>tfw 1 paragraph discussion post due tonight by 11:59 for online class
>just wanna procrastinate and listen to music
gimme some jams senpaitachi
Tfw 1 paragraph discussion post due tonight by 11:59 for online class
Other urls found in this thread:
>9000 letter essay due in one hour
just do it so jonas doesnt throw another tantrum
I gotchu senpai
>250 word essay on how much I love my mom due in a week
>haven't even fucking started the rough draft yet
>a month into the semester
>still haven't rented access to Aplia and the digital textbook
>required to use the service to do assignments
>missed 4 or 5 assignments
>assignments require access code
>access code comes from textbook
>textbook costs $300
>assignments are worth 20% of the final grade
>mfw getting 80%
>haiku due tonight
>listen to music instead
>i'm going to fail
haikus are easy
but sometimes they don't make sense
niggers tongue my anus
>not seeking higher education
>life is just work, skating, music, and playing games with friends
i made the right decision. fuck the jews.
your last line has six syllables you fucking talentless hack
thats 25 dick head
I took a test already and didn't do well so I'm getting 73% at most.
>half of my notes so far have been doodles
wish me luck because I'll need it
>parents tell me to go to college because "I'll discover what I want to do in life"
>so bored with classes that I dropped two of them and not said anything about it unless asked because I hate having to justify my disinterest
feels like a waste of time. what's your job like and how well does it pay?
you're right, tongue feels like it should be two syllables but is one
niggers suck my smelly balls
pays like shit because im only 18. i know my happiness wont last forever for for now my life is probably at its peak.
eventually ill study a trade like carpentry, but that course only costs $650, and through an apprenticeship you can make a shit ton while studying.
>two word introduction due at the end of the semester
>haven't even registered for the class yet
>attendance due at beginning of class tomorrow
>parents haven't named me yet
>he posts so he doesn’t have to post
mac demarco - nobody
>haiku due in 20 years
>have only done 16 syllables so far
>have to wake up tomorrow