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All but Slayer were singleĀ“s bands. Anthrax is the worst of them all.
anthrax is still pretty good though
metallica is the worst by far
Metallica=Megadeth > Anthrax=Slayer
all good tho
2 tiers
Metallica > Megadeth > Slayer > Anthrax
best album by each
Ride the Lightning
Rust in Peace
Reign in Blood
Among the Living
I agree with all of this except Peristence of Time for Anthrax. I think that is their actual masterpiece and I like it more than anything Slayer put out.
reign in blood
master of puppets
rust in peace
among the living
Slayer > Anthrax > Metallica > Megadeth
Kill 'Em All
Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?
Reign In Blood
Among The Living
Ahh the big 8
Exodus>Megadeth>Sodom>Sabbat>Pantera>Sepultura>Sacred Reich> and S u i c i d a l
>Exodus that high
>Pantera in general, much less classifying them as a thrash band
>Suicidal but no Anthrax
Fucking kill yourself
Pantera are better than your favorite band
Only valid opinion
But my favorite band is Megadeth. Pantera is garbage aside from Power Metal and a few of the Cowboys songs
show no mercy
ride the lightning
peace sells
anthrax sucks
if you unironically choose reign in blood you're retarded
Ride the Lightning
Peace Sells
Reign in Blood
Among the Living
OK yeah Megadeth are better but Pantera are still really great, what don't you like about them?
tough guy chugga chugga bullshit
you probably have sub 100 iq if you listen to pantera
>not liking chuggs
man up
nah he's right that caveman metal shit is embarassing.
Why is everyone so picky when it comes to metal? I literally candig any kind of metal
Metallica > Megadeth > Slayer = Anthrax. I say it everytime, and I'm always right.
There is no reason to explain why Metallica and Megadeth are both great and leagues beyond the other two, but it's worth mentioning that Slayer has been derivative garbage for the better part of their career and whatever contributions they made toward XTREEM metal were overshadowed by those that came after rendering them useless. And they weren't even good at spoopy evul metal for their time, it had been done better. As for Anthrax, they get too much hate, they're Slayer tier and not an inch beneath, they have good stuff, they have bad stuff, but overall are pretty mediocre.
Pantera was never a thrash band though, they were a glam metal band leaning more to the trad metal side and then groove metal.
this except Slayer are way better than Anthrax
Megadeth > Metallica >>> Slayer >= Anthrax
That being said Voivoid (and Watchtower) are the superior thrash bands
Slayer > Megadeth > Metallica >= Anthrax
Slayer is not way better than Anthrax in any way. For every good Slayer song there is a good Anthrax song, and a shitload of filler and forgettable throw away material in between.
Rust In Peace
Ride the Lightning
Seasons in the Abyss
Have heard exactly 0 of their albums.
chugs are sick as shit if they're not retarded pantera groove bullshit that relies entirely on them. metal has always used them but not retardedly like pantera.
>Slayer has been derivative garbage for the better part of their career
you mean like every big 4 band after 1990?
>whatever contributions they made toward XTREEM metal were overshadowed by those that came after rendering them useless.
that's an absolutely cancerous way of thinking. music isn't obsolete just because someone else takes it further. slayer offers a different experience than the bands that one upped them in extremity.
>And they weren't even good at spoopy evul metal for their time, it had been done better.
that's just silly. there weren't a ton of competitors and most of them were amateur in comparison. slayer is easily the best underground metal band of the first half of the 80s.
>you mean like every big 4 band after 1990?
Subjective but fair enough, though none have stagnated and repeated themselves as much as Slayer
>that's an absolutely cancerous way of thinking. music isn't obsolete just because someone else takes it further. slayer offers a different experience than the bands that one upped them in extremity.
It's not a moot point when the number one thing Slayer fans point to to prove their superiority is that they were more extreme. Well, that throne was quickly usurped within a couple years.
>that's just silly. there weren't a ton of competitors and most of them were amateur in comparison. slayer is easily the best underground metal band of the first half of the 80s.
If Halloween devil music is what you're looking for, Mercyful Fate did it better than Slayer.
I'm the poster you quoted and I appreciate your civility. The lower tempo chugs don't go with the aggression and attitude they were trying to force with their look and lyrics, and they do that on every fucking post-Cowboys song. Even something potentially good with a doomy vibe like Floods has that shit. Listen to the demo "The Will to Survive" and then tell me that we were better off with "This Love". Pantera is a direct predecessor of Five Finger Death Punch with their bullshit, I'd argue as the biggest "groove metal" band they're also responsible for nu metal and metalcore
Pantera IS my favorite band
>though none have stagnated and repeated themselves as much as Slayer
does it really matter which pile of shit smells worse?
>the number one thing Slayer fans point to to prove their superiority is that they were more extreme.
that's only what reign in blood fanboys think. i've never heard that in my life from somebody who thinks any other slayer album is the best
>If Halloween devil music is what you're looking for, Mercyful Fate did it better than Slayer.
they didn't do it better because they did different things. you generalize as something like "halloween devil music" when you can't just sum them up with that. they're wholly different experiences
Whatever they're still amazing. Maybe learn to just enjoy music and not be a fag
i enjoy music that's actually good thanks
Celtic Frost > Everything else.
that's a fact this is an opinionated question
What a disgusting meme
In terms of success in the mainstream; Metallica is number one. But I'll always be a Slayer guy---they continued to make thrash while the other's dipped in radio rawk and later dad rock. Slayer is the pure answer.
Metallica = Slayer > Megadeth > Anthrax
Kill 'Em All = Ride The Lightning
Reign in Blood = Seasons in the Abyss
From best to worst
Anthrax sucks ass
Megadeth > Slayer > Metallica
never listened to anthrax
>Pleb Ranking
>Actual Ranking
Metallica>>>>>Megadeth>Anthrax=Slayer (their only really good album is Hell Awaits)
>ranking Slayer on top
>not ranking Anthrax at all
How did some of you end up being this faggy?