How’d she do guys ?
How’d she do guys ?
Other urls found in this thread:
shes chunky
Can't you watch the video for yourself?
>be female
>be white
>be kinda qt
is she fat or what?
already an eyelash thread faggot
really awkward
i like it
those are big 0_0
Nice Sam Hyde facial expression. I'm sorry, I'm sure she's a very sweet person.
promotes degenerate nigger culture, fucks them as well
She dresses in an overpriced clown outfit
So does your mom
>a female version of Steve Buscemi
yea she gets it for free though
She sounds cute.
apologize to steve buscemi
not even
william eyelish: FUCKING EVERYWHERE
You can’t sing Wutherng Heights in the original key with Curry’s cum sauce in your mouth.
so do homeless people who dumpster dive for their wardrobe
She's only 17, wow.
lmao i'm relatable because i burp
Billie not looking so good these days...
She talks like a really stupid kid.
ugly fucking retard
I only made it up until the part where she talked about singing Happiness is a Warm Gun when she was 9 years old then said "heh, cuz it's tru..."
If billie liked MDE it would be semi-redeeming desu
Wait... she can open her eyes?
my peepee twitched a tiny bit when i saw her in the catalog
the orders changed after blew her sadgirl persona the fuck out
god I wish I was worthy of such a gf :(
Holy shit
Yeah let's keep promoting this Billie statutory rape fanfiction.
Fuck off.
Is this a real post?
She has the IQ of 20 and speaks like an absolute idiot.
hes just really mad that there is no leaked sex tape. dont worry about him
no, it’s a painting
What evidence is there she's fucking anyone?
keep searching for that sex tape kid. you will find it someday
dont make references to other threads jackass
is she fat or not
What a stupid fucking thread for a stupid fucking premise. Eat out your own asshole OP.
She sucked the wangs down good OP, check her out i think you'd really get a kick out of her
It should be pretty damn obvious at this point she's manufactured to hell. She doesn't talk or dress the way she sings, which should be a huge red flag.
top kek
She's thicc.
what a stupid show
Theres a lot of bad words on it.
way to assume his medium, shitlord.
are all music industry plants actors? shes just "acting" a personality.
her thighs dont look thicc, what the fuck breed is she.
Thanks for implanting that image in my head faggot.
She's hot but her being white, having unnaturally dyed hair, and being a wigger makes me think she's fucked at least 10 guys.
Holy fuck forgot about mr meaty
oh my fucking god.
Anyone got the Curry gif?
you shill your shitty video here more than any artist gets shilled here. fuck off.
I bet you that she's swallowed at least a gallon of Denzel's curry at this point.
Legit question: why do you grown men give this 17 year old that fucks niggers more attention??
>Billie Eilish is the hyper-talented singer/songwriter
the industry is completely shameless
Why do you bitch and moan about Billie fucking some nigger in every single thread about her? Relax man
Most molesters were molested.... Fact
Most KANGZ believe they’re entitled to sexually violate white women out of revenge... fact
Denzel’s lyrics are also misogynistic and he openly defends abusers... fact
Why does he pal around with Billie so much unless she’s fucking him?
You're making accusations which you can't back up. Statutory rape is serious shit.
I don’t even want to look at the comment section for the song right now
pick 0
I think everyone is finally getting bored with her, especially since her music is so bland, and how apparent she is as an industry plant. She'll be gone once her album fails to live up to expectations.
>Most molesters were molested.... Fact
To be fair, there's a pretty substantial difference between being molested as a little kid vs. having sex with a 16-year old.
nigga nobody falling off after getting 100M+ views like it's nothing, she's here to stay
Imagine dropping some hot curry in that mouth hngggghhh
Jesus christ, she's insufferable. I can't stand her "Omg guiz i pulled a funny face and made a silly noise haha, i'm so quirky" personality
fucking kek
Bury a Friend has 75 million views and it's been out for over a month.
With You Were Gay doesn't even have 15 million views and it's been out for almost a week.
If anything this plant is starting to wilt.
Never heard her talk before, I thought she was going to be some tryhard DEEP no fun psued. she's more like a Yea Forumstard hopped up on energy drinks.
She has other interviews where she acts like a college freshman who thinks they know it all because they've taken a single philosophy course.
Fun fact: she doesn't even know what the word "philosophy" means.
Looks delicious. What does it taste like?
Steve buschemi actually has talent and only looks like a bugman in his older age
Lmfao she’s such a fucking lame cliche
its cute that you think 10 guys is supposed to be a high number.
For a 17-year old, yeah.
>Hey there big guy whats up with you?
>You tripped my wife.
How is 10 guys not a high number?
It's called payola.
>doesn't think it's at least in the triple digits
She talks like she isn't "all there". Not insightful, not intelligent.
What do you think her pussy smells like?
Curry sauce.
Because Americans are literal cucks
she's really cute. wife material.
I like how he never brings up Billie's cultural appropriation, or the fact Highland Park has been undergoing horrid gentrification and Latino displacement since the early 00s (meaning Billie's family are part of the white gentrifying class).
All modern pop stars are "industry plants", you fucking mong
are we racist inbreds or literal cucks?
>grabs milk
>"Is this söymilk?"
>"Okay good"
But in Billie's case it's super apparent.
All the edgethots are vegan.
>yet another appearance on a popular online show
she is such an outrageous level of plant that I will never complain about Clairo again as her level of plantness looks respectable compared to this shit, never seen anyone get remotely close to this coverage before even releasing an album. realistically the most a normal artist gets is some blogposts and maybe a piece with a small local media outlet that focuses on music
Billie is competing for the biggest forced meme in music industry history
the music isn't bad but it's not interesting or great either, yet she is promoted as some kind of child prodigy
we live in strange times