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New to producing? Check the faq
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just did this. not a perfect take but fuck it.
This is wild (that's a good thing). But I think the part from 27 to 50 sounds a bit all over the place.
I like doing it for myself, making nice sounding music is fun!
If someone else digs my music that's cool, and if it means something to someone I think that's pretty much as good as it gets.
I seriously doubt I'll get famous popping out a track every month or so, but if by some twist of fate I did that'd be pretty neat.
Hey! I'm very interested by vocal effects. I would like to know, is there a sort of effect that can gives the vocals a timbre similar to that of a specific sample instrument(like a Chinese flute), while still being intelligible and easy to understand? I thought it was what the Vocoder was supposed to do but it seems I was wrong. Thanks.
This guy is a moron. I bet this was part of the settlement. Comes across ass fake af.
yeh i don't think i've worked it out properly yet.. thanks though! just decided to record it cos i needed to get it out
image line are faggots make a post somewhere like kvr and say you are selling fl studio and they will show up and shut it down
What do you mean "selling fl studio"? I thought that after you used the serial number the software is locked down to a particular machine.
Anyone know why my audio in Windows has this slight distortion to it after I open Ableton? It's especially noticeable in the low end. This slight ping to the kicks. Before opening Ableton it sounds fine.
are you using asio™ drivers?
you piece of shit you were supposed to let the thread die
The thread did die. That's why there's a new one
I have no idea then
Damn. Thanks anyway. Think it could be because of asio though? Once I open Ableton asio begins running. Before hand it's not, and before hand the sound is fine.
how make synth wave music? i dumb. i know a lot of tracks use leads/bass/pads/drums but what else? arps? and that's all?
>still no great granular synth VST on the market (except Alchemy but that's Logic only now)
>Propellerhead Reason has the fantastic Grain plugin but they won't turn it into a VST like they did with Europa
Why? I need a good granular. Absynth is fucking trash
don't you have ears?
how can you make synthwave if you don't know what it sounds like?
>tfw too scared to make music on my own because you heavily rely on tutorials and production forums
fuck yall
i'm pretty happy with the drums on this, do i need more low end in the synth part, or should i try to write a separate bass part, or am i just crazy? all three?
i know what it sounds like, but i want to know all the fundamentals of the genre. cant just start making stuff if you dont know how to make it.
well the mix is terrible.
I've a couple amxd for ableton and they work just fine
You want to add this melody over top.
>Grug get angry when told to learn theory
Don't know much about this genre but I thought it was dope.
they're "functional" but only for basic bitch shit
if you want true granular you go modular and spend big bucks
or shut the hell up and use what you have at your disposal
what genre is it? i have no idea what i'm doing sorry
oops, desu most of my mixes suck i need to start paying someone else to do it
>paying someone to make music you aren't even going to sell
how cucked do you gotta be?
>being so dumb that you don't even know the difference between sub and wavetable
nigga just learn, it's not even that complicated, it's tough to git gud at it just like anything else but there's a mixing essential book you can read if you don't understand some shit.
What? Pigments and Serum both have sub and wavetable osc.
I could tell this was going to be ear-rapey just from the waveform.
this is legit the most appalling shit i've ever heard in /prod/
i've done a bunch of reading about (20+hrs) mixing and it all seemed really obvious to me, but when i try to follow the guidelines i just end up with shit like what i posted. also nobody ever tells me more than "this mix is bad"
I would tell you more if I knew more. Trust me, if I can tell the mix is bad then its REALLY bad. Do you just use the first 3 instruments you click on?
Hey I've been cavemaning the music making. Never asked anyone for feedback so would like someone to criticize for once. Thank you
This wouldn't happen with free (as in freedom) software.
it's fine, i'm basically just a little frustrated. not really, i'm in an old version of reason, so i don't get too many choices for synths (there are actually kind only 3). i don't really use presets, but i do have a tendency to stick with square and sine waves, rather than sample based stuff.
also i write music with 8$ earbuds which is kinda a bad idea from what i've been told
>i write music with 8$ earbuds which is kinda a bad idea from what i've been told
nigga cmon now dog
idk dude i've been into techno, tech house, deep house etc for about four years and started making shit in ableton as soon as i got the program. first tune was kinda shite but after that i was into it pretty much, just go with what sounds right and mess with frequency and resonance automation. i suppose i have an advantage in having studied frequency filters a bit but yeh. just trust yourself! you'll figure it out.
i'm very white, calling me that has me chuckling
>meme music
i think imma stick to this style
idk yet because it's going to make me go fucking deaf
thank you for the encouragement, just starting out (production in general) so its a little overwhelming. but ill hopefully get there. :D
is it normal for a beginner to not know what kind of music they want to make?
try to update or cop from the interface manufacturers website
windows updates have fucked many people in the past.
>Absynth is fucking trash
i am offended fuck you (and NI for not making a fucking update wtf)
if pic related post up. I never really use absynth for hecker-core tho
>i'm very white, calling me that has me chuckling
no that's fucking weird dude lol
like why did you even start then???
i like v much but it's pretty thin sounding as is. aside from the length and some of the bleeps being too loud/upfront that's really all i can criticize about this...
Has anybody build their own midi controller?
I kinda want to make one that has rows of seven buttons with adjustable key settings, so I can jam in more than C major or A minor
pic related is my mockup
>no that's fucking weird dude lol
like why did you even start then???
the problem is that i want to make all kind of music but im too overwhelmed and give up too quickly. i want to die. I was having fun making music a week ago and now I just feel depressed and suicidal.
Big ez elements would be Linndrum samples, gated plate reverb on snare (or anything that sounds good really), pwm bass on an arpegiator doing 16ths or 8ths.
Then, depending on if you're going for more pop-type or more videogame-inspired, pad synth should be lush and possibly chorused, leads echoed out, get with 7th chords and pretty leading tones.
Remember not to (obviously) use any modern things like granular or fancy wavetable synths, and if possible get a DX7 emulation cause that's basically synonymous with 80's music in the public ear.
Then just make all kinds of music dawg, software makes this shit literally too easy.
not him, but i personally struggle with finding DAW agnostic music theory for the genres I am interested in
Did i do good
It was 40 bucks
oh demarcus????
well i can relate on all fronts
There's no answer if you want to make all kinds of music honestly, because it depends what you want out of this.
Personally I do eventually want to do this for a living so I plan to pick one thing to kind of run with and put effort into building image around that kind of music and then branch out from there................. and make whatever i want in private.
>DAW agnostic music theory
there's general knowledge theory you get in books and then there's descriptive and academic "theory." I don't know of any tutorials or videos on the latter.
I'd assume it's different in schools where you're expected to be able to write a paper analysing something but i have no idea where you'd go to learn practical application of say... chormatic riffs in punk music or using way too many tritones or like a david bowie style chord progression (sounds like a random thing to throw in but imo his progressions are very distinct). At that point i'd honestly say you should learn an instrument and just "Analyze" the shit you want yourself but nobody here wants to hear that
I've learned some music theory and certainly try to learn more bits on the way. Currently on chord types; but knowing the theory only gets me so far.
For example I wanted to try making lounge music, but apart from 'How to make X in FL Studio 10' I can't seem to find useful resources.
I am not on a level to analyze the genre for myself do I am kinda stuck and just try making whatever
analyze sheet music for that genre and distill it into common tropes.
I'll try, thanks user
Guess there is a long road ahead
Kill yourself
many times it is difficult to actually find sheet music for modern genres. They are still under copyright. I have had some success on scribd (requires you to upload a pdf they don't have to download one). Pro tip: Search the documents subfolder. The ones labeled "sheet music" are piano scores. is excellent for much older music. For Lounge music / light music, it will be challenging. You will find mostly piano only.
Try your hand at transcribing what you are hearing (piano roll is fine if that's where you are more comfortable) if you need practice with recognition, it will force you to listen in greater detail and you may accidentally level up in the process.
The fuck is lounge music?
Is that like Sinatra and shit?
Thank you for the pointers
Start here then embellish.
wow. thank you so much. was just going to go with Helm (VST) for a lot of the stuff but this all sounds better. Dexed is a DX7 emu isnt it?
Thanks so much, that is informative and entertaining
I think we learned from the last thread that all theory will get you is an oversized ego and undeserved confidence in your music.
This reminds me of Cex.
>i don't really use presets,
I used to be like this when I was in middle school too.
Neat -- thank you.
This video is too reddity
Wanting to make old ass music in 2019 is reddity.
no, wanting to make shitty Trap with just bass and percussion is reddity. Wanting to make old ass music is BASED.
its true fuck trap
guy really knows his shit tho
okay can I get some feedback what do yall think of this
Oh fuck yeah I like your taste
How was your day Demarcus? (:
How in the HECK do I mix multiple guitars? I've got one double tracked guitar with some distortion playing power chords panned left and right, and a lead guitar playing the melody which is also double tracked (I don't know if it should be) that I've tried panning mid-left, mid-right, hard-left, hard-right, and down center and it gets lost no matter what unless I EQ one of them so much that it starts to noticeably lose tone. I'd post it but I really think I need a general approach because this is the first track I'm really layering guitars and I want to do it right
Hey Sammy
Yep that's me, 100%. Any advice? I'll kill myself tomorrow, so don't worry about that
Record it how you should eq it
Mix in mini dont rely on panning
Hey that's really pretty, I think you've got something good there.
How do I get megaman x5/6 synth sounds?
fm synths, specifically that yamaha / motorola FM chip type sound. Kachow.
>someone peep this URL
can any1 teach this little noobler user how to learn music thoery? best book 2 self teach ?! ?! best METHOD?????
you need to just inhale jenkem and make music its like magic
>How was your day Demarcus? (
I don't remember. I still don't have a girlfriend and I feel like my friend is leading me on.
Oh, I did have a good day actually. I talked to a rapper that might be interested in buying my beats and talking to him made me figure out my niche/style. Relistening to my stuff I've realized what I've been making is sort of like a combination of dreampop with hip-hop and that realization made me finally come up with a definite musical idea for my first project. And I remembered why I want to rap.
Seriously? Thank you. I'm not sure what to do with it, if anything. I just wanted to practice. I'm not really close at all but I want to make something that sounds like Vespertine.
Can you explain more, I don't know what fm synths are. Sorry I'm retarded
tried to make an "orchestral" piece came out alright
Based hecker
>cocktease sound design
>distortion lmao
Guess who I copied lel. For real this time because the link earlier sucked but i'm struggling to keep it going in the last stretch obviously.... I think it just needs a more prominent melody.... and i'm going to resample and go in for some fades and stops to make it tighter yeah yeah
>have drum and bass completely sequenced for the whole song
>been trying to add other instruments for 3 days
>literally nothing sounds good
Music production is FUN
>all theory will get you is an oversized ego and undeserved confidence in your music.
I want an MPC. Is there any reason for me not to get the flagship MPC X and instead find an older model? I am looking for real reasons, not that it "sounds better" or was used by XY or Z. I am interested in bitrate and sample rate degradation.
An FM (frequency modulation) synth is basically a synth that works by putting very fast LFOs on the pitch of oscilators (i'm sure you've tried making siren sounds with your synth, so you should have a basic idea of what this is).
These LFOs are in fact so fast that they're actually normal oscillators oscillating at adio-rate speeds (meaning between 20 to 20.000 times a second), and are often oscillating at the frequency of the note you're playing.
So in essence it's many oscillators that modulate each other's pitch like LFOs.
Watch this:
For further reading:
>Mix sounds good in headphones
>Can't even fucking hear anything out of laptop speakers
I do that too often. I make a sound subtle because I don't want it to be overpowering but then I listen to it through earbuds or shitty speakers and it's inaudible
Here's a snippet of my first beat ever(go ahead and bully me, i wanna get better at this) and idk what the fuck is up with the 808. it sounds like shit. anybody have an idea why?
how do I fix it
this is the clip. fucking forgot it
EQ a space for it in the mix. It'll just get lost on cheaper speakers/headphones otherwise
I don't know how to EQ
Then google how to you stupid cunt
How do I assign a modulation in Kontakt to the mod wheel?
Anyone using trackers? Milky, FastTracker, Renoise, even Buzz?
I use Renoise, but am still not very experienced
For me it's fun to use
this hurts my fucking brain, what the fuck is going on here
redpill me on trackers, why should I use them over ableton session view?
>come up with a good melody
>almost TOO good
>have no idea if I'm subconsciously copying another song or not
How does /moo/ deal with such a dilemma? Do you just go ahead and write the song anyway?
It may look daunting, but it's actually very logically laid out. The thing that throws most people off, is the way music is displayed.
B-3 04 just means: play B in the third octave with the fourth instrument. Behind that there can be several effects commands, that you mostly would use for sample based instruments.
It mainly comes down to preference. Trackers originated as a way to program music conceptually close to hardware.
Classic trackers are also quite simple to learn as there is not much going on. Despite that you can squeeze much sound of these programs, most of them are sample based, but there are also FM based ones.
Renoise is a fully featured DAW, so you have your sample focused workflow, but also the possibility of 'normal' VSTs. I guess that's why I like it.
You could also argue, that is is faster to type stuff in, since trackers are often heavily keyboard focused. The biggest difference visually is the way the music data is shown, the cursor moves from top to bottom and triggers every line of music data.
I never used a traditional DAW, but I guess you might miss some features.
Just go with it, the sheer amount of musical possibilities make it extremely unlikely you'll end up exactly copying something you heard by accident.
if i show this to girls will i get pussy
Sounds nice on my speakers and I like the aesthetic, but you should stop repeating the vocal samples and give the listener a bit of rest for like 32 bars or something in the middle of the track, because it becomes a bit grating at some point. Then you will have pussy, guaranteed.
awesome. i was already working on doing that honestly. pussy mountain here i come
Nah, it didn't.
New to producing and I copped FL Studio 20, I keep on getting a lot of feedback out of my mic unless I turn it down a ridiculous amount. Is there any way to combat this?
Don't record stuff in front of your monitors, baka desu
aw man ):
I liked it. Although the end part was a little bit strange
Turn everything up apart from drums
put slight fx on drums
Change velocity of drums or learn how to automate a compressor so each hit sounds different from last
Try a slight swing or groove to your drums, drums onlines of grid alone sound bad
de-ess or lower your hihats
the fade in noise took too long, no pay off, is a dreadful sound
needs more elements but since you don't know theory you'll screw it up
.. too many highs altogether eq shelve
that's pretty cool, needs better stereo separation and more clarity overall, towards the end it gets too messy
record with headphones on bro
any good EQing tutorials?
>EQing tutorials
as opposed to what
how else would I learn you dumb cunt
Matthew Weiss has a good series of videos
thank you.
>as opposed to what
Do you really need a tutorial to learn how to EQ?
I wouldn't call people "dumb cunt" if I were in your position.
>how else would I learn
If you're trying to learn how to use a paragraphic EQ and the interface isn't immediately obvious, search "how to use equalizer" on YouTube. Any video will be fine.
If you're trying to learn how to effectively use an equalizer, that's not really something you learn in an "EQing tutorial" (although I'm sure those exist), because to be able to get good results when EQing you need a general understanding of how the mixing process works, and how the frequency content of sounds is balanced and manipulated in order to get good results (wether you're using these principles for mixing, mastering, sound design, or even just cleaning up a sample).
This is why the notion of an "EQing tutorial" is funny, because you won't learn much from one, and you'd benefit more from a mixing tutorials so you understand what you're doing instead of memorizing rules like "highpass below the fundamental" without understanding what you're doing and getting shit results.
It's like asking for a course on steering when what you actually need is a course on driving.
I don't have any spcific recommendation for such courses, as I've learned these things many years ago, but you can try searching on torrent trackers for "mixing Lynda" or "mixing skillshare", etc.
Or try searching for "mixing" on At the very least you'll find which sites put out these tutorials and you'll have more keywords to use in torrent trackers.
how my PROD BOYS boing toinght
I'm about 2 hours of work away from just saying fuck it and recording everything in one go and doing minimal mixing because I just want to be done with this track
you guys are bad lol
I'm addicted to visiting prod and never making music. Help ;(
what do you find in /prod/ that keeps you coming back?
I think spending more time here makes me a better producer and I'm addicted to getting advice and never doing anything with it.
okay I watched a couple of videos on EQing and didn't really learn anything, but how does this sound?
[spoiler]I put the master in stereo instead of doing everything individually and maybe I shouldn't have[/spoiler]
>spending more time here makes me a better producer
>spending time with a bunch of amateurs is helpful
Lol. If you listened to any clyps you'd quickly realize you shouldn't take much of what's said here seriously. At best it's basically just a place to get oppinions on your song
anyone up for listening to some real music?
Only good thing in this thread however i’m Phoneposting so what do i know. Downloaded for later. How did you make those sounds? Serum and Ott/ lfos?
>real music?
>some real OPN sounds here
oh wow you got my attention
and.... then i listened
the background noises are interesting but otherwise nah dude
kek... well I didn't lie. it does have some timbres like the intro track of G of D (except he distorts voice
>needs better stereo separation
it's mono
definitely agreed about the end, i forgot to mute a part there before uploading lmao
lol thanks dude. i was actually going to delete but you beat me. i 've cleaned it up a lot since, this sounds shitty to me now
> Serum and Ott/ lfos
serum plays a part of the snare layer and also the leads after a minute in, that's it. The couple (imo) noteworthy sounds are made by absynth. Bass is fm8, kick was massive.
>it's mono
completely mono? I thought my microlab had a bit of stereo depth, I guess I was wrong
just checked and you're right. i had a utility on the master to mono it and i fucked something up :p
Doing fine, gonna get fed and then maybe work in some euro dance.
how do i learn theory
Pastebin dude
I linked two of the best theory courses in the OP.
>Burning the midnight oil reading manuals and learning theory and soaking up knowledge to make the best most original thing ever
>A stupid joke song that I can't monetize goes viral because someone I told not to share it with betrayed me
>Still never been complimented on a serious song
David Bowie did that stupid gnome song and became a Serious Artist so there's still hope right guys?
Post song pls.
>David Bowie did that stupid gnome song and became a Serious Artist
his first album was complete shit though dude, even the biggest fanboys will tell you that (like me)
Anybody knows how to deal with overthinking/anxiety when making music?
you might as well be asking how to cure depression lol
"like just don't stress man xD"
My philosophy is to hold no song in high regard and accept that by the time it's done there is a very good chance that it will be trash and it shouldn't matter because i can just make a better one after. Don't be attached and you have much less reason to be stressed about fucking something up
Just go through the process and don't stop, you can review your mistakes once you're done.
Why is there a glitch in Ableton that if you use bluetooth headphones and put your computer to sleep and then start using Ableton, the playhead moves at a ridiculous speed and there is no audio?
Not sure I get you. Do you mean "Will Demarcus and Hill Make Better Tunes"?
>bluetooth headphones
bro wtf are you doing
turn off sleep mode it just causes problems
stop giving them attention
or stop samefagging to give yourself attention
What should I have for dinner?
nothing you don't deserve to eat today
McDonald's it is
brah im currently looking at a much of plugins and downloading presets, i have no idea what to do or what im doing. kill me
Is it possible to run VST's off of a SD card stuck in a computer's card reader? I have an older laptop with a small SSD and I don't want to eat up over half of the space with samples.
Do you pan the reverb sends ever?
Yes but it will be slow and will eat up your card's write cycles.
how do you guys start off your songs, do you have a set workflow?
>downloading more things whoopee
>overwhelming yourself more
very rarely.
When I used to make rock/guitar music I copied the Mix techniques from rhcp albums and that was something i noticed in it....usually opposite complimentary parts (guitar solos hard panned and then an effect or the reverb to the other side). of course you definitely need to mix something like that in mono, it's very easy to fuck up or do it and just forget that panning is tricking you into thinking it sounds good
>set workflow
beat, interesting sound, improvising keyboard, chords, maybe a sample if it's hippity-hop
I usually make everything in midi with saws and compose the "skeleton" without any production, and when I'm satisfied with the composition I start replacing/remaking all the sounds and do the actual "production" part.
>downloading more things whoopee
>overwhelming yourself more
i wish i knew bro, im just not used to thinking for myself. So I get intimidated easily when I have to do something on my own, which is why I struggle on every facet of my life.
So if I want to pan the actual guitar tracks, should I keep all of their reverb in the center?
It means WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THIS, you stupid newfag.
>quick demo on whatever instrument I wrote it on
>add quick drum/bass track
>add vocals
>replace original instrument
>tweak drum and bass
>re-do vocals, add in background/subtle tracks
>re-do anything else as needed
>which is why I struggle on every facet of my life.
gotta stop /blog/ posting dude
I am generally against the zeal internet-musicians tend to have for purposefully setting limitations for yourself but you sound like somebody who would seriously benefit from it; Pick out 5~ very good but versatile drum samples of each that you tend to use, pick 3 synths or whatever you use and just stick to mastering that.... or not but you see what i'm getting at. Master a few things and your mastery with those will carry over to learning others
GENERALLY nobody pans the reverb. You don't have to even use a stereo reverb every time.... and you shouldn't be using dedicated reverb for every instrument................ Seriously if you're Sam I don't have time to teach all of that right now.
I don't know who Sam is. I've sorta been teaching myself to record shit at home.
i don't believe you
Is this some fucking general namefag drama?
yeah, go back
dude why do you do this
my bad, he's this kid who does rock covers and frequently asks questions that he ignores the answers to and somehow manages to actively avoid learning how to mix things (a waste of time trying to help)
what do you even mean i think that guy is Sammy
But I'm not. I may be incompetent but I don't do covers.
I try to jam things out in session view as quickly as possible using some basic presets I made (pluck, bass, lead, whatever). After the skeletal structure is complete, start working on the arrangement and handwrite any sound design ideas if they come to mind. When it feels like the arrangement is complete I move over to actually implementing sound design. you could probably come up with a song structure first before having any melodic/harmonic ideas down, but starting with sound design is retarded imo
Its really funny how if I leave this general people think my music is good or that even here people were blowing smoke up my ass (One user said Fugato sounded like an "Aphex demo") before I took an aggressive tone with you all, and now you think you can cut me down.
>will eat up your card's write cycles.
Wouldn't it be mostly reading it though (assuming I'm not recording audio or bouncing to the card)? Maybe an external hard drive with USB is the way to go... I'll keep reading. Thank you.
those are obtuse and far too advanced for me : / Im looking for the objective best written work for self learning music hteory
First beat so please tear it apart, but why does my 808 sound like shit? i dont get it
Yeah, but unless you're careful, VSTs and DAWs (or programs in general) can write a lot of stuff without you noticing.
>One user said Fugato sounded like an "Aphex demo"
It does, but only in style, not in quality.
You're making me nervous that Reason is going to eat up my SSD.
>Additionally, program may use up to 20 GB scratch disk space.
it says something about both the quality of your music and how obnoxious you are as a person that even on a website full of faggots you get singled out.
Have you forgotten your meds again?
I got singled out for making youtube comments on classical music.
its bad because you tried to make trap beat
Well that user said it sounded good and another did as well. Like I said, I'll take the positive feedback over the spiteful vipers in this general who probably wouldn't even understand a great deal of the music I listen to. I linked the same three pieces in a thread where I insulted Iglooghost and his fans ganged up on me and provoked me to post my music. The upshot was they all found it "pretty good" and one guy offered to master my tracks for me free of charge.
If it's a modern SSD you don't have much to worry about, since they don't "expire" as quickly as they used to (hard drives randomly failing is a much more realistic worry).
Still, make sure you have backups of all your data.
no you got singled for making completely average for /prod/ music and then arrogantly proclaiming that you were able to make such greatly okay music because of your superior knowledge in theory. You made countless headass comments but that's the gist of it.
>they all found it "pretty good" and one guy offered to master my tracks for me free of charge
"pretty good" for an amateur posting music on Yea Forums and being polite because telling somebody there music is bad is just mean. Get over yourself
>want to get latest version of FL studios to being music making
>all the torrents I find on zooqle seem sketch
go to rutracker
No, nobody would call me Hill had I not made youtube comments on classical music and posted Stewart Copeland's Opera, which I shilled in /classical/ to my channel. And cope harder. Somebody isn't going to offer their time mastering tracks that they think are not good. The guy liked my music, period.
imagine being against trap beats on a music board
>people who like my song are right and those who don't are wrong
That's a good way to never improve.
I used to post my music on forums and people would tell me it was good and barely give me feedback on obvious small stuff, and compliment the things I did well, just like people did in real life.
Then I came here, and I got shit on hard for several things I was doing wrong, and after the initial reaction of denial ("they're just being typical Yea Forums assholes") I started considering that they might be right and tried to change my songs based on their insults, and they improved much more than after the polite feedback I used to get elsewhere.
You should listen to both positive and negative feedback.
If someone tells you that you're not good, it's not to spite you. 99% of the time they just think it's not good.
In your case your music is good compared to the beginners that post here, but compared to anyone who makes music for a living (or is even a slightly established artist) it's very amateurish both in composition and in production.
I'm not telling you this to hurt you. It's what I actually think of it.
You can ignore me or you can consider that you're not at the top yet and you should work to improve for some time because you can go around telling people that you're good at this.
i hate it
I don't know any namefag named hill
I've offered to mix and master tons of stuff for people and did it both for practice and because i genuinely enjoyed their music even if it was made pretty shittily. I'm not saying your music is impossible to enjoy for other people (even if i personally don't like it but that doesn't matter). Just a few positive comments are not grounds to get a big head and even worse act like an arrogant prick, which is what you've been doing. Even if you actually end up becoming half as good as you're acting like you are now, people are going to be hesitant to work with you because you're such an asshole
>The guy liked my music, period
How do you know that that guy has good taste?
And how does that mean that your music is actually good? I personally like a lot of music that I'd consider bad from a quality standpoint but I still find it enjoyable.
Some people telling you that they liked your music doesn't mean that it's objectively well made. It just means that they liked it.
And that's giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming they weren't fucking with you.
Holy fuck dude. I never claimed I was at "The Top". The misconception one user had about me is that I've been doing this for 15 years. Its more like1 or 2 because that's when I did ear-training and learned to read a score and forced myself to work within particular constraints. Before that I would just do the same thing over and over and think I was "finding my voice" (like a lot of you) but that's postmodern bullshit, the smoke that was blown up your ass since you were a kid (you can do anything you want and its good just because you're doing it). With that mentality, I was no more likely to improve at composition than Chris Chan was going to improve at drawing. Now I have the tools I need to actually get better, and guess what, that's THEORY; there's no getting around it.
In fact my end goal is serious composition. So, relatively speaking, I have a lower opinion of my music than all of you.
I initially singled you out because of your annoying posts and repeated use of the same images, so I searched the archive for all the posts containing those images you posted with the same filenames and found the discussions you partecipated in and found the screens of your youtube comments.
Without that, I wouldn't have a name to attach to your identity (like with many Anons whom I can recognize but don't have a name for), but you were still easy to single out before I knew about those comments.
>15 years.
yeah that's embarassing
I won't even greentext anything specific, everything you typed after that implies that you are an authority because somehow doing this training made you GREAT (which nobody here thinks you are) and that everybody else is stupid. Maybe you didn't mean to come off like that but that's what everything you say sounds like.
that's the creepiest fucking shit I've ever heard. Get some serious help.
The 15 years is a misconception, as I said. And I already said I don't take the opinions of a bunch of trappers seriously.
>Holy fuck dude. I never claimed I was at "The Top"
You said your music is good, and by the way you were acting it seriously seemed that by "good" you meant high level (yeah, maybe "at the top" is a bit too much, my bad).
>The misconception one user had about me is that I've been doing this for 15 years. Its more like1 or 2 because that's when I did ear-training and learned to read a score and forced myself to work within particular constraints.
So you made music for 15 years and it was shit because you weren't applying yourself correctly, but you started doing that 1 or 2 years ago and now your music is much better?
Am I understanding correctly?
I think my music is better than a vast majority of things posted in this general, yes.
>The guy liked my music, period.
Its telling that you'd put it this way. As if you're aiming to fool people and - it worked! Do you like your music? If someone else had made it, would you be excited to play it a 5th time? I already know the answer's no.
yeah see just discounting peoples opinions based on who they are is only protecting your ego and preventing you from reflecting on your music.
It's not even like ignoring mix advice from these people because you know they fucking suck at this anyway, it's just taste. A lot of people like the same shit as you here it's a fucking music board lol
i'd say top half definitely
You were being very annoying and I went looking for info that I could use to fuck with you.
Also, you're on Yea Forums snd you're creeped out by the mot basic doxxing? How new are you?
That doesn't make it good.
It just makes it better than shit.
How was I being annoying? By defending Schoenberg?
Please respond to this:
So you made music for 15 years and it was shit because you weren't applying yourself correctly, but you started doing that 1 or 2 years ago and now your music is much better?
Am I understanding correctly?
I'm not asking this to be mean but are you actually autistic? It would be a lot more understandable that you say some things and people take them a way you don't understand...
By Apuposting and arguing with people who didn't like your music.
Mainly the apuposting (and semi-avatarfagging in general).
Yes, exactly. I'm also the guy who deletes everything regularly. It also helps to break away with everything and set the bar higher. I don't accept stagnation anymore.
>actually getting butthurt about frogposting
Also I didn't even start sharing music until very recently.
maybe, I got a diagnosis at 14. On the other hand I don't really believe mild autism is a thing.
Actually I started posting my music as a troll because there were people who would start threads talking about how great their music was without posting it, and then I would post my "shitty" music and pretend to be them. But then when people started saying "hey this is good, not cringe at all" I felt more confident about it. Actually only /prod/ has shit on me this roundly.
>I got a diagnosis at 14
I wish you would have just said that at the beginning of the thread
Its entirely irrelevant. Being diagnosed with aspergers is no excuse to be an asshole. I am just an asshole, plain and simple.
/prod/ is the only place where people don't care about hurting your feelings, so they just tell you what they think.
Other places are either polite for social reasons or they're not musicians.
Both kinds of feedback should be taken into account.
You can't just look at the compliments and dismiss any negative judgement as people being mean for no reason.
Who cares. People shouldn't be able to hide behind a label; they are who they are.
Post more strings. Inspire me to make music, Mr. Hill.
My favorite workflow for its efficiency. If it sounds good in MIDI, then it is good period.
No, I get bored easily so I need to mix things up a lot. I use software, hardware, MIDI, samples, anything.
>My favorite workflow for its efficiency. If it sounds good in MIDI, then it is good period.
Exactly why I do it.
Starting with good sounds will make me think that what I hear is good even if the composition is bad, so if you separate the composition from the production you can't be tricked and your music has to be good if you want it to sound good.
What did he mean by this?
No, the entirety of Yea Forums is the place where people don't care about hurting your feelings. /prod/ is the place where people spitefully cut anyone down who acts with confidence.
I am not dismissing the feedback that is constructive. And like I said, I have a lower opinion of my music than you people actually do. If I compare my music to a composer like Barber, it looks a lot worse than shit, let alone against something Mozart composed when he was like 12.
The point is, I'm a 26 year old man. If a couple years of musical training can help me, it can help a teenager, with greater neuroplasticity even more.
Now I'm going to get accused of reddit spacing for having 3 separate paragraphs.
>/prod/ is the place where people spitefully cut anyone down who acts with confidence
You only feel that way because you got shit on.
quit being a retard youre just begging for it to happen
I got shit on because I said theory was necessary to make good compositions, and then used my music as an example of this. Everyone took this to mean I thought I was some kind of super talented musical genius. And its more like, no, literally anyone can pick this stuff up and apply it.
Can writing electronic music help improve writing music for other instruments/genres?
We already know you're a redditfag.
>literally anyone can pick this stuff up and apply it.
Not him but I'm interested.
How did you learn?
Tried and true alcohol and marijuana.
For harder cases go for opium and lsd.
We've all been Sammy at one time or another.
How can you not understand that that's how that would be interpreted wtf?
>can learning things help you do other things
Yeah. Same with all genres
Very inefficiently. If you want to know how to learn quick, combine this ear training exercise (put in at least 500 hours) with the lessons I provided at the top (particularly Alan Belkin's). JJay Berthume has some good stuff but its kind of mostly his own ideas. Belkin's course is much more comprehensive. Also a really simple trick to learn is voice-leading. That will improve whatever you're doing a shit ton. But ear training is the most important thing. Also don't listen to anyone who says you need to associate a melody with each interval. That is a crutch that is really hard to get rid of. In fact your brain will probably do this, but its better to count the interval in combinations of thirds (especially since chords are generally built out of thirds)
Its very important to maximize the range of the instrument and to select all the intervals excluding the unison, and also to select ascending, descending and simultaneous in the options in the top right-hand corner.
And let me say, regardless of what you think of my music, none of this can harm your development as a musician.
Thank you very much.
>Its very important to maximize the range of the instrument and to select all the intervals excluding the unison, and also to select ascending, descending and simultaneous in the options in the top right-hand corner.
Shouldn't you start with just a couple different interval types at first until you get used to them and then add more? It seems like you're making things harder on yourself.
Also, I feel like this one is more natural since it's closer to how things work when you're writing melodies (as long as you understand the relationship between the old and new notes which I probably take for granted due to 12 years of piano lessons):
Okay, I suppose you could do it like that. I just want people to be aware there are a lot more intervals than the default settings display.
Help me other Reason user they just put the rigs on sale and I was planning on buying backline the next time it went on sale with my tax redosh but I already spent 100 dillies this week on the NE bundle and I haven't even opened my DAW in 5 days AAAAAAAAA
Newline goes after every sentence asshole, your shit is painful to read on my dual monitor stretch setup.
Ono. I actually haven't even installed the demo yet; I'm just downloading it tonight to try it out with the intent of buying it before the month is over while it's still on sale if I like it. Do you really need things outside of what's included in the base package? I'm trying to limit myself which is why I'm looking at Reason in an effort to stay away from superfluous VSTs.
I kind of just discovered MIDI, this is what people use to remake songs? It's extremely helpful. I put some Tyler the Creator chords over the drum beat for the part of Sicko Mode.
>I kind of just discovered MIDI
did you download my snare???
Honestly not really unless you want specialty shit.
10 comes with Europa and Grain, all the legacy synths, some sampled instrument REs, and a fuckload of samples (mostly drums and loops).
I'm just kind of a consumer whore and I can't even use Europa and Grain that well cause I started buying shit every other week or so just to fuck with it and not end up producing anything.
There are some things Reason is missing easy access to like a transient shaper (only through Kong), a standalone gate, and the m-class mix/master tools are pretty barebones and old, which I hope they'll address in version 11 but they probably won't.
tl;dr you get a top tier granular and high to top tier wavetable synth out of the box so no you don't really need to buy extra shit unless you have specific needs like really good strings etc.
Oh also PH autistically closed their website's forums some time ago so if you haven't bothered to google it yet this is a great resource.
(it's where I found pic related)
Did I? And I kind of knew of MIDI, but I didn't know the use of it. I wish I could find some more MIDIs of drum patterns, it would be really helpful seeing how it works. Could help me make non-trap beats.
Thank you Reasonfriend. I will do my best to enjoy what comes standard.
>Work within your vocal limitations
But I have a low voice and I don't want to sing low ;_;
>Did I?
I know you downloaded that kit but a while ago i'm pretty sure I uploaded the closest I got to remaking the 808 snare as a single instaudio link....... So you'd probably remember if that were it. It just caught my ear as being similiar
Oh, I remember you. You posted your remake of Sicko Mode and asked how Travis got his swing? I did download a "sicko mode snare" but I got it from Reddit.
Just use a vocorder like that dude from Chromeo.
No that is absolutely not me lol
I was speaking of the.... Demarcus kit
I really, really doubt somebody just so happened to download it and put it in their kit because it wasn't that good... or close to the original anyway lol.
All those kits are recycled tho
>No that is absolutely not me lol
Oh my bad
Yeah I did download the Demarcus kit though
>I really, really doubt somebody just so happened to download it and put it in their kit because it wasn't that good... or close to the original anyway lol.
>All those kits are recycled tho
I think the guy on Reddit made it but I could be wrong
Didn't have anything on the go strings-wise, so I made this especially for you. Just a 4 voice texture. Threw some loops over it. You can do a lot with just 4 voices.
Thanks. This kind of reminds me of a Korg Wavestation patch.
They are Fairlight CMI strings.
>friend is extremely talented lyricist and singer
>gets a girlfriend
>yoko ono's our band and destroys his synth and flushes all his drugs down the toilet causing a rift between us
>she wants him to make it still
why does this happen to so much people?
I don't understand. If she wants him to make it, why would she destroy his equipment?
>thinking logically
fair enough
bought and started doing Syntorial, and holy shit. these lessons start getting hard at chapter 5. I can hardly tell the difference in sounds anymore for the brightness, press, and release.
i just googled it and do you really need a program to teach you how to hit random knobs and sliders?
surely you cant be this retarded?
It takes all sorts.
hello thread
can i get some opinions on this song? just redid the mix and i'm hoping it sounds at least half competent
have the next thread ready to go once this one hits bump limit
its shit but fun
keep going
thank you and how could I keep going? what needs to be fixed?
Not that user but nothing really needs to be fixed, you should just keep making more tracks
ayyyy thats exactly what I was going to say to him
maybe you ARE that user
i would give you my soundcloud but im pretty sure i'm not allowed to self promote here, im glad you guys like it though
keep on truckin brother
and keep posting
we gotta kill this thread so I can make the new one
ok BET
thank you
the quicker this thread crashes the quicker we can advance as musicians
bump limit impending
its comin its comin up its comin up its comin up
its bump
I just want to be focused enough to make a full track, why am I so lazy?
yoo what are da bess new drum kits for my trap rap beats that i can pirate??
>switch from using asio for all to yamaha jewberg drivers
>every time i load my favorite vst it makes a loud REEEE SOUND
>had to deal with this for months
>switch it to using line-2 ur22
>it loads stuff without making a ree sound and crashing
what the fuck is this black magic
Any resources to brush up on my piano skills out there?
Ive spent the last year working my ass off as a live audio engineer and ive had no drive to practice.
Im finally making enough to where im having to buy /prod/ gear just to write off on my taxes so i wanna be able to justify my purchases
synthesia is pretty fun with a really good midi keyboard
surely you can add rhythmic elements like chords? also listening to the drum beat, "memorising" the general groove of it, then composing with the beat turned off can be helpful sometimes.
Can I get some feedback? Seriously asking.
why that snare? also what is that?
the beat is........ like why do you do a fill every two bars? that thing is something that you should save for transitions. imagine rapping over that, it sounds awkward as fuck
try tuning your kicks. cop span if you don't already have it.
>why do you do a fill every two bars?
What do you mean?
>cop span if you don't already have it.
whats span
>What do you mean?
every time the snare isn't on the 2 and 4 and you do this shit that isn't steady it completely interrupts the groove. that's not a hard rule by any means but you should not try to deviate from that when you don't have a solid understanding of rhythm.
voxengo span. pretty standard plugin for everybody to use.
it's a frequency analyzer with some cool features but the main thing is that there's a freeze option so you can play your kick and look at the peaks to see what note it's playing.
>when you don't have a solid understanding of rhythm.
>every time the snare isn't on the 2 and 4
I don't want to make trap anymore
god i fucking love that video
yeah okay stop making music you don't even like, no shit. idfk what you're doing man
I meant thats why the snare isnt on the 2 and 4, because that's only a thing in trap beats
>it. idfk what you're doing man
Me neither apparently
>that's only a thing in trap beats
lol no it's not. i didn't know how to phrase it without just saying you have no sense of rhythm.
yeah yeah shutup and laugh
>i didn't know how to phrase it without just saying you have no sense of rhythm.
[spoiler]this edit is just depressing[/spoiler]
you put your tempo at ~140 and put the snare on the third beat of every bar right?
u can't. stop crying
like slow down beats you like and copy drum for drum.
literally take down notes listening to shit and map out where the beat changes to signal a transition.... listen to how often it repeats or doesn't (that's another thing, you loop way too fucking much)
what are you talkieng about my mane?
stop bullying demarc...anthony you're beats are shit but i think you're ''çompositions''' aren't that bad, other than the repetitiveness. you pick OK sounds and there's even feeling... then you ruin it with those ''''''drums''''' of course
the tempo of that beat I posted is 90
and this is what I did iwth the snare
I don't nod my head to anything because I don't listen to music and I don't feel emotions
No but the last songs I remember nodding my head to are Born Under Punches. and Wishes by Beach House . Was that head nodding? I don't remember.
>like slow down beats you like and copy drum for drum.
I've tried that with drum breaks before and it just sounded like shit when I listened to it on its own
>literally take down notes listening to shit and map out where the beat changes to signal a transition
It's really difficult to pay attention to. It was so easy when I got high the first time. I analyzed Tyler's rhyme scheme off a song from Wolf without needing to even try to think, and I took notes. I can barely even understand those notes now though.
>isten to how often it repeats or doesn't (that's another thing, you loop way too fucking much)
I thought I was getting better at it.
>then you ruin it with those ''''''drums''''' of course
sigh. I really don't know what to do with the fucking drums. That's why I always go back to trap beats. I can't get make a good pattern to save my fucking life. And the drums are always completely glossed over in any tutorial or guide you'll find. I should really just kill myself.
my nigga... the snares are the one thing you can't overdo. You can get away with double kicks here and there, same shit with claps and hi hats, but snares gotta be simple, it's easy to annoy the listener with those.
hi Yea Forums, i am bored with my programming job. Recently my coworkers invite me to karaoke and forced me to join them.. Thanks to that event, now I know I have a nice voice cause my coworkers were mindblown. So now I want to learn music, specifically electric guitar.. my budget for now is 310 USD.. what equipments should I buy if I want to hear myself playing an electric guitar?
>why guitar?
cause I found my drummer :D
>what kind of music you want to make?
like News by Dire Straits
please! :)
>the tempo of that beat I posted is 90
>and this is what I did iwth the snare
that's not how it's done my man. try this
open new
tempo 140
get ur 808 sample make it short with the sampler 'OUT' knob. put distortion on it if you like ;)
get ur snare and or clap
get ur hat
if you're 808 doesn't come with a kick, get a kick too
open the sequencer and do dis
>right click hat, press set every 2 steps. if you like later you can fill the gaps between every hit to make some variation like in the pic
>put snare/clap on every 3rd beat of every bar
>don't put kicks and snares on even numbered steps unless you know what you're doing, it's going to sound shit
>don't overdo 808 for now.. start off with 2-3 hits every 2 bars (which is like one bar of your 90 bpm beats, since its ''double time'' but don't bother caring about that shit. trap beats are supposed to be slower, your 90 bpm translates to 180 which is too much)
post result, i hope i didn't miss anything. keep in mind this is super basic just to get going
i didn't need to play a kick over the 808 because it already had a kick in the sample.. you can do it if you feel like it needs it
Alright... Good to know.
fuck you
forgot to post how it sounds.. here it is. not terribly exciting and a real track would have a longer pattern but as i said, just basic shit to get going
aight sorry man, i'll guess i'll start flaming and fucking with you like everyone else since that's what you like
You condescend to me like I'm a stupid baby bitch, as if I haven't already made 400 beats in past 7 months as a producer. You tell me to make a trap beat when I say I don't want trap beat. FUCK you.
first off the condescension is all in you'r head bro
second that beat sounded like an attempt at a trap beat.i don't know what you want then and i dont know what you tried and what not. but yes, i did think you hadn't
>second that beat sounded like an attempt at a trap beat
I JUST CAN'T FUCKING ESCAPE IT!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please describe in one post what you are trying to do