fren
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dude, not to alarm you, but i think we have the same waifu. im fucking her now
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Would fuck her silly and blast baby batter on her butt cheeks
that's my wife you're talking about! you better apologize!
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the one for me.
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>all these beta fags choosing muh beauty
have some manly decency and chose some kinky girl
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i always thought it was a boy
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the back cover also raises some questions, but at least there's a boob line
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oh ok i never saw the back cover before
Obligatory, since we are on Yea Forums.
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can't handle fame
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fuck i love her
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Dude what the actual fuck
At least they're the actual scorpions and not, well, you know...
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Look at this dumbass, isn't she cute as fuck?
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we already had a whole thread about it yesterday
fuck off
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I was gonna post this but I didn't wanna get v&
the absolute state of Yea Forums
Good pick, good album too.
wasn't this cover approved as artistic license like the original Romeo and Juliet movie don't see why I'd get banned
How has she not been posted? I've loved her since I was 15...
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Just wanna see him get banned
Don't overthink it.
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how in hell did they get away with this
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the one on stranded is hotter
this always looked to me like she is about to unleash a telekinetic attack of some kind
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Best thing that came from white zombie. Couldn't find a higher-res image.
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The only girl I'll ever love
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album name?
also posting mine
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how has no one posted this?
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Cute Julia
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