what are some other albums that have a cult status for reasons alike the album we're not supposed to mention?
What are some other albums that have a cult status for reasons alike the album we're not supposed to mention?
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s the pedo album
Pseudo Scorpion
wtf album?
>cp compilations
>cult status
honestly are you even remotely sane
I was confused as well. Look at the replies that are associated with arachnids...Use that word and look it up in the archive. It’ll clear things up. No one is going to tell you. Look at the Yea Forums archive
please tell me how fake arachnoid doesn't have a cult status on Yea Forums?
"cult status" means that people actually like something, and follow it like a cult
your disgusting pornography is not even music you dumbass
>"cult status" means that people actually like something
not neceserally (or at least not what i meant), just albums that have deep going discussion and mistery about it
imagine being this new
and getting spoonfed
guys, lurking is important and people won't lurk if you spoonfeed them.
enjoy your ban and stop distributing child porn
OK Mr. Superior
>inb4 mods delete the thread
geez sorry for not being perfect at spelling
also the only way to get a ban from this is by posting the album cover or the full title and artist
imagine being this chuck
and getting fucked
sneed, seeding is important and suck won't formerly feed if you cityslick them.
but the album cover isn't even explicit
i think it has the full artist and title written on it, that's why
There's another album for which the cover is basically CP that just came out. I didn't care for the music so I forget the artist or the name of the album. But what the fuck are these people thinking?
Shit I hope not I didn't even mention the artist
edgelords get a laugh from it, pedos get off from it, the creator might be one of those or just gets the cash from those two categories
honestly it's disgusting, but i guess they somehow get away with it
this is so obviously a forced attempt at making a creepypasta
try harder retards, ur not creative enough to make an urban legend properly
It's plural
This is why you don't spoonfeed.
t. sweet summer child
listen newfag it is real. I have downloaded it before and it's pretty disturbing, I felt sick after hearing just 15 seconds of the last track
You need to be 18 or older to post on Yea Forums, nigglet.
m8 ive been here since 2012. And its always been bullshit. Maybe somewhere along the way you got trolled by someone that ripped audio from CP to make some approximation of it but in either case the source material doesnt exist. this is just Yea Forums's version of "Sad Satan". A shitty pasta created by an edgelord, for edgelords
cry more whitey
Has anyone fully listened to it? I remember just downloadind that last track and it fucked me up. Real gruesome shit.
No it is real trust me. The last track is called "Teacher" and I remember playing a random part of it and there was audio of a man and a small girl and he was saying spread your butt to the girl
I’m becoming more skeptical. Is there evidence that people have been banned for posting the album and the artist?
if you don't mention the artist you're fine i think
try it out yourself, user
I got permabanned for even mentioning the name of it, back in late 2017. I even had to my change ip adress. If you post the cover of the album, it's a permaban too. I guess you can search in the archive, though.
No lmao, its not. The first mention of it ANYWHERE was on Yea Forums 2 years ago. All mentions of the album elsewhere on the internet are long after that initial Yea Forums post. heres an archive link.
there are other weird, mysterious albums out there, why do we need to make shit up about some cheesy "CP" record. its really cringey and too on-the-nose to be at all spooky or believable. it doesnt even make sense ffs
>there are other weird, mysterious albums out there
please post, that's what this thread was supposed to be after all
>the first mention of it on Yea Forums was 2 years ago
rbt has a report button for a reason retard it has been a topic here well before that post, even hampus was able to get a lot of his posts deleted from the archive
>being this new
This. There was a link to it on the archive but it has since been deleted that's how I downloaded it anyway
oh fuck you nigger, eat shit and suck my fucking dick. because im a retard i believed your faggot ass and i literally just googled it and now the fbi are going to kick down my door. actually kill yourself faggoto
lmao he took the bait
have fun in jail user
>C-cry more whitey
Don't (You) have a school shooting to run away from, or is that tomorrow?
Haven’t looked it up. Would that stuff even appear on google?
Wasnt this made by the same band who wrote The Rake?
there's tons of information about it, but probably no links to dl. it got removed from slsk recently too, so if you for some reason would want to hear it, you'd have to dig somewhere deep
Does anyone know anything about that artist? Was arrested or does he live outside the US
there are literally no mentions of it ANYWHERE online pre-Jan 2017. thats Yea Forums included. And there are hundreds of posts about it on the archive. Its not like theyre trying to scrub its existence. The OG mega link is even in that thread, tho its dead ofc. On Soulseek all uploads are after that date (and every single one is a troll dl) I dare you to prove me wrong. Because im right.
1. If you listen to Daniel Johnstons work chronologically you can hear him slowly go from quirky weirdo to fully insane paranoid schizo.
2. Charles Mansons catalog
3. Giles Corey's first album has a track he recorded after depriving his brain of oxygen with a trashbag for hours, which according to album lore is called a "voors head device"
4. All Lights Fucked on the Hairy Amp Drooling, GY!BE's lost album. Select bits have surfaced a few times but never complete or in decent quality
5. Buyers Market
6. Nicole 12 - Substitute - Power electronics album that has themes of pedophilia, familial abuse, cannabalism and more.
7. Lost prophets has some really disturbing lyrics in hindsight, considering their lead singer went to prison for fucking literal babies
Thats all i have off the top of my head. ill try and remember some more rn
>there are literally no mentions of it ANYWHERE online pre-Jan 2017. thats Yea Forums included.
if anything, it's because it's childporn. i'm not fucking googling it for results though.
but i can guarantee you, this album has been a meme on Yea Forums since as early as 2009
well I've listened to it so you're wrong
i disagree with you on the whole "creppypasta album" thing but big thanks for the rec's, haven't listened to Daniel and Lost Prophets yet, the rest are good shit
fucking idiot it was called scorpion and it was the worst track how the fuck do you fuck that up if you're not lying?
Im sure you listened to something. But this album, as its usually presented, is total bullshit. No record anywhere of the artist. No record of the album pre-2017. Almost ALL mention of it since has been confined to Yea Forums, other than a couple discussions on twitter. And NO DETAILS AT ALL other than the infamous last track. With all the people who have listened to it, why dont we know the genre? Or any lyrics? or anything at all about it?
I mean, look at these posts. People claim to have listened to it but cant agree on the track's name. Are they lying? Maybe, but more than likely they both listened to a different made-up version by some bored user.
Creepypasta stuff like these often turn into self-fulfilling prophecies. If it doesn't exist at the time of the initial rumor, it isnt hard for someone to create something similar after the fact. If you heard anything at all, it was likely that
np my dude, im compiling a larger list right now. ill post it soon
>why don't we know the genre?
We do you fucking retard. Its a field recording, like buyers market but with cp.
>or any lyrics?
Because no one in their right mind would listen to an album of audio from cp, let alone write the "lyrics" down.
PROVE ME WRONG. The album isnt real. It was made up in January 2017 to fuck with you and you all took the bait, hard.
pic related, its u guys
you really showed us with that spongebob meme
Except thats not the story eveyone tells? Its supposedly a legit album, with only the last track being CP
>Because no one in their right mind would listen to an album of audio from cp
and yet dozens of ppl claim to have listened to it here. And despite that, no one can name any commonalities. Ppl even disagree on the track names. because it doesnt really exist
used wrong img lmao
I thought it was audio from dasys desruckson
that's probably the infamous last track
Ahhhh, Daisy's Destruction. Thought it was a stupid urban myth till I found it by accident. I still can't find album. I'm trying to find it anons, but I keep hitting dead ends.
Try spotify bro
I can't be that easy. I'll try. I thought I would have better success with the torrent sites and other chans.
user, see at this point the album is buried deep
Yeah, I'm going to have dig deeper. I don't know if I can find it, but if I can find DD by accident when looking for porn, I can find this.
People probably listened to a few tracks to see if it was real, and when they found out it was actuall cp, they deleted it. I doubt anyone who claimed to listen to it actually listened to more than a few tracks, which is why no one can agree about what's on the album (or the track names).
>Its supposedly a legit album, with only the last track being CP
Where did you get that info? I've always heard that it was just cp audio.
it is all cp audio, when i had dl'd it i skipped through the tracks, no music, only recordings.
I wonder if the artist "Zenjin" was not one of the people working with Peter Scully. Easy way to get the recordings.
There is a track called "Teacher" and it may not of been that track but there was definitely audio on one of the tracks of a man telling a little girl to spread her ass cheeks
honestly at first i thought p.s. made this album himself under that pseudonym, probably not the case though, but they could know eachother, or the guy just somehow downloaded the DD audio
It's just a sound collage or field recording, no real music to speak of. If you've ever heard John Duncan - Blind Date it's kinda like that, not very eventful stuff since it's just low quality audio ripped from various videos. The reason people remember the last track is because that's the only one that's full blown torture and nonstop screaming and crying for like 7 minutes.
Very possible.
I've heard it what do people want to know
are you a pedo?
Were you masturbating, while you were listening to it?
No, didnt wank for 3 days afterwards
If you actually did listen to it, what was the content of it?
it's just child porn audio nuff said
I didn't listen to everything start to finish but I skimmed through all the tracks and listened to the first one in full. It's likely all CP but only two tracks noticeably sound like it. "Teacher" sounds like it's going on in a school and it's probably the worst out of all the tracks. A lot of them are just grunts and general ambience, nothing to really give away what it is. I genuinely didn't think it was what it was before I got it off slsk and listened in a group call with ppl. Once I'd heard enough I deleted it.
This thread ruined my day.
Naruto ninetails fox coat fur
>wh- whoa guys...
it's on slsk you incels go listen to it yourselves.
it's not actually
lol it got removed m8
Not him but how does that work, can slsk ban certain words and phrases?
it's been a meme since like 2011 or probably earlier but that was the year i started coming, so definitely not a 2017 Yea Forumscreated album. i used to have the album downloaded but got deleted along with all of my music because of hard-drive malfunction.
it's on youtube btw
ha ha no it's not
oh fuck nevermind i thought you guys were talking about buyer's market lol didn't even know about what you were talking about
They banned it a long time ago.
Even if the artist is on last fm, I don’t want to click it.
What does it show?
pseudoscorpion is music, it’s just illegal music
music is defined by intention. this is pornography and hence not music
unless you think every single sound is music in which case go away and talk to someone as dumb as yourself
“It’s music”
Blind Date?
well there is intention here. someone going out of their way to compile all this shit sounds like intention to me
>every single sound is music
no, because not every single sound has intention
epic memes
it's not on youtube and it's not been around since 2011
not defined by "having an intention", it has to be the right intention - intended as music
this shit is I doubt even possible to listen to artistically without some serious psychological defects
the fact that it was compiled already shows it was intended as music. just because it’s fucked up doesn’t make it not music. these are not groundbreaking concepts.
>the fact that it was compiled already shows it was intended as music
this is dumb as hell. some audio files can be shared in the same directory without it being music
grats on being more edgy than me but you're very obviously wrong
and what makes those audio files not music? obviously wrong based on which objective metric? you’re making baseless statements based on emotional reaction to an admittedly immoral album but it doesn’t discount the fact that it’s art.
whether or not it’s good art, that’s a different story.
>based on which objective metric?
oh no you got me! it was actually a subjective question! who knew?
whatever dude you're not listening
well the fact that you used the word wrong implies objectivity. changing your tune when pressed for elaboration just shows you’re reacting impulsively to someone playing devil’s advocate for a controversial album.
>the word wrong implies objectivity
it doesn't even in the slightest
>Not in conformity with fact or truth; incorrect or erroneous
requires an objective fact or truth
>Contrary to conscience, morality, or law
requires an established rule or generally agreed on morality, again, a metric
>Not fitting or suitable; inappropriate or improper
requires again, a universal consensus or an objective metric for the opposite.
remaining definitions are not applicable to this scenario obviously
so any definition of the word wrong needs a universally agreed on or objectively provable metric of right. remember, you cannot prove a negative, only a positive.
Conscience, morality and law aren't objective you utter retard
What exactly is so infamous about Nicole 12? I listened to some of their stuff on youtube a while ago and it just sounded like someone tried to make power electronics in fl studio with a pitch effect on their voice.
>I have downloaded it
Link us up then ol chap