
György Ligeti edition

>General Folder #1. Renaissance up to 20th century/modern classical. Also contains a folder of live recordings/recitals by some outstanding performers.
>General Folder #3. Mostly 20th century/modern with other assorted bits and pieces
>General Folder #4. Renaissance up to early/mid-20th century. Also contains a folder of Scarlatti sonate and another live recording/recital folder.
>General Folder #5. Renaissance up to late 19th century
>General Folder #6. Very eclectic mix
>General Folder #8. Deutsche Grammophon stuff. Also there's some other stuff in here.
>Renaissance Folder #1. Mass settings
>Renaissance Folder #2. Motets and madrigals (plus Leiden choirbooks)
>Debussy Folder.
>Jewish Folder
>Opera Folder. Contains recorded video productions of about 10 well-known operas, with a bias towards late Romantic
>Book Folder #1. Random assortment of books on music theory and composition, music history etc.
>Book Folder #2. Random assortment of books on music theory and composition, music history etc.

Folders No.2 and No.7 have died. Rest in peace. New Jewish music folder added.

Previous edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


RIP folders 2 and 7
Long live our jewish overlords

Nice rare LiGETi-

mfw 8-Bit-theory gets pedagogic now


>8-bit Music Theory

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what /classical/ thinks of Pires?

Post something of his you think is good and then I'll tell you.


Alan Belkin and Richard Atkinson tho.

Good choices. I like also some analysis channels that don't focus on classical music like polyphonic and I really enjoyed this one:


I don't like 8-bit-music-theory much though, not because he gives false information, but because he has no feeling of what a composer does intentionally and what he does unintentionally which is a pivotal aspect in musical analysis.

I don't like 8bit music theory because his channel has a gimmicky and stupid concept. Most of the stuff he analyzes isn't even musically interesting, least of all where regards the theme of the video.


according to his patreon this dork gets 3,000 $ for one video, youtube tributes not included



FUCK j*ws

to be fair and by all criticism, his videos seem to be a lot of work and, again, he doesn't give false information. The problem is, a lot of stuff that goes on musically in the stuff he analyses is part of the style of the composer. However, 8-bit always tries to sell it as techniques to evoke a certain effect which just isn't true and makes a lot of his videos unwatchable

can you give examples pls

his videos are often labeled as "how ... uses ... to make music sound ..." and I think that's not how analysis should work. It gets to the topic from the wrong side. 1) the impression one gets from certain music should be already developed before analysing something and the deductions you get from that should be your own business. A good analysis (maybe except for some personal notes on the way) should imho focus on the pure musical aspects; 2) this approach neglects the fact that our musical vocabulary is built by examples of how musical devices got used in the past. Musical devices transport rarely a certain emotion on their own. But according to 8-bit chromaticism either sounds 'funny' or 'creepy' or chromatic mediants sound 'heroic'. This might be true, but the videos focus so much on the illusion that composers use these techniques to evoke a certain atmosphere which is in my opinion not true and also not relevant. I wonder how 8-bit would analyse a Bach fugue when there's no extra-musical intention he could cling to.

>This might be true

How so?


Is that why Bach sounds so boring

is your link part of the question?
It might be true because certain musical devices tend to transport a certain emotion, but that should just not be the focus of an analysis. 8-bit wastes so much time on that..! There are often so many interesting aspects of the music sample he skips, either because he doesn't notice or because he rather uses the time to point out what effect it has on the listener... which the listeners already figured out themselves

>Is that why Bach sounds so boring
the more absolute music is, the more you have to find your own associations to give the music value. Maybe your first reaction to that empty canvas is that it sounds boring

I'm saying chromaticism is used all the time in a way that is neither funny nor creepy.

What kind of other aspects do you have in mind? I know nothing of theory and as far as I know every aspect of music is chosen with the intent of making the listener feel something specific

No, that's because you have an instance of maximal density where your brain is supposed to be.

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>I know every aspect of music is chosen with the intent of making the listener feel something specific
that's not always true. Often a musical device means something to the composer, but it can mean something completely different for the listener. In music for video games and movies it might be true that composers have a vocabulary to evoke certain emotions or to illustrate the story, but that should be more part of the film theory. If you want to analyse the music you're normally already aware of what the music evokes. If I read an analysis of a fugue or a sonata I want only to get pointed out pure musical relations within the piece. To connect them with the emotions I already know they evoke is educating and fun to do. 8-Bit skips this almost exclusively except for a few notes on the side. I think it should be the other way round. I know that this style is more appealing to non-musical audience, but it's too bland for my taste and I don't even want to sound arrogant. I just can't watch his videos because he wastes the time with pointing out what the composers' intention with some musical idea was, when this is the most irrelevant thing you could talk about.

that's my point

why did you say "that might be true" then?

>pure musical relations within the piece
But I don't understand what you mean by that. Wouldn't all musical relations be connected to emotions? What other kind of "dry" relation are there?

becaue it might be true that an ascending chromatic line sounds sad and the composer wanted it to sound sad. That's reducing the music to the most obvious aspect and you could finish talking about it literally after the one sentence with which I described it. It would be much more interesting to watch a video that analyses all Kakariko songs or all SNES Super Mario songs instead of "why sounds Mario music funny?!" btw some 8-bit videos even do that, like when he analyses all Zelda overworld themes, and some of his videos are really enjoyable. I just don't like to waste my time with pseudo-academic music analysis that throws around technical terms but in the end touches only the most superficial aspects of the music. Maybe video game music is too simplistic for such analysises to begin with, idk. I like arrangements like this one


that's how a good analysis works. It substracts anything subjectiv (as far as possible) and analyses the quantifyiable parts. In a fugue analysis that would mean seperating the motifs of which the theme consists, finding relations between the dux, comes and counterpoints to each other and to the basic motif and theme, how the entrances are structures, if there are strettos, pedal etc. You can fill pages with it and it is fun to read if you already know the piece and already connect it to a certain emotion. There's no need to lose a single word for example to describe that this stretto sounds 'very sad' or whatever. Same goes with Beethoven sonatas, maybe even more so because almost everybody has an emotional response to them while they still can be seperated in their functional pieces quite easily. Try it yourself, look up an analysis of a classical piece you like.


Why the fuck is atonal music so bad

Because there is an instance of maximal density where your brain is supposed to be.

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because you haven't developed a vocabulary of the sounds in your head yet

Because you're not a nihilist cretin

t. nihilist cretin

Just heard Schönberg's violin concerto. Holy fuck. Regressive cretins are missing out.



Kpop seventh chords

No! Bad user! Bad Bad! *wields rolled up newspaper*

Because I prefer older styles of performance practice insofar as certain repertoire is concerned. Also, even though recording technology is indeed better these days, I would posit that we've been seeing diminishing returns in that area ever since stereo became common place (1950s). In some cases, like with Mercury, they did a better job than most modern engineers and their work still sounds pretty great. And of course audiophiles like to fawn over the Culshaw-era of Decca the most, what with their coarse but immediate sound and the multi-miking which highlights parts of the orchestra that you would never hear.



and then Solti ruins all that by conducting like shit

Whats the best recording of the missa solemnis?(beethoven) i'm looking for something 1960+

I've asked this before and nobody replied to me, I though you guys wanted to help newbies to get into classical.

Klemperer /WDR

just saw verdis Un ballo in maschera
semi convinced that hes superior to wagner, but ill probably change my mind after seeing tristan und isolde

You haven't heard Tristan yet? Or have you listened to it but not seen?

Beethoven stole Eroica from Mozart

and Mozart stole it from Schobert. Jahn shows in his Mozart biography that it was a cliche theme lots of composers used.. dude, that wasn't the romantic era were a theme had to be personal. A theme for Beethoven is only material to derive his ideas from.

I was in the middle of typing an angry response but holy shit you're right.

Opinion on Rachmaninoff Op. 36?

>only 12 years old

jesus, fucking kill me

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beethoven "stole" a lot from mozart


listened, but i feel like you can only fully appreciate something like that in full when you see it proper

To be fair Beethoven made a much nicer melody out of that.


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True but Culshaw worked with a lot of conductors, including Furtwangler and Knappertsbusch. Though his experience with Furtwangler was a pretty bad one.

Honestly sometimes I find myself wondering how much of Solti's crass sense of balance was himself and how much of it was Culshaw. Because Culshaw was very much a wannabe conductor.

Not me. I'm trying to reverse the tide of the Beethoven underrating that I started.



dies iræ, dies illa
solvet sæclum in favilla,
teste david cum sibylla

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Holy shit, that part at 4:30 is fucking terrible.



>inb4 not music

Based pedo Bartok

uhh, what?


Berlioz I already listened in order;
Les Troyens
Symphonie FantastiKEK
Romeo Juliet
Symphonie funebre et triumphale

Berlioz to check in the future;
Damnation of Faust

Only then I'll be done with this frenchiecuck
I'm liking his unique forms like Symphonic hybrids with opera and choral sacred music, sometimes it can get a little gimmickery though
Another thing I like about him is how he can sound like a classical era composer sometimes and also go full late Romantic firetrucker when is needed


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Which recording of Rome and Juliette have you chosen?

Also check out Harold in Italy

Havergal Brian

Baremboin for Romeo and Juliet
Colin davis for symphonie funebre and Les Troyens
Abbado for Symphonie FantastiKEK
What do you think?

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Baremboim is pretty meh conductor in my opinion. Colin Davis is pretty good actually and on Abbado I haven't heard him conducting that work so no idea.

>Baremboim is pretty meh conductor in my opinion.
And pianist too.

Barenboim in Proms 2012 was pure kino. He's the master of interpreting Beethoven, though not much else I'm afraid.

As a pianist I disagree, I once heard his interpretation of the Sonata No.1 and I found it pretty good compared to most of the other recordings, which played it like if it was a childish piece

yeah, his masterclasses on Beethoven's piano sonatas are on youtube and I find them quite interesting

Do any of you fucks here actually compose?



the pleb's favorite part of the requiem mass
Chad's like the Confutatis and the Sanctus

I played a few notes once on my keyboard and it sounded pretty sick
Other than that I can't even read sheet music what do you think

Why is he so underrated? His genius was just as great as Mussorgsky or Borodin

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>His genius was just as great as Mussorgsky

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many of Mussorgsky's musical ideas as well as the rest of the five were influenced by balakirev's originality





Just got back from a performance of Brahms 1. There was one of those gay Indigenous Land Acknowledgements from an oboist of all things. Also the codnuctor had the orchestra arranged in a rather ridiculous way. Basically, timpanist smack in the middle, brass divided into the very back corners, elevated platforms with a single violist and single violinist on either side. He seemed like kind of a douche. Speaking of being a douche, I got a Mahler bumper sticker that I've affixed to my car ironically.

There's a lot of versions I'm fond of but by far the one with the best chorus work is Kegel's recording.
How was the performance though
I'm super picky about Brahms 1, most performances unfortunately bore me.

It wasn't great, serviceable, but what can you expect from a small city's philharmonic.


based. credo and lacrimosa too

Because it takes the part of music that sounds good and specifically avoids it

Is that based or not

>wahhhh wahhhh bloo blooooo give me tonic dominant ;(

Remember when Schoenberg was like "one day 12 tone music will be the one enjoyed by the people! That will be the music we hear them hum outdoors as they go on about their lives! They will sing it to their children!"


atonal writing is just another tool to use

because your brain is bad

Anecdote from Gould for the night m8s


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I will never listen to anything Gould has ever done do you understand me?

no can you say that again?

Nah I'm lazy

Gould is the Blackpill come bach(lol) to him after a few decades of listening to Classical

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>paying attention to what gould has to say
>reposting it for others
why? we don't care about Gould's interpretations, let alone what he has to say.

thanks for the links I’ll surely listen to all of these

Holy shit WTC is so good. Recommend me recordings please I've no idea who to listen to I've been just sampling different performers

Ligeti sucks cock.

youre mom does

Because you are psychologically wired to like the music you grew up with (which is most likely purely tonal), while atonal music is the absolute opposite of that, and learning new musical languages usually takes a little understanding, context and an improved listening experience; much like you don't like coffee and alcohol when you are a little kid but if you grow up and improve your tastes, you love it. Okay, maybe a bit off with that analogy, in this case atonality would have to be some sort of really strong and stinky cheese that only a handful of people enjoy but, still, you get the point...

With those lips? hnng

>looking up sheet music for a piece
>all the results are CDs

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He ain't so bad

Guys you have check this out. This game has a lot of references to classical in his soundtrack

>me like tonic-dominant relationship
>me like tempered system
>no like anything else
>it bad

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>mfw discovered Haydn wrote shitloads of operas, oratorios and concertos
>mfw they're excellent

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based. also


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Have you tried imslp.org?

pic related
This guy is one of the supreme Bach interpreters on piano, and its a very modern recording too - his second time recording the WTC (last time was in the 80s) so he's become even more intimate with the character of each piece since then.

Attached: WTC Schiff 2011.jpg (1330x1198, 209K)

>Have you tried imslp.org?
composer isnt in public domain lad

Fuck off Poly

t. seething nihilist cretins

If Nietzsche knowed about Mahler, he would hate him even more than Wagner because he represents the nihilistic side of romanticism and the adoration of the death and religious fantaisies

Based and redpilled.

Cringe and bluepilled.

Thank you for this user

So this is the new buzzword you tasteless dumbasses are using now, huh?

Then you're going to have to buy the score, or go to a library that has a good score collection (like a university or music college) and scan / photocopy it illegally.

Nice ad hominem faggot

t. Nihilist post-Modernist Cretin


That incel is not an authority on music

Yeah, he just influenced directly wagner and a lot of postromantic and modernists composers indirectly

Louis Thiry


you mean wagner influenced him

no, the contrary

Schopenhauer influenced romantic composers and Wagner influenced others. The only relevant composer Nietzsche influenced was Richard Strauss.

Anyone know if there's a working torrent of the 2005 Tristan anywhere?

Just avoid Schitt and you’ll be fine

Evelyne Crochet is nice


He's a great authority on taste though.
Speaking of philosophers, Wagner was mostly influenced by Hegel and earlier romantics, not Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.

>not Schopenhauer
>implying it wasn't Schopenhauer's idealistic view on music as a transcendental act or Kunstreligion that shaped Wagner's music the most

I bet you believe in free will fag

Nietzsche is the last authority on anything you should want to check out and one of the most pathetic men to ever live

>Wagner was mostly influenced by Hegel and earlier romantics, not Schopenhauer
Wagner literally worshipped Schopenhauer and read the World as Will and Representation over 10 times.

At least not as pathetic as Marx

Free will is a fact even in a deterministic universe

Lmao being deterministic is the most pathetic thing ever. Always blaming other things but not yourself of your coinditions

I agree with you but I think that what you mean is actually fatalism, not determinism.

>ad hominem
Determinism and free will are mutually exclusive.
Reminder Nietzsche didn't even believe in free will himself by the way.

>>Yea Forums

Yea Forums gonna stay here bitch



Does anyone get bored of Bach after a while? Like, the technicality and complexity is impressive at first. But his stuff just doesn't feel that expressive. So much of it is also rhythmically straightforward that it feels a bit stale except the occasional nested rhythms or if you got someone like Angela Hewitt on the piano who dynamically shifts tempo to give the works more life.

>being impressed by music

>Determinism and free will are mutually exclusive.
Even in a deterministic universe your decisions are still a byproduct of your brain in reaction to the outer world, so they still are a consequence of your will

But they aren't free.

The main problem with Bach imo is that his output is really inteligent music that always requires a lot of concentration to be listened to, so it can become tiresome after a while. I like Hewitt too but I’m not really fond of tempo shifts in Bach interpretations overall

That's why baroquefags are a bunch of pseuds

They aren’t nondeterministic, which means that they are not casual

Bach is very different from other baroque composers tho

Yeah by being worse


Thanks user!

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Am I crazy for hearing Morning Mood in Bartok's third piano concerto or is it actually being referenced?

At last another intellectual, fuck Bog


No, it's just that both are pentatonic-type motifs, the use of which is basically all-pervasive in folk musics.

I think he’s just toying with the classic tonic major third/dominant fifth that is found in a lot of pieces

>everyone recommending Angela Hewitt for Bach
>not on Spotify

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I think I feel this more for Bach's output in regards to tracking exact harmonic progressions as individual melodies often become much easier to track as individually, each line is far more straightforward than one might expect.

A lot of his stuff is fugal as well. So like, their being like four (or five? been a while) separate vocal parts in Mass In B Minor, they are all fugal and follow that same pattern one after the other.
Bach wasn't the only dude doing counterpoint at his time, nor using fancy chords.
One of the Mega links about has one of her performances for Bach.

You can find a lot of her interpretations on YouTube tho

>tonic major third
>dominant fifth
Can someone translate pelase I'm deaf

Mega links *above

Post some ''Fiddler On The Roof''-core

Listen to the very begenning of this pieces and find the similarity

What's a good symphony to listen to while drunk?

Shostakovich fifth



Essential Mozart?

Basically anything after like K30


Basically everything after like K300*

Any Strauss or Scriabin.

More Gould Autism

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What's some music like Dvorak String Quartet 12. I've listened to other string quartets from lists but none of them sound so pretty

my cock slapping against a table

lets hear a recording




>Nietzsche is the last authority on anything you should want to check out and one of the most pathetic men to ever live
Truly repulsive, I'd say. He was a brilliant once-in-a-millennium philologist at the very least, no matter what bizarre idea about him one may form.
>implying it wasn't Schopenhauer's idealistic view on music as a transcendental act
Certainly not, Hegel was a much more massive figure of that time especially for young bourgeois revolutionary Germans like Wagner. As Nietzsche put it, one can discern Hegel's speculations in Wagner's harmony. Schopenhauer was the spiritus sanctus of their era, but God the Father resided in another lecture room.

Recommend me some violent piano pieces. I really enjoy Scriabin, Prokofiev and Rachmaninoff.

>spiritus sanctus
>God the Father



How dare he? Mozart himself would NEVER do something like that.


What do you think /classical/?


excuse me?
And by the way, I would say Feuerbach was God the Son of Wagner, an overlooked link in his philosophical development from the young bourgeois revolutionary to a self-reflecting late romantic at odds with the Hegelian system and earlier optimism.

In defense of Mozart, I would say that he left his Requiem unfinished

What is the best set of piano preludes of the XX century?

No such thing. Overrated hack.


I had a question for the Anons here. I always though that there was something in Bach's Siciliano from the Flute Sonata BWV 1031 (E-Flat Major) that had some kind of late classical-romantic feeling to it.
I don't know if it's the atmosphere, something in those arpeggio's harmony, but it's just a feeling I've had for long. I can't say why, though, as I'm completely illiterate on that regard.
Am I completely off the mark?

That's the second movement of the Requiem, that one is completely done by him. And he did direct the Messiah, he even adapted it to German to be performed in Vienna. So he was much aware of it.


There is also a toccata from an early slavic XX century composer in proximity with Lourie, Feinberg, etc. of which I can't remeber the name

The first movement from Scriain's second sonata is confy as fuck






Found it. It was Lourie but it wasn't a toccata:

Also try these:

I'm at this Beat Furrer concert in munich right now
Anyone know this composer?
So far it has been ok

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And this:

I also just found this that is not for piano but is fucking great

Need to give this several listens. Brilliant themes and climaxes.
Cool as fuck.
Believe it or not, I've heard all these except for Bartok - The Chase and the De Falla-pieces. Will check them out. I love almost every Liszt-work.

I want to fuck this art hoe



If you haven't listened The Chase one you may also want to check the first one of these:

Also, have you ever read/heard of this (I don't know if it was traslated into english)?

This will be a challenge. Thank you.
Exactly what I'm looking for.
I already love the first etude, intense stuff.

Never heard about the book you are linking to, what is it about?

It's a encyclopedia/overview on all the most important composers and pieces in the history of keyboard/piano music. It's really in depth because it's a two ~500 volumes tome. I bought it as a teenager and it really jump-started my knowledge of solo piano music. It's the reason why I wasn't that surprised that you already knew all these piano pieces.

based and poccnrpilled

The third etude is quite violent too btw


Cool, that sounds like an essential read, too bad I can't understand french. I've played piano all my life and am about to become a boomer, that's why I've heard a lot of those pieces. I'm always searching for something dramatic and breathtaking, like Prokofiev's second piano concerto for example.
I really appreciate the recommendations I got here. Good general you guys got going on.

I got through them all now, loving it.
Good stuff.

I just took a look around and I found it in french, spanish and italian.

Too bad, I'm from Norway, which means I only know Swedish, English and pretend to know Danish.
Is there a list of some sort? It would be nice to know what pieces to check out.

It has an analytical index that's several pages long, but I could scan it if you can wait a bit. It could also be put in a folder for future /classical/lurkers.

Thank you, I would really appreciate that.

I started scanning but it will take a while.

Looking forward to it.

He's one of the better contemporary composers that I've heard.

Speaking of Sorabji, definitely check out his Opus Clavicembalisticum...

I've listened to it, but never the whole thing in one sitting. That piece almost scared me when I was younger. Just imagine having to dedicate a huge portion of your life to this thing.

Give me some cool Beethoven that I haven't listened to before.

none of those are similar, you deaf moron.

Here it is
1 / 29

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Coriolan Overture is my favorite lesser known Beethoven piece

have you listened to all the symphonies, not just the well known ones

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>lists Chemin de fer by Alkan
This is going to be great. I love that piece.

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>people still haven't realised they're helping Hans

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i thought he died

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Don’t care. This can be interesting for everyone.

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It's so comfy and quiet without that pretentious dumbass cunt around here.

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you tempt fate

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Take a look at this one

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Man, that's incredible. Now I have a lifetime's worth of piano repertoire to delve into. Thank you so much.

Attached: GpwOLba.png (756x278, 110K)

You're welcome. Also give a try at searching in one of the languages you know "tranchefort listening guide for piano and harpsichord music", maybe it was translated in some other languages that I don't know.

I can't find anything, honestly. But the scans you provided will be more than enough for me anyway.

I created a Mega folder in case the /classical/ threads creator(s) wants to share it in the next original post


I also polished the scans to make them more readable if you want to download them again

the only good thing shittke ever put out youtu.be/2GBwgNB0XVU

Definitely my favorite Schnittke piece but not the only good one

Noice, that looks clean.

New edition

Not really /classical/ but I don't know where else to ask.

This is in the catalogue of a record store in a city near me. The rightmost column is the 'format'

Can someone tell me what "Comp" and "RE" are?

Oops, here's the picture

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-09 10-24-13.png (1092x98, 20K)

Compilation and re-issue.

Thanks mate

Are you a homossexual?